Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 767 Time Paradox, Metapod Evolution!

As the crystal turtle puts his hands together, the same starlight as the Wishing Star will descend from the sky to heal the target.

Although the healing effect is not as good as Jirachi, it is also 80% of Jirachi.

Not only Jirachi.

After touching Celebi, Taile Bagos obtained Celebi's pink Taijing and understood Celebi's time healing.

After touching Shemy, he obtained Shemy's purification power.

After touching Tao Dailang, he understood Tao Dailang's control over toxins.

In this way, the four little guys plus Taile Bagos began to clean up the poison in the Zero Chaos Space.

Time passed.

It took nearly half a month for the five elves to clean up all the toxins in the Zero Chaos Space and the Taijing Chaos Space, and to treat all the toxins of the ancient and future paradoxical elves.

Unfortunately, this is not enough.

Logically speaking, the Zero Chaos Space should have returned to peace after the toxins were cleaned up.

But for some reason, the Zero Chaos Space began to emit one or two space-time turbulences from time to time. Several elves could not find the reason and did not know how to deal with it.

Finally, at the suggestion of Taile Bagos, several elves helped the paradoxical elves in the Zero Chaos Space to migrate to another relatively stable chaotic space, that is, the Taijing Chaos Space where Taile Bagos lived.

In a few days, all the paradoxical elves in the Zero Chaos Space were migrated.

Thanks to Taile Bagos' optimistic and cheerful personality, the four little guys became friends with Taile Bagos in twenty days.

Taile Bagos also learned from Jirachi and Shemi that the other party came from the world seven thousand years later, learned about Mark, and learned about the story of Tao Dailang and Erguiyan in the future.

In the next period of time, Tao Dailang will take three men to snatch Erguiyan's mask, and then start a seven-thousand-year battle with Erguiyan in the Zero Chaos Space.

In addition, Taile Bagos also learned about its separation from Jirachi, Shemy and other elves.

Taile Bagos was not sad about this.

Because, although its current injuries have been treated to a certain extent with the help of Jirachi, they have not been fully recovered. It still needs a long time to recover slowly through sleep.

And seven thousand years should be about the same.

When Jirachi leaves, it will almost fall asleep, and then wake up after seven thousand years, and then it will meet Jirachi and Shemy again.

"Then Taile Bagos, Jirachi has left, we will see each other in seven thousand years!"

"Tai Le~!"


"Tai Le~!"

"Mi is gone too, Taile Bagos, we will see you later!"

"Tai Le~!"

"La Bi!"

"Tai Le~!"

Accompanied by a colorful light, the figures of Jirachi, Tao Dai Lang, Shemy, and Celebi disappeared.

Taile Bagos originally planned to go to bed immediately, but unfortunately he was not very sleepy.

The little crystal turtle picked up the game console that Jirachi left for it and started playing games. After playing games for several months, Tailebags finally fell asleep.

The expected sleep of seven thousand years did not happen. After only eighty years, Tailebags woke up confusedly.

So, Tailebags once again picked up the game console left by Jirachi to play games to kill time.

A few months later, Tailebags fell asleep again.

A hundred years later, Tailebags woke up again. This time the game console was broken. Tailebags finally read the comics left by Jirachi, and then Tailebags fell asleep again a few months later.

Wake up, sleep, wake up, sleep, wake up, sleep... wake up!

Tailebagos picked up the tattered comic book next to him, and suddenly realized something, his eyes lit up...



"Finally back, I wonder how Tailebagos is doing..."



"Well, Mi also thinks Tailebagos should be fine!"

The little guys who returned discussed continuously, but soon stopped.

Because Tailebagos appeared!


For Jirachi, Shemy, Taodalang, and Celebi, they just parted with Tailebagos.

But for Tailebagos, Jirachi, Shemy, Taodalang, and Celebi, the four elves, have been away for seven thousand years.

Although Tailebagos was asleep for most of the seven thousand years, it also woke up a lot in the middle.

So, seeing Jirachi and Shemy coming, Tailebagos immediately hugged several good friends warmly.

"Tai Le?"

The hug did not continue. Tai Le Bagos soon discovered other paradoxical elves living nearby.

The next moment, power surged out of Tai Le Bagos' body, and the nearby land was covered with crystals. A passage appeared in the void. The nearby paradoxical elves were summoned and went to the passage to enter the safe Tai Jing Chaos Space.

"Tai Le, Tai Le Tai Le~"

Seeing Jirachi, Shemi and other elves looking puzzled, Tai Le Bagos immediately explained.

The last time it fell asleep was probably two hundred years ago. During this period, some paradoxical elves fled to the Absolute Zero Chaos Space. It guessed that it might be caused by Er Gui Yan.

Since Jirachi, Shimei, and Momojiro left, the time and space turbulence in the Zero Zero chaotic space has become more serious, and it has never released the paradoxical elves.

Until one day, Ergui came to the Taijing Chaos Space where it was sleeping and accidentally woke it up. After that, Ergui always accidentally released the paradoxical elves during the process of opening the channel.

It actually told Ekueipu not to cause trouble for the Taojie Lang, but Ekueipu still always bullied the trio of Moo Jielang and Baoban, saying that he wanted to take back his mask.

Since it often falls into deep sleep, it doesn't pay much attention to Egui Pun.

"So that's it." Jirachi nodded repeatedly, and suddenly thought of something and asked: "Then Tai Lebagos, have you recovered from your injuries?"

The little crystal turtle shook his head: "Too happy, too happy~"

Originally it should have recovered at this time, but because the time and space turbulence in the Absolute Zero Chaos Space continued to spread, some time and space turbulence also appeared in the Taijing Chaos Space.

Although those space-time turbulences were not serious, its recovery from injuries was still affected to some extent.

Jirachi asked in surprise: "Has your Taijing chaotic space also been affected? What is going on with these space-time turbulences, and why are they getting more and more serious?"

Several elves discussed with each other, and finally all focused on Shiemi.

Although Xie Mi often eats garbage on weekdays, his intelligence is obviously a level higher than that of many elves.

"What are you all looking at? Mi doesn't know. It's better to ask Mark about this kind of thing." Xie Mi blinked and suddenly discovered something: "Eh? Mark!"

In the sight, Mark appeared without knowing when.

At this time, Mark was standing not far away holding his chin.

Also appearing at the same time were the Armored Chrysalis, as well as countless space-time turbulences, which continued to sink into the Armored Chrysalis' body.

Mark: "I already know about your affairs. If my guess is correct, it should be the paradox of time and space, causing these time turbulence in the absolute chaotic space."

"Space-time paradox?" Jirachi looked confused: "Momojiro didn't meet Momojiro in the past. How could there be a time-space paradox?"


Momojiro nodded. Jirachi had warned it, so even though it wanted to tell its past self after it returned to the past, it still held back.

Mark shook his head slightly: "There is more than one kind of time and space paradox. The key to triggering this time and space paradox lies in the first time."

"The original first time?"


"What's the meaning?"


"Tai Le~?"

Not only the little guys, but also Tailebagos expressed doubts.

Mark: "It's a bit like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. You traveled through time and space, indirectly affecting the fate of Momo and Ergui, as well as this absolutely chaotic space."

Jirachi: "What's the problem?"


Mark: "The problem is that the reason why you travel through time and space is precisely because this absolutely chaotic space is not normal with Momo.

So, it was Momo and this absolutely chaotic space that became abnormal first, and then you traveled through time and space?

Or is it that Momo and this zero-chaos space were originally normal, but ended up being abnormal because of your travels through time and space? "

The few little guys looked at each other, feeling a little dizzy.

Mark continued: “In fact, our previous time travel has occasionally triggered this kind of time and space paradox of which came first, the chicken or the egg.

For example, those villagers who saved King Lei Guan and the permanently frozen snowfield.

It's just that those time and space paradoxes have no impact, and the environment here is too special.

And this is the key to the evolution of the Iron Armored Chrysalis, not only the past and the future, but also the contradiction between time and space. "

Hundreds of time and space turbulences are still converging on the body of the armored chrysalis.

Mark walked up to the armored chrysalis, stretched out his fingers, and gave the armored chrysalis the last hint before evolving.

In an instant, all the time and space turbulence in the Jue Zero Chaos Space and the Taijing Chaos Space disappeared.

The body of the armored chrysalis also showed the colorful light of evolution... (End of this chapter)

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