That group of Pokémon leaders, one more domineering than the other, followed by a large group of younger brothers, except for one leader who was a little different.

The leader of Geng Ghost

, Ghost, is looking at his wife Xiaoying nervously at the moment, because she learned about Princess Mononoke's secret love for Ghost today.

Married to a phantom ghost before, it is already an exception.

Here it is again....

The ghost said nervously, "I haven't said a word to her... Wife..."

Xiaoying looked at the ghost with a pensive expression, and the phantom ghost next to him also smiled a little awkwardly and said: "Sister... Outside... Give my husband a little face... Let's go home..."

Xiaoying also forcibly endured his anger after hearing this, and then grabbed the ghost's arm with a look of disbelief, and half of his body Little Bird leaned on his arm.

And he whispered on that face: "If I find out that there is someone outside you, I will definitely shoot a fierce toxin at your crotch!"

The ghost awkwardly raised his right hand to greet the rest of the leaders, and then whispered from time to time: "Don't worry... I swear to heaven and to the earth, I definitely didn't cheat on it! I will show you my mobile phone at any time..."

Xiaoying also smiled, with a smile full of nuclear goodness: "I watched a news today, a man cheated, and his daughter-in-law cut his thing when he was asleep!" The

ghost also swallowed his saliva and swallowed his saliva nervously, and at this moment the immortal wood demon came over with several leaders.

Seeing this, Xiaoying hurriedly smiled gently, a little bird clinging to people, the family is full of ghosts who have the final say, and they are very happy when they are reluctant to part by relying on the ghost's shoulders.

"Ah~husband~Immortal wood demon, they are coming!"

The immortal wood demon looked at such a sticky little shadow, and also coughed twice with some embarrassment.

"That, old ghost, we think you are the best fit to be the captain of our Pokémon universe troops."

"Me?" Ghost said with some doubt.

"Yes! You think, the three of you are all ghostly, and you and your wife Xiaoying have reached the peak of super-god beasts, and even the second lady phantom ghost has reached the pseudo-supergod!

"This kind of strength is already very strong, mainly because we are also convinced by your means!" As the Immortal Wood Demon spoke, some Pokémon leaders behind came over.

The four brothers of the Four Dragon Kings, the leader of the Eagle, the couple of Ladias, the leader Myo Frog Flower, the chief of Shanadot, etc....

There are many of them, and on the mountains and hills behind, there are countless wild Pokémon.

There are so many that there is no end in sight.

They all wanted to contribute to Long Xing, and now they finally got equality, and suddenly told them that they only had a 10-year period.

They must be a little excited!

Maybe even Lin Qing couldn't imagine that the world he had built, wild Pokémon had listed him as the same existence as Arceus.

Because this human Pokémon relationship has lasted for tens of thousands of years, even Arceus has not managed it!

Lin Qing actually got it, and now each of their Pokémon can walk on the street in an upright manner, and no one will hurt them.

Bobo also dared to fall on the child's shoulder and pray for corn kernels, unlike the discord he once was.

Moreover, Lin Qing also gave Pokémon marriage laws, child protection laws, etc., and their elf eggs have enjoyed legal rights since they were born.

Stealing the child of a wild elf is a capital offense!

And it's still the Zhulian Nine Clan!

Not only for Pokémon, but also for humans, there is also a bill for the Nine Races.

How messy it was when the unification was just completed....

How many cases of abuse are there ... It's impossible to count.

The laws of the latter countries say that once a rapist is sentenced to death, he may kill the victim together in the process of their violence.

So rape is not a death sentence, of course, this must be a rule established by men! Even some large families have left a way back to protect their sons.

And later Lin Qing directly changed, rape? Abducting children? Zhulian Nine Tribes!

There is no reason, you don't want to live, take your whole family with you.

No, the effect is remarkable!!

In just half a year, after a large number of people died, the world was peaceful.

Women and children dare to go out for supper in the middle of the night.

The lives of humans and Pokémon have changed because of the Dragon Emperor, because the Dragon Emperor said that he would be resurrected, and no one dared to say anything.

After unification, it opened the tyrannical mode of the Qin king.

Unify the text! The world uses Chinese characters as an official language!

Unified currency! Global with red tickets.

Unify various values: temperature, length, weight, etc.

And he also brought all the experts who like beeps to an island, let them beep away.

And overhauled education, and even established a Pokémon public school, if you are a Pokémon or an underground person and want to learn human things.

You can go to the Pokémon Public Academy unique to each city to check various materials.

Sometimes you often see a few Shanaiduo, looking up information there, a few small magnetic monsters sitting on the socket stealing electricity to recharge, and some long-tailed monsters, in the name of studying, come here to blow the air conditioner and fall asleep.

It's about the same as a human.

And over the years, human beings have slowly changed a lot, almost becoming the same as in cartoons.

Most love Pokémon so much that they consider them friends.

And there is nothing to touch porcelain, bear children, unreasonable old people, those who beat the bones are bad seeds come out to do evil.

This is also largely due to the ghost, and it is precisely because of this incident that the current ghost is recognized by the leaders of the world!

Want to recommend Ghost as their captain.

If human society and Pokémon encountered the most difficult problem in the process of integration?

Not a natural disaster, nor the destruction of the ecological sphere, nor environmental pollution, nor a law!

Even Lin Qing did not expect that the deadliest reason for destroying the harmonious coexistence of humans and Pokémon was actually because of the "bear child" and the group of people who touched porcelain.

At that time, after Lin Qing promulgated some policies, he killed many people, and later in the process of implementing policies, he met a group of people who were originally bad in their bones.

Have you ever seen a child put wild meows in bags and then smash them everywhere on the ground?

By using Pokémon food, you can lure wild Pokémon over, then put it in a bag and smash it on the ground.

That's right, it's that kind of kid who is a few years old.

Urine sex with the kind of bear child on Earth who pushes pregnant women, steals, and abuses animals.

And their parents will also take it: "He is still a child, and the law does not blame the child for protection." But

the ghost made a move at that time, directly opened the Rashomon through the extreme giantization, and saw that the souls of those pariah species were indeed different from normal people.

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