Those who have been bad since childhood, his brain is different from normal people, and Lin Qing also gave the ghost the greatest permission after knowing this.

Let him study why some human beings are bad species!

After Dr. Fuji and Dr. Ohki conducted research on this naturally bad bear child, and then compared it with their genetics, they found an incredible truth!

There are two kinds of bad species in humans! One is born bad, and the other is bad because of environmental influence.

The first type of person who is born as a bad breed is most likely to give birth to bear children, because their genes bring him different cognition and feelings from most people.

It's like being an outlier.

If he can't empathize with other people, he can't empathize!

So when the child brought by your relatives smashes your figures, burns your books and homework, and robs you of your toy computer, he has no empathy.

And some children will politely tell you: "Brother, can you borrow me to play for a while?" "

That's the difference, because he knows that other people's things are valued by others, and that's called empathy."

And often the parents of bear children are also this bad species.

Because it's genetic.

And Dr. Ohki also did a study on whether bad seeds can be inherited!

He looked up information on a large number of murderers in the world and compared it with Dr. Odamaki for a whole week.

In the end, the result was amazing.

The probability of bad breed inheritance has reached more than 90%, and the four generations of the American Weaver family are all murderers.

And there are many, many more such examples.

It has nothing to do with the environment, because those murderers who give birth to children do not care, and are brought up by women.

And most of the people in the world who like to find trouble, touch porcelain, green tea, and commit cheap crimes, most of them are genetic.

So it confirms the old saying: "Want to know what your wife is like?" Just look at her mother and you'll know! "

It's a kind of thing! However, it is only a minority of the total number of human beings, reaching about 10 percent.

Another is scary, because of the environment, people who are deteriorated by the environment account for almost 85.6% of all human beings!

This means that out of 100 people in the world, 10 are bad, 85.6 are forced to become bad, and 4 and a half are good...

If this data is not sent by Ohki, who believes....

For example, a person with a very strong sense of justice, saw that someone fell into the water, he didn't think about it, he jumped directly to save people, but the person was not saved, and he himself died.

Someone said, "This man is a good man... It's a pity..." There

is another kind of person: "Is this person stupid... Don't have the ability to go down? Dead this time... Change me so I won't go..."

And most people are the second type, and this second is the beginning of the deterioration.

Because he scoffed at the kindness of others and fell into the well.

Behind the ghost came a sentence: "If you want all humans to truly move towards a world where Pokémon can live in peace, start with human children!"

"Whoever dares to abuse Pokémon again will be directly slaughtered!" Let's see who dares to say that their child is still young!

Lin Qing immediately agreed!

And directly revoke the Law on the Protection of Minors!

As long as you are a person and have committed a capital crime, you must die!

Those parents protested strongly at first, but the vast majority of parents agreed because their children were kind and good.

Their children won't kill and set fires, and they won't abduct Pokémon for abuse.

Most of the people who marched in the uprising to revoke the juvenile protection law have no confidence in their children, and even the fathers do not think that their son is a good person, isn't this kind of person released to the world?

Soon, the first batch of extermination operations, led by ghosts, began.

It also laid a firm foundation for the integration of underground people, the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pippi and the prosperity of Dragon Star.

Ghosts have also become the most feared existence of Dragon Star, killing more than 200,000 in three months!

Bear children extinct!

Some people see pregnant women on the subway and have to kick their stomachs.

There are those caught in the park where wild meows cut their necks.

There are people who burn people's shops with lighters.

Nothing strange....

Subsequently, all parents have strengthened the moral education of their children.

And whenever children are naughty, they will say: "Don't cry, cry again, the ghost will come to catch you..." Adults

began to scare their children with ghosts, and this thing slowly became popular.

The effect is remarkable! Whoever gave birth to a child is no longer a pet pet, but a priority to teach him to be a person!

Because there is no law on the protection of minors, they are afraid.

The crime rate in the world has also been surprisingly low in recent years!

And the ghost has also become a big red man on Dragon Star.

Today's gathering of leaders is also to select more Pokémon, and they also want to establish their own class.

In this way, they can also control their own descendants and avoid bad actors.

"Ghost! Or you can choose four more assistants! It's their business to go to space and build a space station, but we also have the ability to build our own defenses! The Immortal Wood Demon said with a serious face.

The ghost looked at the Pokémon on the opposite side, and was also a little pensive.

"Hmm! It must be very brainy, Super Hudi and Super Shanaido must help me, another super giant golden monster, and then a god beast-level monster leader!

"Just the four of them!"

As the ghost spoke, four Pokémon leaders came out from behind.

Xiaoying looked at the curvaceous super Shanaidor, also squinting, and the ghost hurriedly smiled and gently patted his wife's hand.

It's no wonder that Xiaoying is not at ease, because the ghost is too famous now, and many women still say that they want to marry the ghost to be a small one!

A ruthless president who exterminated a bear child, who doesn't love?


Xiaoying snorted coldly, and the ghost also coughed: "Hmm! Just the four of you! Although there are still 10 years to go, it is still too short for us!

"We're going to build a Pokémon space station!! By using yourself! The Dragon Kingdom has helped us build a world of peaceful coexistence, let's not be a parasite, let's protect this hard-won life! The

ghost said and flew up, and all the wild Pokémon looked sideways, listening to the natural ghost tell them passionately about the bright future.

And at this moment, a little boy suddenly ran out from behind Xiaoying's skirt, looking like a little zombie.

Looking at the ghosts in the sky, he also came to say: "Dad painted them cakes again!?" The cake he painted last year hasn't finished eating..."

Xiaoying looked confused, and directly covered her son's mouth, Bang Bang two punches!

"How did I teach you!? Give your dad enough face outside! Talk nonsense again and I'll beat you up! "

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