Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 6 Looking for a job

Hu Yang was overjoyed, but kept his face calm. After saying goodbye to Miss Junsha politely, he took Gu Yueniao to the street to eat a bowl of ramen.

Originally, he thought that the purchasing power of the World Alliance Currency was equivalent to Japanese Yen, but when it was time to pay the bill, he discovered that it was RMB.

He now has a total of four hundred and eighty Union coins, and after eating noodles, only four hundred and seventy are left.

Gotta get a job. Hu Yang thought to himself.

As for the trainer... let's wait until he has money.

After eating, Hu Yang bought a hooded sweater and a pair of khaki pants at a street stall for 140 yuan, and then took the clothes he just bought to a Tangchi hot spring to take a bath.

After he became clean and refreshed again, he put Gu Yueniao into the master ball, and went back to the police station alone.

He first observed outside the door for a while, and after confirming that the Miss Junsha in the morning was not there, he walked in swaggeringly, and said to Junsha who was staying at the front desk: "Hello, I want to go through the identity registration. here?"

Miss Junsha raised her head when she heard the voice, and immediately became a little weird after seeing the person coming.

Hu Yang's heart skipped a beat.

In the next second, the other party asked, "Didn't you say that your friend needs to apply for a certificate?"

Hu Yang suddenly felt hard to breathe. At this moment, he hated the setting that all Miss Junsha looked the same.

He can't recognize it!

never mind.

Stop pretending, he has a showdown!

"Actually, the friend I'm talking about is myself..."

Next, he made up a persona for himself with parents who hated human society.

"Then why do you say it's your friend?" Miss Junsha didn't understand.

Hu Yang took a deep breath, and Hu said, "Because they told me not to trust anyone in the human world before they died."

"Is that so..." Ms. Junsha has been in office for so many years, but she has seen such a person before. She took out a form from the drawer and asked, "I remember your name is Hu Yang, right?"

"Yes, Populus euphratica from Populus euphratica." Populus euphratica took the form, filled in basic information such as his age and gender, and handed it back.

Ms. Junsha uploaded the information to the Fengyuan area database, and after a while, handed over an identity card similar to an ID card, and said: "Okay, you are now a legal citizen protected by the alliance. "

"Thank you." Hu Yang heaved a sigh of relief.

Once the identity issue is resolved, the next step is the work issue.

After leaving the police station, he began to investigate the specific situation of Chenghua City.

In the Pokemon game, Chenghua City is the first town that players arrive at that has a gymnasium. At the same time, it is also Xiaoguang's home.

But unlike the small town with only a few buildings in the game, the scale of Chenghua City in reality is no less than that of the fifth-tier cities in that world.

"Chenghua Gym, the owner of the gym seems to use Qianli, an ordinary elf?"

Since the release of Ruby has been several years since he crossed over, he can't remember some information in the game clearly.

But challenging the gymnasium was too far away for him now, so he just stood outside the gymnasium and took a few glances before leaving here.

Along the way, Hu Yang saw many job advertisements at the door of some shops and on telephone poles.

"Blue Sky Pokémon Coffee Shop: We now need a coffee-making employee. Requirements: Employees need to have good communication skills and professional coffee-making skills. Weekly salary: 700 alliance coins"

"Mei Le Mei Restaurant: We are currently recruiting three cleaners. The main job is to clean the floor and clean the tableware used by customers. Requirements: hard work and hard work. Monthly salary: 5000 union currency"

"Qihang Advertising Company: We are now recruiting ten publicity planners. Requirements: Proficiency in using PS, Word and other software. Advertising majors are preferred. Monthly salary: 6,800 alliance coins"

[Chenghua Pokémon Junior School: Two teachers are currently recruiting, requirements: have a deep understanding of the ecology of Pokémon, be familiar with the specific information of each Pokémon, like Pokémon, and have been trainers and breeders Experience is preferred. Monthly salary: 6,000 union currency, the school provides staff dormitory and free three meals. Those who are interested can go to the school to take the test. ]

No education requirements?

Hu Yang's eyes stayed on the fourth job advertisement.

Controlling food and housing, a monthly salary of 6,000, he came all the way, this is the most suitable for him.

And he just happened to meet the other party's request.

After some thought, Hu Yang came to this Pokémon Junior School according to the address given in the advertisement.

After he expressed his intention to come, the female teacher in charge of receiving the applicant showed doubtful eyes: "Are you ten years old?"

Hu Yang was very speechless. He decided to declare to the outside world that he was already twelve years old. The reason why he looked very small was because he was late in development and looked small: "Teacher, just try it and you will know."

The female teacher opened her mouth in disbelief. After thinking about it, she reported the matter to the principal on the phone. The principal quickly gave an answer, with only four simple words, "Let him try."

"Okay then, come with me." The female teacher stood up.

Hu Yang followed behind her, and soon came to the door of a classroom.

At this time, the door was already crowded with many applicants, most of whom were young men and women in their twenties.

The female teacher said: "They are all here to apply for this job, but we only need two teachers at present."

That's cruel. Hu Yang thought silently.

"You came just in time, the test is about to start." The female teacher said, and said to everyone in front of her: "Everyone, get ready to enter the test room!"

Only then did Hu Yang realize that he came in a hurry without a pen.

The female teacher also found out about this, and she suspected that the kid was here to tease them: "Are you serious?"

Hu Yang: "..."

At this time, a girl with freckles next to her smiled and handed over a pen: "Use mine!"

"Thank you." Hu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and took the money from his pocket: "How much?"

The girl smiled shyly: "You don't need money, and you are here to apply for this job?"

"En." Hu Yang nodded gratefully.

"Come on then!" The girl patted his head.

Populus euphratica is so awkward, Nima, he is not a real ten-year-old kid!

He treats others with the attitude of his peers, but others treat him as a ten-year-old child.

Populus euphratica was depressed.

Soon, the test began.

This entry test is divided into three parts. The first part is a written test, which mainly examines the applicant's understanding of Pokémon's attributes and habits.

For example, "What is the restraint of the ghost system", "Which three are the three initial Fengyuan Alliance, and what is their evolutionary form" and so on.

Hu Yang's answers were very smooth, and naturally there was no difficulty for him as a time traveler.

The second part is the on-site examination.

In front of the examiner, the applicant will identify the injuries of the elves and find out the healing berries from a pile of berries.

Candidates were divided into five teams, and groups of three and three entered the room for testing.

Hu Yang got a big king swallow. He stepped forward to check the big king swallow's injury, and found that there was an inconspicuous scar on its left wing, and smelled a faint burnt smell.


No, Da Wang Yan wouldn't lie on her side and remain motionless if she was burned.

Moreover, the body of this big Wangyan is twitching inconspicuously, but if one does not observe closely, it is difficult to detect this subtle movement.

So, instead of burns, it should be paralysis.

Thinking about it, Populus euphratica used golden fingers on it.

[Race: King Yan♂]

Attributes: General, Flying

Trait: Courage

Race value: 455 (life: 60, physical attack: 85, physical defense: 60, special attack: 75, special defense: 50, speed: 125)

Known moves: Peck, Lightning Flash, Air Slash, Brave Bird Attack, Swallow Return

Current mood: confused

Physical state: paralyzed (sedated by electric shock, unable to move)

Friendliness: 0 (you don't know it, it doesn't know you)

Sure enough, as he expected.

To deal with paralysis, you need cherry fruit, plus persimmon fruit to treat chaos.

Populus euphratica turned around, this time even if he didn't use the golden finger, he could still find the corresponding berries in the pile of berries.

He fed two berries to Da Wang Yan one by one, then stood aside and said, "It's done."

The applicant and invigilator next to him were taken aback, and subconsciously glanced at the clock on the wall.

Less than two minutes had passed.

So fast? How did he do that?

Unlike the applicants, the proctors knew that these test elves had more than one abnormal state.

This is a circle they deliberately set up. People who are not careful can easily mistake the scorched parts of the elf's body for burns.

Moreover, there are many kinds of tree fruits, and most people see more energy cubes made of them.

Except for professional breeders, it is difficult for laymen to distinguish the specific functions of different berries, let alone just glance at them, and accurately find out the target from a pile of berries.

From this point alone, the invigilator could tell that this young man was unusual.

He asked with some surprise: "Are you a breeder?"

If a trainer is recruited, then their school can publicize the teaching of a professional trainer, so that they will not have to worry about attracting students in the future.

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