Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 7 Fly Higher

"I'm not." Hu Yang was taken aback by the question, and then immediately realized the meaning of the other party's words.

Many different occupations have been born around Pokémon in this world. In addition to the trainers aiming at the alliance competition, there are also coordination trainers, cultivators, Pokémon doctors, researchers, and forest rangers aiming at the gorgeous competition. staff and so on.

The job of the trainer is to simply train the elves and lead them to fight continuously.

Compared with it, the work of cultivators is much more complicated.

As the name suggests, a breeder, with the main goal of cultivating the best Pokémon, not only feeding, but also daily life.

Therefore, compared with the trainer, the special occupation of the trainer is too difficult.

Xiaogang in the anime once said that the profession of cultivator involves many fields.

Making elf food is only the most basic of them.

Take the setting of breeders in the game as an example. They are a group of guys who can see the talents of elves, and they can maximize the potential of each elf through acquired cultivation.

This is the main reason why this profession is so popular and revered.

It's just that behind the seemingly omnipotent, the fields involved include nutrition, medicine, botany, pharmacy and other disciplines.

If an ordinary person learns from scratch, it will be very good to be able to get the title of a new trainer by then.

Not to mention those elite breeders who set up breeding houses to provide training services for trainers.

Of course, this does not mean that breeders are better than trainers.

Human energy is limited, and those who specialize in cultivators may be lacking in command, while those who specialize in trainers are not as professional as cultivators in elf cultivation.

But what is certain is that those who can become top trainers are often very good at cultivating elves.

After hearing Hu Yang's answer, the invigilator was disappointed. Did he really think too much?

As the first applicant to complete the second assessment, Hu Yang was the first to walk into the final test room.

The last item is the interview.

When Hu Yang walked into the room, he saw that three people had already sat on the podium.

The one in the middle is an old man with gray hair and glasses. When he saw the first person who came in was a very young child, he had a surprised expression on his face.

A female teacher in business attire next to her was stunned for a moment, and said, "Little friend, did you go to the wrong classroom?"

Hu Yang was speechless: "...I did not go wrong."

The female teacher opened her mouth, looked at the old man beside her, and asked uncertainly, "Principal, what should I do?"

Hideki Kiriyama, the principal of this elementary school for elves, looked at the boy standing below and said, "Just proceed normally."

The female teacher nodded and began to introduce the interview rules to Hu Yang: "In this test, you can draw a question from this lottery box and express your own opinion on this question. See if you are suitable for the post of teacher in our school."

This item mainly examines the logical thinking and on-the-spot response ability of the applicant.

Hu Yang had no objection, he stepped forward, put his hand into the lottery box, and quickly took out a red ball.

Open the ball, revealing a note with a question inside.

Question: What do you think of the behavior of the wild warrior eagle letting the young furry eaglet exercise alone in the forest.

Hu Yang was stunned for a moment.

He remembered such a plot in the latest theatrical version of "The Adventures of Pikachu and Coco".

The fluffy eagle was injured in the forest, and Ke Ke and Salud helped it heal, but was taught a lesson by the brave eagle who rushed over.

This plot is mainly used in the movie to contrast with Salund's fatherly love for Coco.

Two very different fatherly loves.

One is the love that shelters children from wind and rain, and is gentle and protective.

The other is deep and introverted, hoping that the child will grow up as soon as possible and fly to a higher love.

Thinking of this, Hu Yang organized the words in his mind, and said slowly: "I think this is a manifestation of the fatherly love of the warrior eagle for the fluffy eagle."

The female teacher nodded thoughtfully and said, "Continue."

Hu Yang can probably infer the specific ecology of the warrior eagle in this world from the plot in the movie. He said:

"For wild elves, danger can arise every moment in nature."

"And once there is danger, the warrior eagle is not by the side of the hairy eagle, so the result of waiting for it can be imagined."

"That's why the warrior eagle uses this method to train the little eagle so that it can get used to the pain and grow up as soon as possible."

"In nature, natural selection and survival of the fittest, so the warrior eagle must and must do the same."

Hearing this, the faces of the three invigilators showed different expressions.

The female teacher on the left frowned, Principal Kiriyama in the middle showed an admiring expression, and the male teacher on the right was lost in thought.

The female teacher was the first to question: "Don't you think this statement is cruel?"

Populus euphratica showed a shy smile and said, "But they don't have a second choice. Only in this way can the fluffy eagles fly higher and farther in the future."

The female teacher could not find a reason for the rebuttal.

Hu Yang said at the right time: "Of course, this is just what adults say. For children, this kind of talk is indeed a bit cruel, so at this time, we need to focus on the father's love element in the story."

There is no need to explain this kind of words, and everyone present can understand it.

The female teacher had a strange face and asked, "You look very young."

Hu Yang: "..."

He said: "It's just that I look small, but I'm actually twelve years old."

Is there a difference?

The female teacher wanted to ask, but she held back.

At this time, Principal Tongshan, who was sitting in the middle, repeated the sentence "Natural selection for the survival of the fittest". He raised his head, with a satisfied smile on his face, and said, "That's a perfect answer, congratulations, you passed the assessment , if you pass the first two tests, then you will be hired."

"Principal..." The female teacher looked at the old man in surprise. She wanted to say that this was against the rules and that his age was not suitable, but she was interrupted before she could say anything.

Principal Tongshan seemed to guess what she was going to say, and said: "Age is not a problem, education is not a problem, I only know that he is capable and has goodwill for children. Based on these two points alone, he is better than those outside. suitable."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Hu Yang and asked, "May I know why you chose our school?"

Hu Yang hesitated for a moment, unsure: "Do you want to eat?"

Female teacher/male teacher: "???"

On the contrary, Principal Tongshan frowned. He glanced at the rough clothes on the young man, and knew without touching them that they were cheap items bought at a street stall. He asked, "Don't you have any family?"

Hu Yang was a little embarrassed: "They passed away."

Without changing his face, he repeated what he told Miss Junsha, and added some settings by himself.

For example, his non-existent parents are actually knowledgeable elf scholars, and he has studied with them since he was a child, so he knows this.

The three people who heard it sighed, and the female teacher said angrily: "What a pair of irresponsible parents!"

Principal Tongshan sighed sympathetically.

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