The battle was a battle.

"Come back, Arcanine! Go! Nidoking!"

"Arcanine! Get ready for battle!"

Xiao Mao and Shinji didn't say anything more, quickly took back their own Pokémon that had lost their ability to fight, and then released the last Pokémon.

This time the lineup was reversed, and it became Xiao Mao's Nidoking against Shinji's Arcanine.

"By the way, Xiao Mao and Shinji's lineups overlap quite a lot." Wutong said as he looked at Shinji and Xiao Mao who had released their last Pokémon.

"That's true now that you put it that way." Xiao Ming also agreed.

After Xiao Mao traveled for a while and Shinji returned to the Sinnoh region, the overlap between the two lineups became even higher.

After Xiao Mao replaced Nidoking, he finally didn't have to pay attention to the poison spikes on the field. After all, Nidoking, who has the poison attribute, is not afraid of being poisoned.

"Argy, super speed!" This time, it was Shinji's Argy, who bullied people with speed.

"Nidoking, earthquake!" Xiao Mao directly used his own method to make Nidoking respond with an earthquake.

"Argy!! Jump up!" Shinji shouted.

"Nidoking, poison spikes!" Xiao Mao slowly took control of the field.

"Nido!" Nidoking waved his claws, and a large number of poison spikes were scattered on the field.

However, Argy is not as simple as jumping up to avoid the earthquake. The stone pillars made by Nidoking with the power of the earth in the last round played a role at this time.

Argy bounced between the stone pillars and rushed towards Nidoking at high speed.

Nidoking was rushed without defense and was directly knocked away by Argy.

This makes us have to mention the size of the two Arcanines again.

Xiaomao's Arcanine is more flexible, while Shinji's Arcanine is stronger, which results in Shinji's Arcanine hitting with greater force.

This is also why Shinji's Nidoking barely withstood the impact of Xiaomao's Arcanine, but Xiaomao's Nidoking was knocked away by Shinji's Nidoking.

The knocked-away Nidoking hit the stone pillar directly, and the stone pillar, which was not very strong to begin with, collapsed under this impact.

The falling rubble caused secondary damage to Nidoking.

"Nidoking! Cheer up! Gather your energy!" Xiaomao called Nidoking.

"Nido!" With a roar, Nidoking rushed out of the rubble.

"Arcanine, come at it again!" Shinji commanded.

"Awooo!" Arcanine barked and rushed towards Nidoking again, leaving a trail of afterimages.

"Nidoking! Super Horn Attack!" Xiao Mao knew that he couldn't dodge it, so he had to fight head-on!

The horns on Nidoking's head glowed and stretched, and Nidoking began to charge recklessly.

With a muffled bang, Nidoking and Arcanine collided with each other.

"Bite it!/Thunder Fist!" Shinji and Xiao Mao shouted at the same time.

Arcanine bit Nidoking's shoulder, and Nidoking also punched Arcanine's head.

"Flame Fang!/Make a scene!"

Flames burst out from where Arcanine bit Nidoking, and Nidoking's eyes turned scarlet and began to vent their crazy attacks.

"Arcanine! Resurrection!" At the last moment, Shinji finally took out the skill he had been hiding.

Arcanine, which had been slow in its movements, suddenly seemed to be resurrected at full status and bit Nidoking madly.

The two Pokémon attacked each other with all their strength.

Finally, the result came out, and the two Pokémon fell to the ground at the same time.

The whole audience was silent for a moment, waiting for the final result.

After a while, Arcanine stood up tremblingly, and Nidoking on the other side also wanted to stand up, but its body could no longer bear it.

In the end, Nidoking closed his eyes unwillingly.

"Nidoking has lost his ability to fight! The winner is Shinji from the Sinnoh region!" the referee announced loudly.

In an instant, the whole audience began to cheer, shouting for this wonderful battle.

Arcanine finally couldn't hold on at this time and fell straight to the ground.

Xiaomao and Shinji didn't pay attention to others, took back their Pokémon and rushed to the Pokémon Center.

Both of their Pokémon were seriously injured.

Shinji was obviously more anxious than Xiaomao, not because his Pokémon was more seriously injured, but because he was promoted.

That's right, because they have advanced, starting from tomorrow's quarterfinals, the rules of the battle will change from 3v3 to 6v6.

For Shinji, who believes in the policy of elite troops, he

If one of the six Pokémon cannot play, he will face a 5-on-6 or even 4-on-6 situation.

It has to be said that the Quartz Conference is really unfriendly to new trainers.

After all, the continuous competition system is a great test of the depth of the player team.

Xiaomao and Shinji met in the player's waiting room. The two looked at each other and no one spoke.

Shinji left in a hurry, and Xiaomao was surrounded by his girlfriends.

"Okay, girls, don't put on that expression anymore. My medal is your tears." Xiaomao smiled and comforted the dejected girls in front of him.

Hearing Xiaomao's comfort, the girls couldn't stay in Bengbu anymore and started crying.

"Xiaomao!" A voice that Xiaomao was very familiar with sounded.

"This time, it's just that the goddess of victory didn't smile at me. You should worry about yourself. The next game is your game." Xiaomao said without paying attention to Xiaozhi, and left the player's waiting room with the crying girls.

"Xiao Mao--" Xiao Zhi didn't know what to do when he saw Xiao Mao walking away slowly. Even though he was slow-witted, he could feel Xiao Mao's loss at this moment.

The smile on Xiao Mao's face, who was walking in front, gradually disappeared, and only unwillingness remained.

"Next time, I will definitely not lose next time." Xiao Mao thought silently. Even if his wish was to become a Pokémon doctor, he also had battles and people he didn't want to lose.

"What should I do? Where should I go now?" Xiao Ming asked Wu Tong.

"Xiao Mao, that guy, should comfort his girlfriends first and go see Shinji. If his Pokémon is too seriously injured, I will need to help him. After all, he has finally advanced. If he stops because of this reason, I think both he and Xiao Mao will feel very uncomfortable." Wu Tong said.

"That's right, then Xiao Mao will wait until the evening to talk about it. Let him comfort his girlfriends first." Xiao Ming nodded in agreement.

Xiaogang, who was standing on the side, heard the conversation between Wutong and Xiaoming, especially when it came to the part about Xiaomao's girlfriends, and his ears trembled unconsciously.

Obviously, Xiaogang was very envious.

Xiaoxia was very helpless on the side, why are boys like this?

Wutong and Xiaoming left the audience and came to the Pokémon Center, and found Shinji who came to treat his Pokémon.

"How is it, are the injuries of Tortoise serious? Can they recover before tomorrow's game?" Wutong came to Shinji and asked.

"You and Xiaomao really tried your best, and the fight was too tragic in the end." Xiaoming complained.

"I don't want to lose to that playboy." Shinji said seriously.

"Ms. Joey said that although the injuries of Tortoise are serious, they can recover to the point where they can fight before tomorrow's game, but they won't be in the best condition." Shinji paused and said.

"Is that so? It seems there is no need to worry." Wutong said.

"You'd better take care of yourself. Your next opponent will appear in the next game, right? If I remember correctly, that guy named Xiaozhi may become your next opponent, right?" Shinji glanced at Wutong and said.

"Yes, I forgot! The next game is Xiaozhi's game!" Wutong jumped up and said.

"Eh? Didn't you come out because you knew that the next game was Xiaozhi's game?" Xiaoming said in surprise.

"How is it possible! Let's go quickly! My dear friend, I will come back after I finish watching Xiaozhi's game!" Wutong said as he ran towards the audience.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Xiaoming said and chased after him.

"Reckless guy." Looking at Wutong's back, Shinji shook his head helplessly and said.

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