The game was over, but the game was over.

Wu Tong, who ran out, suddenly thought that this seemed to be the time for the Rocket trio to cause trouble.

Wu Tong couldn't help but speed up his pace. Although the game was delayed from day to night according to the anime, it also caused Xiaozhi's team to not recover, which led to Xiaozhi's failure to a certain extent.

"Even if we lose, we have to lose it with dignity." Wu Tong said to himself.

Thinking of this, Wu Tong ran out of the Quartz Stadium and called out the Crow Head. Although the Crow Head had just fought a three-in-one battle, his injury was not serious.

So Wu Tong recovered it himself, and now there is no problem with taking Wu Tong to find someone.

"Hey! Where are you going!" Xiao Ming couldn't help shouting when he saw Wutong running away.

However, the hurried Wutong had no time to pay attention to Xiao Ming's shouting.

"Crow leader! Search around! Find where that guy Xiaozhi is!" Wutong said in a cold tone.

Although the Rocket trio has always been stupid and always acted as the protagonist in the name of villains, what they did this time was really too tactless.

It was also one of the few times that Wutong felt that the Rocket trio was annoying. Of course, Xiaozhi himself was stupid for a certain reason.

Crow leader felt Wutong's anxiety and his speed was getting faster and faster.

After flying nearby for a while, Wutong and Crow leader saw a truck with a huge Meowth head painted on it on the road next to a forest.

But this truck was leaking water outside.

"That's the truck! Crow leader rushed over!" Wutong said.

"Gah!" The airflow instantly wrapped around the Crow Head, and the urgent desire made the Crow Head's speed surpass that of the truck in the blink of an eye.

"Swampert! Stop this truck for me! Arm hammer!" Wutong shouted.

"Ragg!" Swampert appeared on the road ahead of the small truck, and his arms emitted light and hammered the truck.

With a bang, the moving truck was forcibly stopped by Swampert.

"What happened (meow)!" ×3 The Rocket trio did not pay attention to the situation ahead because of the rising water level in the car.

At this time, they were a little overwhelmed by Swampert's forced stop.

"Swampert, keep an eye on these three guys." Wutong said and came to the door of the car.

"Are you okay, Xiaozhi?" Wutong opened the door of the car and asked.

"Yes, Xiaotong? Why are you here?" Xiaozhi, who was wet all over, saw Wutong and asked.

"Jenny!" Squirtle was very happy when he saw Wutong, and jumped into Wutong's arms at once.

"Pika~!" Pikachu also ran to Wutong and shouted to express his gratitude.

"It's your turn to compete soon, but I can't find you. I guess you are in trouble, so I came to find you. Okay, hurry to the competition venue. Your opponent should be waiting for you. Leave the three of them to me." Wutong said.

"That's right! My competition!" Xiaozhi remembered the most important thing at this time and quickly got up.

"Wait a minute, are you going to run?" Wutong said helplessly when he saw Xiaozhi preparing to start.

"Eh? Otherwise?" Xiaozhi asked in confusion.

"Crow Chief, please, take him to the competition venue." Wutong said to Crow Chief.

"Ga~!" Crow Chief nodded and shouted.

"Go, Xiaozhi, you must win." Wutong said.

"Thanks, Xiaotong, I will definitely win!" Xiaozhi took back the Squirtle and jumped on the back of Crow Chief with Pikachu and said.

"Okay, Xiaozhi should be fine, so the next thing should be--" Wutong said as he walked to the cab of the small truck.

At this time, the three members of Team Rocket had come to their senses, but with Swampert staring at the three members, they did not dare to act rashly for a while.

"You three just stay here honestly. Normally, I don't care if you want to catch Pikachu, but you dare to make trouble when it's important like his game?" Wutong said and glared at the three members.

Shinji's personal disciple came online with a gloomy face. Looking at Wutong's fierce eyes, the three members of Team Rocket hugged each other and did not dare to resist at all.

Their instinct told them that if they did something now, something terrible would happen.

Wutong waited for a while, and when he saw that the time was almost up, Wutong decided to go back to watch the game.

"We can't leave these three like this.

"Where is this guy, let's do it~" Wutong squatted down and knocked on his shadow.

After a while, a rope floated out of the shadow.

"So, who of you three will go first?" Wutong said to the Rocket trio with a "brilliant" smile.

At this time, in the eyes of the Rocket trio, Wutong was like an innocent devil.

After a while, after Wutong completed his work, he took back the giant Swampert, and flew back to the vicinity of the Quartz Stadium on the fossil pterosaur.

"It's really too shameful, meow!" After making sure that Wutong had left, Meow Meow said.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that Brother Wutong actually had this hobby!" Kojiro's face flushed.

"You two, think of a way! Damn it, this revenge must be avenged! "Musashi said with gnashing teeth and a red face.

At this time, the three of them were tied up tightly with ropes, and it was an authentic turtle X tie. Kojiro didn't dare to look at Musashi at all.

After all, there are differences between people.

Although the speed of the fossil pterosaur is not as fast as the crow leader, it is also very good. It quickly brought Wutong back to the vicinity of the Quartz Stadium.

"Thank you for your hard work, fossil pterosaur." Because he was afraid of attracting other people's attention, Wutong took back the fossil pterosaur at a distance from the Quartz Stadium, and then walked slowly towards the audience.

"Hey, Wutong, you're back. Where did you go? By the way, it was your crow leader who sent Xiaozhi here, right?" Seeing Wutong coming back, Xiao Ming asked a series of questions.

"That guy encountered some trouble, I just went to help him, and it seems that he caught up with the game on time." Wutong said.

"Yes, although he was not late, he basically arrived on time. But Xiaozhi is in the upper hand now and looks good. "Xiaoming replied.

"Really? By the way, where are Xiaoxia and Xiaogang?" Wutong asked.

"They went down to cheer for Xiaozhi." Xiaoming pointed behind Xiaozhi and said.

"Oh, I see. "Wu Tong nodded and saw Xiaoxia and Xiao Gang sitting behind Xiaozhi's friends and relatives, and Crow Head who was watching the show there.

At this time, Xiaozhi and Ahong's battle was already halfway through.

As expected, Ahong started with Butterfree, while Xiaozhi chose Pidgeot.

It must be said that Xiaozhi's Pidgeot is still very capable. Without the influence of pulling the hot air balloon to bring Xiaozhi into the field, the energetic Pidgeot easily defeated Butterfree.

Now Pidgeot is fighting with Ahong's Ren.

Although it has a disadvantage in attributes, Pidgeot is still trying to contain it, and it seems that it intends to make the greatest contribution.

After taking another 100,000 volts from Ren, Pidgeot still lost its combat ability.

Xiaozhi directly sent Pikachu based on the principle that it would be uncomfortable for two Pikachus to kill each other.

And Pikachu, who is not entangled by Team Rocket, can be said to be in perfect condition, and he is even more powerful when facing Ren. Attack.

With the crushing battle of "you electrocute me, I'll be more energetic, I electrocute you, I'll take half your life", Ren was defeated.

Seeing this situation, Hiro's face became serious, and then he said that he also knew Pikachu, and then sent Charmander Jipo.

Hiro was not bragging. He did know Pikachu very well, but he didn't know Pikachu, and finally lost bitterly under Pikachu's full-powered 100,000-volt Sky Punishment.

Xiaozhi also successfully entered the top 8.

Looking at Xiaozhi and Hiro shaking hands in the battle field, Wutong couldn't help but sigh that the plot in the anime really killed them.

If Xiaozhi's team was in its prime at that time, Hiro's chance of winning was not great.

Not to mention Xiaozhi, who has grown a little more than in the anime, you know that his powerful Beedrill hasn't been put on yet.

(Today, the chapters were adjusted, so readers who have been following the update can turn forward to match them.)

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