The forest was full of trees, but the trees were still there.

Wu Tong walked in an unknown forest, holding the map prepared by his grandparents.

"Strange, I should be able to see Yuejian Mountain, why are there so many trees nearby?" Wu Tong said to himself in confusion.

He was a little confused. He was walking according to the map, why couldn't he find Yuejian Mountain?

"Did grandpa and grandma get cheated by black-hearted merchants? Is this map actually wrong? Damn it, these black-hearted merchants are such bastards, they even cheated the elderly!" Wu Tong said indignantly.

Wu Tong didn't think that he might have walked in the wrong way, and firmly believed that grandpa and grandma were cheated.

"Gulu?" The Water Leap Fish on the side didn't know why his trainer suddenly got so angry, and tilted his head to look at Wutong curiously.

"It seems that we can't trust the map. I don't know if we can find someone to ask for directions in this wilderness." Wutong put away the map and said.

Although these maps are "fake", they are the intentions of grandparents after all. As a filial child, Wutong will not throw them away casually, and at most he will collect them.

"It seems that I can only follow my intuition. In this case, Water Leap Fish, let's go this way! I feel that there is a mysterious force in this direction that is attracting me!" Wutong pointed to the right and said confidently.

"Gulu!" Water Leap Fish responded. Wherever Wutong went, he went. It was just a Pokémon. Could it be expected to lead a person with a poor sense of direction?

Then it was not Water Leap Fish, but a navigation fish.

The Dream Demon in Wutong's shadow was watching all this silently. It knew very well that Wutong was a person with a poor sense of direction.

And it actually secretly looked at the map and knew that Wutong was going the wrong way.

But what can it do? As long as Wutong is happy, it's just a dream demon. Why would it deliberately watch its trainer get lost?

It's just because it likes its trainer too much. As long as the trainer is happy, nothing else matters.

In this way, Wutong began to move forward following the guidance of his sixth sense.

Until it was completely dark, Wutong still couldn't find Yuejian Mountain. There was no way, Wutong decided to camp in the wild.

So Wutong began to look for a suitable place to camp. After searching around nearby, a faint fire attracted Wutong's attention.

Wutong took the water leaping fish to the place where the fire was emitted.

As he got closer and closer, Wutong also saw the source of the fire.

In an open space, a small bonfire was burning slowly. Next to the bonfire, there was a figure holding a branch and stirring the bonfire.

However, the weak campfire did not seem to grow stronger as the figure moved, but became weaker and weaker.

Because the flame of the campfire was small and the sky was dark, and the person had his back to Wutong, Wutong could not even tell whether the person was a man or a woman.

"Excuse me, can I camp here?" Wutong asked.

Hearing someone talking behind him, the figure beside the campfire turned his head. Wutong was able to see the person's face clearly.

With purple hair and a gloomy face, he looked like a boy born to be a villain.

Wutong was surprised when he saw the person's face. Because the person in front of him was Shinji, Xiaozhi's rival in the Sinnoh region.

"You seem to know me?" Shinji's eyes were unexpectedly good. Although it was dark, Shinji still saw Wutong's surprised expression.

"No, this is the first time we meet, but you look like an old friend of mine." Wutong lied.

After listening to this, Shinji didn't ask any more questions. After all, he wasn't the type to chat enthusiastically with someone he met for the first time.

"You can camp in the open space over there, but don't disturb me. If you came here for the bonfire, you'll be disappointed. This bonfire won't last long." Shinji threw away the branch in his hand and prepared to rest.

Wutong looked at Shinji who was starting to spread the sleeping bag and picked up the branch that Shinji had thrown away.

Although Shinji's tone was cold, his words were quite friendly. He was indeed a person who was cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

Wutong took the branch and prepared to make the bonfire burn again. Wutong was familiar with making fire.

As soon as Shinji spread the sleeping bag, he felt that it became brighter around him.

Shinji turned around and found that the bonfire that seemed to be going out at any time was now burning very vigorously.

Wutong had taken out a small pot and placed it on the campfire.

Wutong put the cut ingredients into the pot, and when he saw Shinji looking over, he said, "Do you want to eat some together? I am still very confident in my cooking skills."

Shinji wanted to refuse, but his stomach growled.

After all, he was inexperienced in his first trip, and he had never learned to cook at home, so even if his brother Lei Si prepared enough for him, the food would run out.

Shinji forgot to replenish his food because he was obsessed with training Pokémon and looking for Pokémon with strong enough fighting strength.

So Shinji, who had not eaten for a day, was very hungry now. He had planned to go to bed early to endure the hunger. Now he heard Wutong's invitation and his stomach growled instinctively.

"It seems that you haven't eaten for a long time. Wait a moment, it will be soon." Wutong said directly without giving Shinji a chance to refuse.

Soon, a pot of fragrant vegetable soup was ready. After a simple seasoning, Wutong served a bowl to Shinji first.

Shinji did not refuse the soup handed over by Wutong. He thanked him and took it.

After seeing Shinji start to drink the soup, Wutong took out a bowl for the water jump fish and filled it with soup. As for the dream demon, it doesn't like to show up in front of others, especially when eating.

"Does the food you make have the effect of promoting the growth of Pokémon?" Shinji asked when he saw Wutong serving food to the water jump fish.

"No, it's just ordinary food. If you have to say it's special, it should taste good." Wutong replied while drinking the vegetable soup.

"Then why do you feed it to your Pokémon?" Perhaps because of the desire to eat, Shinji talked more.

"Because the water jump fish is my partner, what's strange about eating with a partner?" Wutong said.

He understood what Shinji meant. After all, Shinji still believes in strength first.

"Partner? Boring. Pokémon just needs to be strong." Shinji said mercilessly.

"Really? Then do you want to have a Pokémon battle with me tomorrow?" Wutong invited him to a battle.

He suddenly became curious about what would happen if he changed Shinji's personality right now.

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