The two of them were in a mess.

Faced with Wutong's invitation to fight, Shinji accepted it. He wanted to know whether the guy in front of him had the strength to match his words.

"Okay, let's talk about something else. My name is Wutong. I can barely be considered a person from Tokiwa City. What's your name? Where are you from?" At this time, Wutong was like an old lady at the entrance of the village, asking curiously.

Although Wutong knew the answer to the question, some things are difficult to explain without going through the process.

"My name is Shinji, and I'm from the Sinnoh region." Shinji said briefly.

"Sinnoh region? I just came back from the Sinnoh region not long ago. Which city in the Sinnoh region are you from? By the way, how can you, a person from the Sinnoh region, travel to the Kanto region?" Wutong continued to ask questions in a row.

Faced with Wutong's passionate series of questions, even Shinji was a little overwhelmed.

"My family is in Veil City. As for why I came to Kanto to travel, it was because my brother's first stop was here, so I also chose Kanto as my first place to travel." Shinji replied.

"What about you, isn't it the same for you?" Shinji asked back.

"My reason is similar to yours, because my grandparents' hometown is in Kanto, so they hope that the first place I will travel is Kanto." Wutong said.

"Is that so?" Shinji said.

The two fell into silence again. Wutong wanted to continue to find a topic but found that Shinji had turned over to sleep.

"Tsk, what a cold guy." Wutong said to himself.

However, Shinji, who turned over, did not sleep, and heard Wutong's words, but for some reason, he felt that something bad would happen if he got involved with this guy.

So Shinji decided to pretend that he didn't hear it and went to sleep directly.

Anyway, after the duel tomorrow, he and I won't have any more encounters.

Wutong got up early the next morning. Shinji's living habits were obviously very good, and he woke up early.

Shinji, who had just woken up, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his gloomy face looked even more ferocious.

After looking around, Shinji woke up quickly, and then a fragrance came over.

"Are you awake? Wash your face and have breakfast together." Wutong said with a smile.

Shinji looked at Wutong, who was holding a frying pan in one hand and beating eggs with the other hand skillfully.

What does this guy do? Why does he bring so many kitchen utensils when traveling?

"Thank you." After washing up, Shinsi took the toast and fried eggs handed over by Wutong and thanked him.

Wutong felt that the fledgling Shinji was much easier to get along with than the Shinji who returned to the Sinnoh region.

Although his personality was a little cold, he was not so sharp-tongued. Maybe he hasn't experienced the baptism of time yet.

As for Xiaozhi, Wutong felt a headache when he thought of Xiaozhi's reverse growth. Especially when the new Muji Shinji returned.

Wutong felt that Shinji and Xiaozhi were not of the same style. How could they be seen as people of the same age?

Shinji quickly finished his breakfast and took the initiative to clean up the dishes. After all, Shinji's personality made him not want to owe favors.

"Gurgle~!" Shuiyueyu shouted with full energy after finishing breakfast.

As for the dream demon in Wutong's shadow, Wutong certainly would not forget that he had given a portion of food to the dream demon before Shinsi woke up.

After Shinsi cleaned up the tableware, he called out his Pokémon to start training.

A Squirtle and a Nidoran, these are the Pokémon Shinji has now.

"Squirtle must practice Super Absorption today, and the Leaf Blade must be released faster. It is still too slow now!" Shinji said to Squirtle.

"Nai!" Squirtle responded and started practicing Leaf Blade against a tree.

"Nidolang, today you should strengthen your double kick training, and learn to be poisonous! What's the use of double kick if you can't hit even once!" Shinji said to Nidolang after seeing the grass turtle start training.

"Nido~" Nidolang lowered his head a little embarrassedly, and then went to find a tree to practice kicking.

"What a devilish instructor." Wutong said on the side.

"I'm just making them stronger. Without strength, there is no meaning to exist." Shinji, who was in the state, said coldly.

"Really? Then I'll come to train for a while. Water Leap Fish, let's go to the other side." Wutong didn't say anything but took Water Leap Fish to the other side to train.

"Water Leap Fish

"Yueyu, strength is your strong point. You have to turn it into an advantage. Now the best way to use your strength is to crush rocks and falling rocks. Try to focus your strength on one point when using crushed rocks." Wutong said to Shuiyueyu.

"Gulu?" Shuiyueyu tilted his head to show that he didn't understand what Wutong meant.

Seeing Shuiyueyu's expression, Wutong began to think about ways to make Shuiyueyu understand.

Looking at the thick and big tree next to him, Wutong had an idea.

Wutong took out a marker from his backpack and drew a circle on the tree that was slightly larger than Shuiyueyu's front feet.

"Your task is to use all your strength to crush rocks in this circle, but remember, you can only destroy the inside of this circle, not the outside of the circle." Wutong said to Shuiyueyu.

"Gulu!" Shuiyueyu understood what Wutong meant this time and nodded to show that he understood.

"Then the next question is, Mengyao, come out. "Wutong said to his shadow.

After Wutong finished speaking, a dark green figure emerged from the shadow.

"Dream~" The dream demon flew out from Wutong's shadow, and then happily circled around Wutong.

"Okay, dream demon, since we have started the journey, you have to train too." Wutong said to the dream demon.

"Dream~! ? "Dream Demon looked surprised, as if he was telling the truth?

Seeing the look of Dream Demon, Wutong was a little helpless. Although Dream Demon was willing to listen to his command, she was not very willing to fight.

Compared to fighting, she would rather hide in Wutong's shadow and be a home girl, and come out to play with Wutong when there were no outsiders.

But there was no way, after all, it was not so easy to get shiny Pokémon.

At least it was still unknown whether he could put together a team.

So even if Dream Demon didn't like fighting, Wutong could only let it bear it for the time being.

Dream Demon: "Humph, man, after all, I took all the responsibility myself!"

"Okay, Dream Demon, I promise you, as long as I have enough Pokémon to form a team, you don't have to fight." Wutong said.

"Dream~" Dream Demon turned in the air to indicate that it was okay.

There was no way, after all, he was his own trainer, what else could he do.

"Speaking of which, I still didn't know what skills you had. "Wu Tong said as he took out the Pokémon Encyclopedia and scanned the Dream Demon.

"Dream Demon, a night-calling Pokémon. A mischievous Pokémon that pulls people's hair to scare them. It can scare the opponent with a sobbing cry. It seems that it can absorb the opponent's fear with red beads and use it as its own nutrition."

"Mastered skills: cry, telekinesis, mental wave, resentment, fright, strange light, black eyes, curse, seal, same fate, hypnosis."

Wu Tong, who knew all the skills of the Dream Demon for the first time, had a complicated expression.

Completely torture skills. Among so many skills, only three can directly cause damage. Two of these three skills also have negative states.

If Wu Tong himself encountered such an opponent, he would definitely feel very uncomfortable.

But it's different when used to disgust others, it's completely fun. Wu Tong suddenly showed a sinister smile.

"I'm sorry, little friend Shinji, it seems that I have to start with you. "Wu Tong muttered sinisterly.

Shinji, who was training Pokémon on the side, shuddered and felt a chill.

"Dream demon, there is no need to practice anything else now, just practice hypnosis with all your strength to ensure the hit rate and release speed of hypnosis." Wu Tong said.

"Dream~!" The dream demon shook his body and agreed happily.

After all, it is a dream demon, and hypnosis is its favorite.

Wu Tong made a target with the materials around him and hung it on a tree.

"Practice with this target. "Wutong said.

The dream demon began to use hypnosis around the target. Seeing that the dream demon was enjoying it, Wutong was relieved.

Being willing to train is a good start. After all, when he participates in the Quartz Conference, he may have to fight with fewer people.

In this way, Wutong and Shinji each trained their own Pokémon without disturbing each other.

And the two of them also tacitly did not watch each other's training. After all, the two of them had an appointment for a Pokémon duel.

The pride of the two made them disdain to peek at other people's tactics.

Soon it was noon, and Wutong also prepared lunch.

Shinji, who had been mixed with two meals in a row, was no longer polite and ate with Wutong.

The water jump fish still ate the same food as the two, while the dream demon secretly took the food back to Wutong's shadow.

Originally, Shinji planned to take the grass seedling turtle and Nidolang back to the Poké Ball, and wait for

Just feed some Pokémon food afterwards.

But Wutong said that he wanted to fight him in full condition and didn't want to win because his Pokémon was hungry.

Let Squirtle and Nidolang have lunch with Shinji.

Obviously, it was the first time to have lunch with Shinji, and Squirtle and Nidolang seemed very happy.

Shinji still had a blank expression and looked like a bad guy, but Wutong knew that he was just not good at expressing himself, and he should be happy now.

"I'm full, so let's do some post-meal exercise to help digestion!" After lunch, Wutong and Shinji cleaned up the tableware together, and stretched to Shinji.

"Come on, I'll make you understand that your idea is wrong." Shinji said coldly.

"Really, but fighting like this is too boring, why don't we add some prizes?" Wutong suggested.

Shinji didn't answer, but looked at Wutong expressionlessly.

"Don't worry, it won't be too much. The loser will have to promise the winner something that is not against morality and law and can be done. How about that?" Wutong said.

"Have you finished talking? Let's start now." Shinji didn't respond but wanted to start as soon as possible.

"Then I'll take it as your promise. You also have two Pokémon now, right? Then let's play 2v2. Go, Water Leap!" Wutong waved his hand and said.

"Gulu~!" Water Leap jumped in front of Wutong and shouted with full energy.

"Turtle, go." Although Wutong directly eliminated the Water Leap, which was weak in attributes, Shinji didn't feel looked down upon.

After all, both of them only had two Pokémon, so there was nothing they could do even if they were restrained by attributes.

"Nae!" Turtle walked in front of Shinji and shouted to show that he was ready.

After entering the battle, Wutong's pupils shrank instantly, and he became like a beast. Shinji on the side saw Wutong's appearance and felt like he had found a kindred spirit.

After all, Wutong's face was as ferocious as Shinji's at this time.

"Water Leap, charge forward with a collision!" Wutong took the initiative to let Water Leap charge forward.

"Gurgle!" Water Leap kicked the ground with its four limbs and crashed into Squirtle like a small cannonball.

"Squirtle, Leaf Knife." Shinji was a little unhappy to see Water Leap rushing over without any rules.

Obviously, the attribute was unfavorable, and there was no strategy, and it rushed straight over.

This kind of trainer was the type he disliked the most, and he also pursued that kind of useless emotional theory, which really wasted the talent of Pokémon.

At this time, Wutong had been labeled as a trainer who doted on Pokémon and had no brains in Shinji's heart.

"Water Leap, hold on!" Wutong continued to command.

The collision was just to quickly approach Squirtle.

Although Water Leap in mid-air could not change direction, it could use skills that did not require too much action.

A green translucent energy enveloped Water Leap.

The water leap fish successfully came to the grass turtle with the flying leaf knife.

"Just to get close? Grass turtle, keep flying leaf knife!" Shinji said.

"Nae!" Grass turtle shouted, and countless blade-like leaves flew out and hit the water leap fish in front of it.

"This distance is almost there, water leap fish, double return!" Wutong shouted.

After all, grass turtle has many long-range skills, and it has advantages in attributes. The skill bombardment is overwhelmingly disadvantageous to water leap fish.

So Wutong did not hesitate to release two skills in a row to get close.

The water leap fish was covered with rainbow-colored light and directly ate the grass turtle's entire flying leaf knife.

Then the water leap fish hit the grass turtle hard.

Double the damage was returned to the grass turtle, and the grass turtle's state instantly became very bad.

"Am I naive? Grass turtle, super absorb!" Shinji realized that it was his own problem, and immediately adjusted his mentality and commanded.

"Nae!" The grass turtle adjusted its body shape and rushed to the side of the water jump fish, biting the fin on the head of the water jump fish.

Waves of energy and light were sucked from the body of the water jump fish into the body of the grass turtle.

"Water jump fish, crush the rocks!" Wutong commanded.

"Gulu!" The water jump fish was also a little angry about the grass turtle biting the fin on its head. One of its front feet emitted light and hit the grass turtle's abdomen with an uppercut.

The pain made the grass turtle open its mouth directly.

"Water jump fish, drop the rocks!" Wutong continued to command.

"Grass turtle, adjust! Flying Leaf Sharp Knife!" Shinji shouted.

Pieces of stones appeared next to the water jump fish, and the water jump fish threw the stones to the grass turtle in the air.

The grass turtle was in

It turned in the air with difficulty, and then used the Leaf Blade in the direction of the Water Leap Fish.

Stones hit the Grass Turtle, and the Grass Turtle fell to the ground and lost its ability to fight.

The Water Leap Fish was lucky. After all, the Grass Turtle adjusted its posture temporarily, so only a few pieces of the Leaf Blade hit the Water Leap Fish.

However, the Water Leap Fish was in a very bad state at this time.

"Nidolong." Shinji took back the Grass Turtle and called out Nidolong with a serious face.

"Come back, Water Leap Fish, Dream Demon, it's up to you." Wutong also exchanged Pokémon.

After all, the Water Leap Fish was in too bad a state, and forcing it to continue fighting was not good for the Water Leap Fish's body.

"Nidolong, poison needle!" Shinji took the lead in attacking this time.

Now it was Shinji's turn to have unfavorable Pokémon attributes.

"Dream Demon, hypnosis!" Wutong said with an evil smile.

"Dream~!" The Dream Demon flexibly dodged Nidolong's poison needle, and then the hypnotic energy was emitted in a wave state.

Nidoran tried to dodge several times but was still hit, and fell asleep directly.

Then the inhumane torture began. Halfway through, Shinji couldn't stand it anymore and gave up.

"So, you should believe in the bond between me and Pokémon now, right?" Wutong asked with a smile.

"I didn't see the so-called bond you said. I only saw the powerful strength of your Water Leap and the perfect skills of the Dream Demon. In the end, it's just that your Pokémon is stronger." Shinji responded coldly.

After hearing what Shinji said, Wutong was also stunned. It seemed that it was true. It seemed that he had nothing to do with the bond from the beginning to the end.

Could it be that I was the one who was convinced! ?

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