After lunch, Wutong and Shinji continued to head to Cerulean City with their Pokémon.

The two soon arrived at the cave entrance of Moon View Mountain.

"This is Moon View Mountain. We can reach Cerulean City by crossing Moon View Mountain." Shinji said as he looked at the cave entrance.

"Then let's go. If I remember correctly, you can find Moon Stone in Moon View Mountain." Wutong said excitedly.

Shinji didn't say anything, but he also needed Moon Stone.

After all, his Nidoran needs Moon Stone to evolve into Nidoking.

Wutong and Shinji walked into Moon View Mountain. Wutong didn't know whether Xiaozhi and the others had left the Moon Stone.

Although he had wasted several days, Xiaozhi's ability to get lost was no weaker than his own.

Wait? Why did you say no weaker than his own?

Wutong was thinking about it while looking for a way out in Yuejian Mountain.

"The inside of Yuejian Mountain is unexpectedly large." Wutong said to himself while walking.

When he encountered a fork in the road again, Shinji seemed to have finally been unable to help but grabbed Wutong.

"You! Follow me!" Shinji said almost roaring.

Seeing Shinji suddenly become irritable, Wutong was stunned.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid of the dark!? Sorry, I didn't consider your feelings." Wutong said apologetically.

Hearing Wutong's words, Shinji's eyes twitched, and his already ferocious face became even more ferocious.

This guy's ability to get lost is simply outrageous. He has seen this fork in the road at least five times.

What's more annoying is that this guy has no idea that he is lost. No, it should be said that he has never thought about being lost at all.

Especially his mysteriously confident attitude, if someone met him for the first time, they might think he was a god who knew the way.

Wutong, who had completely misunderstood, followed Shinji obediently and let Shinji lead the way. After Shinji took over the lead, the two finally passed the abominable fork in the road.

Continuing to walk in Yuejian Mountain, Wutong looked for Pipi everywhere.

After all, if he could find Pipi, he could also find the Moon Stone.

Seeing Wutong looking around, Shinji was a little confused, but if this guy didn't lead the way, it didn't matter what he wanted to do.

After the two walked for a while, Wutong finally found the trace of Pipi.

But it was no longer Pipi, but a Pixie.

Since it was already a Pixie, it meant that Xiaozhi and the others should have been here and left. It seems that Wutong is still better at getting lost.

"Found it! It's Pixie!" Wutong said happily.

Shinji also looked over and saw this pink Pokémon.

Shinji habitually took out the Pokémon Encyclopedia and scanned Picosi.

"Picosi, a fairy spirit Pokémon. It is the evolution of Pico, and the cases found are even rarer than Pico. It can jump and walk with its wings like flying. It can even walk on the water. It will walk on the lake on a quiet moonlit night. When you open your ears, you can even hear the sound of a needle falling a kilometer away."

"Picosi?" Shinji was obviously interested in Picosi.

"Turtle!" Shinji called out Turtle without hesitation and prepared to fight to capture it.

Seeing that Shinji wanted to capture it, Wutong did not stop him.

After all, he had no need for non-shiny Pokémon.

"Turtle, Leaf Blade!" Shinji commanded.

"Naai!" Turtle called out, and countless blade-like leaves flew out in a rotation.

"Pee~" Picosi was a little flustered in the face of the sudden attack. His fat body twisted hard but couldn't avoid the attack.

Shinji frowned when he saw Picosi's reaction, but decided to subdue it first.

"Turtle, super absorb." Shinji continued to command.

Turtle rushed directly to Picosi after hearing the command.

Picosi stretched out his claws to face the rushing Turtle.

The palm-shaped energy covered it and slapped Turtle.

Turtle flexibly dodged the slap from Picosi.

Then he bit Picosi's body, and waves of energy were sucked into Turtle's body.

Picosi's eyes turned into mosquito coils and fell to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

Shinji threw a Poké Ball over, and Picosi was received in the Poké Ball. The Poké Ball shook twice and stopped directly.

Shinji picked up the Pokémon calmly.

Ball, as if he was not the one who captured the Pokémon.

He took out the Pokémon Encyclopedia and scanned the Poké Ball in his hand. Shinji frowned.

"What a waste." Shinji said dissatisfiedly, and then directly pressed the Poké Ball twice to release Pixie.

Wutong didn't really feel much about Shinji's actions.

Although he felt that Pokémon were his partners, the premise was that Pokémon that could fight side by side with him were his partners.

After all, Shinji didn't deliberately hurt Pokémon, he just captured them normally, and then released them if he didn't like them.

Wutong wouldn't go up to him like Xiaozhi and argue with him that this was wrong.

In fact, Shinji's approach may be the norm for trainers in the Pokémon world who aim to become stronger.

"Why, can't Pixie's power satisfy you?" Wutong teased.

Shinji glanced at Wutong and didn't say anything, but his actions had proved Wutong's statement.

"Then you don't mind if I capture this Pixie?" Wutong said.

"If you want that kind of trash, just capture it." Shinji said with a sharp tongue.

"Really, can you change your twisted personality? Be careful not to find a girlfriend." Wutong said helplessly.

"Humph." Shinji snorted coldly in response to Wutong's ridicule.

Wutong took out an ordinary Poké Ball and captured Pixie again.

This time, Pixie was still captured quickly, which made Wutong wonder if this Pixie was starting to play badly.

"Come out, Pixie." Wutong called Pixie out.

However, Pixie was still lying there and didn't wake up.

At this time, Wutong was completely sure that this Pixie was playing badly.

After all, Shinji didn't use heavy hands, and Pixie couldn't have not woken up yet.

"Hey, okay, Pixie, stop pretending, get up quickly." Wutong said and used the power of Changpan to heal Pixie.

Because Picosi's injury was very minor, Wutong just yawned and was fine.

"Picosi!" Picosi, who was cured, had no choice but to get up and look at Wutong in confusion.

"It's like this, my friend and I want the Moon Stone to help our partner evolve, I wonder if you can take us to find it?" Wutong asked.

Shinji wanted to refute Wutong calling him a friend, but for some reason, he didn't say anything.

"Picosi~!" Picosi immediately began to shake his head. After all, it was related to the evolution of their clan, and Picosi didn't want to take the two to find the Moon Stone.

"I know you will have an evolution ceremony on the night of the full moon, and I also know that you have a very large Moon Stone, but we won't take that, just the scattered Moon Stones in Tsukimiyama." Wutong continued to bewitch.

Picosi began to hesitate, and then saw Shinji's villain-like face again.

Picosi was completely entangled.

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