After all, the two of them were very successful.

Pixie finally believed Wutong, after all, Wutong was the one who possessed the power of Changpan.

It was definitely not because Shinji's face was too scary, absolutely not.

Under the leadership of Pixie, Wutong successfully harvested two Moonstones.

And Pixie also took the two to the other side of the exit of Yuejian Mountain.

The meaning is very clear, two Moonstones should be the limit.

So it hopes that Wutong and Shinji can stop while they are ahead.

Wutong is not a greedy person, after all, he only prepared one Moonstone in advance.

After all, he doesn't know whether his next shiny Pokémon can use the Moonstone.

"Here, this is yours. Wait until your Nidolang evolves into Nidolino and find a good opportunity to use it." Wutong threw a piece of Moonstone to Shinji and said.

"Don't refuse, after all, you were the one who captured this Picosi in the first place." Wutong said when he saw that Shinji didn't want it.

After hearing Wutong's words, Shinji stopped what he was doing, thought about it and put the Moonstone away.

"You said before that you had to capture the Shiny Pokémon because of personal reasons, so why did you capture this Picosi, just for the Moonstone?" Shinji asked.

After all, the Moonstone was taken, and it would not be good to keep silent, so he simply asked the question he was curious about before.

"You said this, although I don't know why, only the Shiny Pokémon is willing to listen to my command and fight." Wutong spread his hands helplessly and said.

"How is this possible?" Shinji didn't believe it.

"How about this, let's go outside and demonstrate it to you." Wutong said.

The two left Yuejian Mountain and came to the outskirts of Hualan City.

"This Picosi was just captured. We have never communicated with each other, so there is no possibility of acting." Wutong said.

"Then let me show you, Picosi! Use a series of slaps!" Wutong said.

"Pix~? Pix!" Picosi was a little confused at first, and then began to refuse.

"Don't resist so much, use a series of slaps on that tree!" Wutong continued to try.

"Pix!" Picosi still refused.

Then, in the helpless eyes of Wutong and the surprised eyes of Shinji, Picosi took out a piece of moon stone from somewhere and handed it to Wutong.

That look and expression seemed to say, I will give you another moon stone, don't command me anymore.

"Look, it's like this." Wutong took the moon stone, and then said to Shinji on the side with a blank face.

"It's really strange." Shinji was also very surprised.

"You can command it and try." Wutong continued.

"Pixie, use the chain slap." Shinji nodded and said.

"Pixie!" Pixie's obedient hands lit up, and a set of small slaps hit the tree.

"This is unscientific, Turtle, listen to Wutong and let it command you to fight." Shinji said to Turtle.

"Naai!" Turtle nodded and walked in front of Wutong, looking like a soldier on standby.

"Okay, Turtle, Leaf Blade." Wutong said.

"Naai!" Turtle heard Wutong's command and wanted to use Leaf Blade, but a strange feeling enveloped it.

Organized it to use skills.

"Naai!" Soon, Turtle called out, saying that he couldn't do it and ran back to Shinji.

"There is such a strange thing." Seeing his Turtle react like this, Shinji felt incredible.

"So, there is no way, every shiny Pokémon is important to me, because they are my hope to become a Pokémon trainer." Wutong said helplessly.

"Okay, Pico, thank you for your hard work." Wutong put Pico back into the Poké Ball. He planned to send it to Professor Oak when he arrived in Cerulean City.

After all, he had a mission to help Professor Oak complete the Pokémon Encyclopedia.

Although ordinary Pokémon can't listen to him and can only fight, it's still okay to send them to Professor Oak for research.

Knowing Wutong's magical physique, Shinji didn't ask much, but started walking towards Cerulean City. Wutong followed him.

After walking for a while, the two entered Cerulean City.

After entering Cerulean City, Wutong and Shinji first came to the Pokémon Center.

He handed his Pokémon to Miss Joy in Cerulean City for treatment.

Wutong took Pico's Poké Ball and found the Pokémon transmission device.

After a simple operation, Wutong successfully transmitted Pico to Professor Oak's research institute.

After that, Wutong came to the video call to contact Professor Oak.

"Oh, it's Wutong, how is it, did you have a good trip?" After the video call was connected, Professor Oak saw that it was Wutong and said.

"Dr. Oak, long time no see, did you have a good trip, I just sent Pico to you, the professor." Wutong said.

"Pico? Yes, I received it. You are lucky to have captured such a rare Pokémon." Dr. Oak said.

"Who is the person next to you?" Dr. Oak also found Shinji at this time and asked.

"Hello, Dr. Oak, I am Shinji from the Veil City in the Sinnoh region, and I am traveling in the Kanto region." Shinji said very politely.

"Hello, hello, it seems that you are Wutong's travel partner?" Dr. Oak said with a smile.

Shinji didn't say anything, and it was unclear whether he was too lazy to refute or didn't want to refute.

"Dr. Oak, it's not just Pipi who is lucky. Look, come out, duckbill baby." Wutong called out his duckbill baby.

"Oh! This is the flashing duckbill baby!" Dr. Oak said after seeing the duckbill baby.

"Yes, Dr. Oak, but the duckbill baby has a problem. Occasionally, flames will ignite on its body. Although it will not harm it, it is a bit harmful to the environment." Wutong said.

"Are you suspicious that this is caused by its flash power?" Dr. Oak grasped the key point and said.

"Yes, I think it should be related to its flash power, but it can't control this power yet, so it is occasionally wrapped in flames." Wutong nodded and said.

Shinji on the side listened to the conversation between the two and couldn't get a word in. After all, he had never heard of the flash power.

"So, if there is a chance, send it back and I will help you check it." Dr. Oak said.

"Okay, Professor Oak, but it probably won't work recently. I need to learn more about it first." Wutong took the duckbill baby back into the healing ball and said.

"It's okay, just teleport back when you feel the need. My noodles are going to get mushy, so I'll hang up first." After saying that, Professor Oak hung up the video call.

"Noodles? Isn't Professor Oak in the laboratory?" Shinji asked in confusion.

"Oh, Professor Oak's hobby is to cook instant noodles in the laboratory." Wutong said indifferently.

"This may be a genius's quirk." Shinji said.

Wutong looked at Shinji with a strange look. This guy really has a completely different attitude towards the people he respects.

At this time, the Pokémon of the two were also healed.

The two decided to go to the Cerulean Gym to take a look.

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