The old man was very happy.

"In order to become the best Pokémon trainer in the universe, Wutong traveled in the Kanto region. He not only captured the duckbill baby near Yuejian Mountain, but also captured Shinji, who was planning to become the second Pokémon trainer in the universe. So what is waiting for them in the Hualan Gym!?" Wutong said while holding a small notebook.

"What are you doing!" Shinji couldn't help asking.

He can still ignore the one in front, but what is the one who captured Shinji in the back, and why is he the second in the universe!

"I'm writing a travel diary. How can you eavesdrop on other people's privacy?" Wutong replied, and then stared at Shinji vigilantly.

Seeing Wutong like this, Shinji resisted the urge to hit him. He decided to separate from Wutong as soon as possible after challenging the Cerulean Gym.

Traveling with this guy is a serious test for his heart.

The two walked in Cerulean City and soon attracted their attention by a building with a huge white sea lion pattern on the corner, which looked like a circus tent.

"It should be here. It is worthy of being the Cerulean Gym that focuses on water ballet performances." Wutong said as he looked at the building in front of him that could not be seen as a gym at all.

"Mainly for water ballet performances!?" After hearing Wutong's words, Shinji's expression became very serious.

Obviously, he couldn't imagine that a gym owner's main job would be water ballet performances.

No, it should be said that a gym owner is not doing his job and not managing the gym well, but instead focusing on water ballet performances.

"As the first region in Kanto, are all these gym owners so unemployed?" Shinji said directly.

After hearing what Shinji said, Wutong didn't know what to say.

There was no way. If we start from Pallet Town, the first gym should be Tokiwa Gym.

And the owner of Tokiwa Gym is Team Rocket's boss Banmu, so he often keeps the gym closed.

Strictly speaking, he is not not doing his job, after all, his main job should be Team Rocket.

But the Nibi Gym and Cerulean Gym that followed after that are hard to describe.

Three gyms in a row are like this, no wonder Shinji doubts the overall quality of the gym owners in the Kanto region.

And speaking of it, it seems that most of the gym owners in the Kanto region are "problem children".

When I was watching the anime, I didn't feel anything. Now that I heard what Shinji said, Wutong was actually a little worried about the future of the Pokémon League.

But soon, Wutong felt that it didn't matter. How bad could it be?

In the comics, half of the gym leaders in the Kanto region are members of Team Rocket, and the Pokémon League is doing well.

Shinji, who was standing by, saw Wutong's changing expression and knew that this guy was starting to have wild thoughts again.

Shinji decided to ignore this guy and challenge the Cerulean Gym first.

Seeing Shinji leave, Wutong also woke up and hurriedly followed him.

The two came to the gym, which was decorated very gorgeously. A passage that looked like an aquarium connected to the competition venue.

It was called a competition venue, but its biggest use was to provide a stage for the three sisters of Cerulean City to perform water ballet.

The two walked into the venue, and the audience seats in the venue were full of people.

Looking at the center of the venue, what caught Wutong and Shinji's eyes was a white splash of water.

A white little sea lion emerged from the splash of water.

And around the little sea lion were several white thighs.

In short, it was a white patch.

"So white." Wutong couldn't help but say.

After hearing Wutong's words, Shinji looked at Wutong in surprise.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm talking about a little sea lion. Don't misunderstand me. I read the Spring and Autumn Annals." Wutong saw Shinji's eyes and said quickly.

After the Hualan sisters finished their water ballet performance and left the stage, Wutong and Shinji went over.

"Today is also a great success!"

"Yes, a great success!"

"Sister is also beautiful today."

When Wutong and Shinji found the Hualan sisters, the three were happy about today's performance.

"Sorry to bother you." Wutong said.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Sakura, the eldest sister, said with blonde hair.

"If you want an interview, please contact our agent first." Ayame, the second sister with blue hair, continued.

"Signatures are also

No, you can't." The third sister Mudan shook her finger and said.

Being blocked by three consecutive sentences, Wutong felt a little uncomfortable, and at this time, Shinji stepped forward.

"Excuse me, we are here to challenge the Hualan Gym. You three are the gym leaders, right? Please fight with us. "Shinji said politely, but his tone was very cold.

It seems that the triple beauty attack of the three Hualan sisters has no effect on Shinji.

After hearing what Shinji said, the three Hualan sisters looked at each other and took Wutong and Shinji to the battlefield.

Wutong, who was following the three sisters, looked at the hair color of the three people, and thought about Xiaoxia, the youngest sister, and couldn't help but sigh at the magic of this world.

The hair color of the sisters is not the same. It seems that the genes of the Junsha family and the Joey family are stronger.

But speaking of it, the three sisters in Hualan City are named Sakura, Acorus and Peony, which are all flower names.

And the name Xiaoxia obviously doesn't match them.

It's like the four brothers, the first three are called Wang Tian, ​​Wang Di, and Wang Hai. As a result, the youngest is called Wang Ergou, which makes people feel very strange..

Could it be that Xiaoxia was actually picked up!?

Just when Wutong was thinking about it, several people came to the battlefield.

"Really, why are there so many people coming to challenge recently. "Arriving at the battle site, the eldest sister Sakura complained first.

"Yeah, yeah, and yesterday the guys from Team Rocket came out and damaged the wall." The second sister Ayame also complained.

"It was so hard to fix it. And our Pokémon haven't recovered yet," said the third sister Peony.

Sure enough, three women are in a drama, and when the three Hualan sisters talk, there is no room for others to interrupt.

"That means you, as gym leaders, don't even have Pokémon to deal with challengers, right?" Shinji said with a gloomy face.

"There's nothing I can do." Sakura spread her hands helplessly.

"Who made us beaten up by the three trainers from Pallet Town before?" Ayame continued.

"Yes, it was miserable, and we usually spend our time taking care of ourselves and keeping our beauty, so we don't have time to train other Pokémon. "Mudan said as a matter of course.

Hearing the words of the three people, Shinji felt a nameless fire burning in his chest.

I went through a lot of hardships to come to Cerulean City, but now you say you don't even have the ability to accept challenges!?

"Then when can your Pokémon recover?" Wutong, who had been mentally prepared, said calmly.

"I know what you mean, little sea lion!" Sakura clapped her hands.

The little sea lion that performed with them just now emerged from the water and swam to the shore.

Opened its mouth, and two blue water drop-shaped badges appeared there.

"Here, this is the badge you need. "Sakura handed two badges directly to Wutong and Shinji.

Looking at the badges in front of him, Shinji was stunned. Are they giving badges directly without even fighting?

Is this really possible? Does the Pokémon League not care?

Wutong was also a little helpless when looking at the badges in front of him. He was really curious about how the three sisters of Hualan became gym leaders.

To be honest, it's a bit boring to get badges like this.

Wutong looked at the badges, then looked at Shinji who was silent on the side, and an idea came to his mind.

"Shinji, I have a suggestion." Wutong said.

Shinji looked at Wutong and didn't say anything, but waited for Wutong to continue.

"Let's have another battle. The loser will stay in Hualan City for one more day as a punishment. After all, it's boring to get badges like this." Wutong said.

After hearing Wutong's suggestion, Shinji fell into thought. This seems to be a really good suggestion.

"No problem." Shinji said.

"Then let's play 3v3 singles. "Wutong determined the rules of the game.

"Then can you three lend us a venue?" Wutong said to the three Hualan sisters.

"No problem." Sakura agreed readily.

Anyway, it doesn't matter as long as we don't fight them.

"Then I will be the referee, and the match between Wutong and Shinji will start now!" Sakura shouted.

"Go! Growlithe!"

"Go! Aquatica!"

Shinji and Wutong called out their first Pokémon at the same time.

Seeing the Pokémon of both sides, Shinji couldn't help but frowned. It seems that his guess was wrong.

"You should think that I will discharge the duckbill baby first? Unfortunately, I predicted your prediction! Aquatica! Water Wave!" Wutong's pupils contracted, and he commanded with the breath of a beast.

"Gurgle!" Aquatica shot out a series of circular water streams at Growlithe.

"Hmph, Growlithe! Use

"Block the flame wheel!" Shinji snorted and commanded.

"Woof!" Growlithe barked, and instantly the flames wrapped around its body, making it look like a flame wheel.

The water wave hit the flame, and the flame kept getting smaller and finally extinguished.

But because of the flame blocking it, the damage of the water wave was limited.

"Come back, Growlithe! Go! Squirtle!" Shinji decisively exchanged Pokémon.

It is really unwise to use fire Pokémon to fight water Pokémon in the water field.

Originally, Shinji thought that Wutong should think that he would first send Squirtle with an advantage in attributes, and then use Duckling to resist.

In that case, he could use Growlithe to target Wutong's Duckling, but Wutong seemed to see through his thoughts.

Not only did Shinji not take advantage, but he fell into a disadvantage because of this.

"This is the home field of water Pokémon! Water Leap dived directly into the water! "Wu Tong didn't care about Shinji's decision to use Tortoise.

He let the Aquasail go into the water.

After all, Tortoise didn't have a good way to deal with Pokémon in the water.

So although it was at a disadvantage in terms of attributes, it had a great advantage in the field.

"Turtoise! ​​Watch the direction it's heading! Leaf Blade!" Shinji certainly wouldn't sit there and wait for death, and he directly ordered Tortoise to attack.

"Na Ai!" Tortoise stared at the water and used Leaf Blade.

However, Leaf Blade didn't hit Aquasail. Instead, it missed far away.

"It seems that your physics isn't very good, Aquasail! Rock Smash! "Wu Tong shouted.

When the water jump fish heard the command, two claws of the light came out, and it rushed out of the water and hit the grass turtle.

The grass turtle was unable to dodge and was directly hit into the water by the water jump fish.

The battle field of Hualan Gym was mostly water, and there were only a few floating boards floating on it that could be used to stand.

So in fact, Shinji was at an overwhelming disadvantage.

At this time, Shinji felt as if he had been tricked by Wu Tong. Wu Tong obviously knew about this in advance.

"Grass turtle! Use the flying leaf knife towards the bottom of the water!" Shinji commanded.

The grass turtle obediently used the flying leaf knife towards the bottom of the water.

Relying on the reverse thrust of the flying leaf knife, the grass turtle successfully returned to the floating board.

"Is this also possible? What is the principle behind this? "Wutong was a little surprised. If it was a jet of flame or a water cannon, Wutong would not be surprised.

But how much reaction force can the Flying Leaf Blade have? It can actually be used as a booster!?

"Grass Turtle! Keep using the Flying Leaf Blade! Cover a wider area!" Shinji commanded.

"Nai!" Grass Turtle used the Flying Leaf Blade again, and this time the area covered by the Flying Leaf Blade became larger.

It also successfully attacked the Water Leaping Fish in the water.

"Tsk, Water Leaping Fish, crush the rocks again, and then drop the rocks!" Wutong commanded.

The reason why Grass Turtle couldn't hit the Water Leaping Fish before was that the refraction of water made the actual position of the Water Leaping Fish different from the position seen by Grass Turtle.

Grass Turtle should have hit it in a lower direction. Although Shinji didn't fully understand the reason now, he still successfully caused damage to the Water Leaping Fish by increasing the range of the Flying Leaf Blade.

"Grass Turtle! Retract into the shell! "Shinji said.

Faced with the water-leaping fish rushing out of the water again, the grass turtle's limbs and head retracted into the shell.

Because of the biological characteristics of the grass turtle, its shell will become hard due to drinking water.

The grass turtle drank a lot of water when it fell into the water just now, so its shell is very hard now.

The water-leaping fish hit the grass turtle's shell with one claw.

But the shell is very hard and the damage is limited.

And this time the grass turtle was prepared and was not hit into the water.

"Water-leaping fish, drop rocks! Use the grass turtle as a rock!" Wutong commanded calmly.

"Gulu!" The muscles of the water-leaping fish's two front legs bulged, and it directly lifted the grass turtle up.

Then threw it into the water.

"What! ?" Shinji was also surprised. Can it be played like this?

"Water-leaping fish, don't give it a chance, follow it! Crushing rocks! "Wu Tong continued.

Water Leap Fish rushed into the water and hit Turtle again and again.

Soon Turtle floated to the surface with its eyes in circles.

"Turtle has lost its ability to fight!" said Sakura, the referee.

"Come back, Turtle, I give up." Shinji took back Turtle and said directly.

There was no need to continue this kind of battle that was bound to be lost, and the Pokémon he had now did not have the ability to break the situation.

Shinji felt that his next Pokémon should be a Pokémon that could fight in the water.

Otherwise, it would be very uncomfortable to meet a shameless person like Wu Tong again.

"Eh? Don't fight anymore?

. "Wu Tong said regretfully.

There are not many opportunities to bully Shinji openly.

"I will stay in Hualan City for one more night." Shinji said and left.

"Really, it's really cold." Wu Tong shook his head helplessly and followed.

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