The old man was very busy, and the old man was very busy.

The Alufu ruins are not far from the institute, just behind the institute.

With the pass, Wutong successfully entered the Alufu ruins.

In the Alufu ruins, there are many staff members excavating fossils just like outside. Everyone is busy with their own work and has no reaction to the new Wutong.

After entering the Alufu ruins, Wutong felt the heat in his palms. He took a look and found that the four unknown totem marks in his palms had a blue light.

Wutong tried to walk a few steps deeper, and the light in his palms gradually faded. Wutong thought about it and walked in another direction, and the light in his palms slowly became brighter.

"This is a tracking device installed in my palm, but where do you want to take me?" Wutong said to himself.

Wutong just moved forward according to the instructions of the unknown totem on his palm.

Although the unknown totem on Wutong's palm was glowing, the light was not strong. Because of the fossil mining in the Alufu ruins, the lights were also sufficient, so people a little further away could not see the glow of Wutong's palm.

However, if someone saw Wutong, they would think he was a fool who walked without looking at the road and kept looking at his palm.

Following the guidance of the unknown totem on his palm, Wutong came to an uneven stone wall.

There were no staff members nearby. Perhaps because of the large rocks here, the staff temporarily gave up mining this area.

So compared with the busy fossil mining work in other places, this place seemed very desolate.

"There is no road, so is there a hidden door?" Wutong said to himself while looking at the stone wall in front of him.

After thinking for a while and looking around to make sure no one was looking here, Wutong reached for the stone wall with his right hand, which was slightly glowing and had the mark of an unknown totem.

As expected, Wutong's hand reached into the rock wall without any hindrance, and Wutong rushed in without hesitation.

After passing through the stone wall, Wutong entered a stone chamber. The three sides of the stone chamber were brick walls, each inlaid with an unknown yellow gem that emitted a warm yellow light and served as a light source.

On the remaining wall, there were some irregular and strange lines. These lines were evenly divided into nine squares, which seemed to be movable.

"It seems to be a puzzle. I remember that in the game, it seems that the types of unknown totems that appear will increase after the puzzle is completed." Wutong said while trying to move the puzzle.

With both hands pressed on the puzzle, Wutong used all his strength but could not move the puzzle at all.

"What's going on!? Is it so strong? It's obviously movable, but I can't move it!?" Wutong said in disbelief.

If he was a weak child, it would be fine, but he has been through all kinds of devilish training, how could this happen! ?

"Is it because the way I move is wrong?" Wutong thought while touching his chin.

At this time, Wutong's palms felt hot again. Wutong looked at his palms and found that the four unknown totems in his palms blinked.

Then the four unknown totems broke away from Wutong's palms. Although the unknown totems broke away, Wutong felt that there was still a vague connection between him and the four unknown totems.

The unknown totems floated to the side of the puzzle stone wall. As if to demonstrate to Wutong, the big eyes of the four unknown totems showed blue light.

In response to the unknown totems, the puzzle on the stone wall also emitted light and began to move. After demonstrating to Wutong, the four unknown totems returned to Wutong's palms.

"Am I playing a role-playing game? Why does it look like a demonstration?" Wutong complained as he looked at the unknown totem in his palm that closed its eyes as if it was resting.

However, despite his complaints, Wutong, who knew the correct way to move, returned to the stone wall and connected his mental power to one of the stone walls.

Wutong tried to move the stone wall with his mental power. After the stone wall moved halfway, Wutong immediately stopped and gasped.

The stone slab that had been moved halfway also returned to its original state by itself.

"Fuck, this is simply not a human thing to do! Why is it so heavy to move the stone slab with mental power!" Wutong said unhappily.

After his mental power was connected to the stone slab, it was like a drop in the ocean. Only by bursting out all his mental power could he barely move the stone slab.

But moving the stone slab also requires

It consumes mental energy, and Wutong could not hold on after moving half of the stone slab.

Wutong, who had consumed too much mental energy, leaned against the stone wall and began to rest. After an unknown period of time, Wutong felt that he had recovered.

"I feel that the upper limit of mental energy seems to have increased a little." Wutong said with a little doubt.

Looking at the puzzle on the stone wall again, Wutong tried again, and still felt that it was a drop in the ocean.

"It seems that there is no chance to restore this puzzle for a while, but this puzzle seems to be able to exercise mental energy." Wutong said after knocking on the stone wall.

After trying for a while in the stone room, Wutong decided to leave first.

After all, there is no point in staying there if there is no way to solve the puzzle.

Carefully slipping out of the stone room, Wutong left the Alufu ruins.

When he came outside, Wutong found that the sky was dark and the stars in the night sky were twinkling.

Seeing that it was so late, Wutong hurried back to the research institute.

The researchers in the institute all showed regretful expressions when they saw Wutong coming back, as if they were wondering why Wutong came back so early.

"Roar~?" The fossil pterosaur roared sadly when he saw Wutong coming back. You still remember to come back?

"Sorry, sorry, something happened. I came back to pick you up." Wutong touched the head of the fossil pterosaur and comforted it.

"How is it, is the Alufu Ruins interesting?" Dr. Oak asked Wutong.

"Very good, I saw some interesting things. If possible, I hope to continue to go to the Alufu Ruins." Wutong said.

"No problem, your pass is permanent, you can enter the Alufu Ruins at any time in the future, but-" Satake looked at the fossil pterosaur and the meaning was very clear.

"I understand, I understand, so I'll say goodbye today, Dr. Oak, I'm leaving first." Wutong said to Dr. Oak after taking back the fossil pterosaur.

"Oh, be careful, remember not to go to the dark forest at night." Professor Oak gave Wutong another strange advice.

"I will pay attention, Professor Oak, bye then~" Wutong waved and left the Alufu Ruins Research Institute.

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