After leaving the Alufu Ruins Research Institute, Wutong continued to the city where the next gym was located.

The next nearest city with a gym is a city known for its historical traces.

In this city, there are two very important buildings in the Johto area, the Bell Tower and the Scorched Tower.

Lugia once lived on the top of the Scorched Tower, but at that time the Scorched Tower had not been scorched and was still called the Bell Tower.

According to historical records, 150 years ago, the Bell Tower located on the west side of Yuanzhu City was struck by lightning and caught fire. The fire burned for three days and three nights, and finally the fire was extinguished by heavy rain.

At that time, the Bell Tower had collapsed, and Lugia no longer lived in the Bell Tower, but lived in the Whirlpool Island area.

And because of the fire, three unknown Pokémon on the bottom floor of the Bell Tower were burned to death. (There are rumors that they are three Pokémon that look like dogs, and some say they are Eevee.)

The Phoenix King descended from the sky to save them, and the Phoenix Guard appeared.

After saving the Phoenix Guard, the Phoenix King also flew away from the Bell Tower because of disappointment with the humans here, and began to wander around looking for trainers with pure hearts.

This may be the reason why the Phoenix King works as a cameraman everywhere.

Walking in the forest, Wutong began to sort out the information about Yuanzhu City in his mind.

"Wait a minute, a trainer with a pure heart!" Wutong felt as if he had discovered something.

Ho-Oh wanders around in search of a Pokémon trainer with a pure heart, and as Ho-Oh's lackeys, ahem, no, as Ho-Oh's guards, Suicune, Entei and Raikou all have some connections with Wutong.

At first, he felt that Suicune was staring at him, and Raikou seemed to know him before.

Could it be that he had entered the assessment of Ho-Oh, so he asked the Ho-Oh guards to observe him.

Wutong felt that his guess might be close to the truth. But why did he find him?

"So I have a pure heart! It's worthy of me!" Wutong said, knocking on his palm.

At this time, Wutong realized that he had walked deep into the forest without realizing it.

It was already night, and the forest was very dark because of the dense trees. Just now, he was thinking about things and walking without bumping into the book because he must have been protected by the God of Lost.

"Let's rest here, everyone, come out!" Wutong still remembered that he owed the fossil pterosaur a dish of ridged melon and milk chicken.

"Lagu~!" Swampert happily approached the pterosaur he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Roar~" The pterosaur shouted coldly and then lay down near Wutong waiting for the ridged melon milk chicken.

Onion Duck ran to Wutong very consciously and began to help in the kitchen. After all, as a qualified ingredient, it should also know some cooking skills to better cook itself.

Other Pokémon were rolling around, adding a touch of joy to the dark and terrifying forest.

Soon, Wutong finished dinner, and the main dish was the pterosaur's favorite ridged melon milk chicken.

Wutong's eating speed has always been fast. Wutong, who has finished his meal, decided to stroll around, and the Pokémon who know their trainers very well obviously can't let Wutong stroll alone.

Onion Duck, which also eats very fast, took the initiative to take on the task of guarding.

There is a different feeling when wandering in the dark forest.

After walking for a while, Wutong felt the sound of fighting ahead.

Out of curiosity, Wutong walked over to check.

After clearing the bushes that blocked his view, Wutong saw two Pokémon fighting.

A Goli was fighting with Ulla, and behind Goli stood a figure who looked like Goli's trainer.

"Goli, the secret of the Genzo style, one-word slash!" Goli's trainer gave the order. The voice sounded a little old but full of energy.

After hearing the command, Goli stretched his palm into a hand knife shape, and the white light covered his palm and put it back at his waist with a knife-closing action.

Then Goli chopped the hand knife horizontally at an extremely fast speed.

The hand knife left a horizontal white light mark in the air, and Ulla was directly chopped and flew out.

"It seems that I won." The old voice sounded again.

Ulla, who was knocked away, got up after hearing the voice and walked into the forest alone.

"What a wonderful battle." Wutong saw the end of the battle and walked out.

"Who!" Goli's trainer heard Wutong's voice and

A sharp sound was heard, followed by a crisp click.

No, it should be two sounds.

Wutong, who was halfway there, was stunned. Why did he feel like he had seen it before?

"Little guy over there, come and help me, my waist is twisted." Gou Li's trainer sought help.

Wutong immediately ran over. An old man in a gray dao uniform was half-kneeling on the ground, holding his waist. Gou Li next to him was in the same posture.

Wutong was full of doubts at this time. How did Gou Li, who was so old that he could sprain his waist by turning around, do the attack just now?

Although Wutong thought so, he still carefully laid the old man down flat. After all, he couldn't move casually with a twisted waist, and it was very likely to cause secondary damage.

Wutong began to treat the old man with his excellent professional knowledge. After all, many Pokémon are humanoid and have similarities in the spine skeleton.

After carefully massaging the old man until he could move, Wutong treated Gou Li again.

It was much easier to treat Goli. With massage and Tokiwa's power, Goli was in pain and happy.

Soon Goli could move normally.

"Thank you, young man. I didn't expect to sprain my waist." The old man stood up and said, holding his waist.

"It's okay. After all, I am partly responsible." Wutong said.

After the two chatted for a while, Wutong learned that the old man in front of him was called Genzo, and he ran a dojo called Genzo Ryu nearby.

Tonight, I was seen by Wutong when I came out for night training.

I sprained my waist accidentally.

Wutong was a little embarrassed that he scared the old man, so he decided to send him home.

Let Genzo wait here for a while, Wutong went back to clean up the table and took back his Pokémon.

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