After waiting for a while at the Pokémon Center, Wutong's Pokémon was finally healed.

After getting his Pokémon back, Wutong continued to move forward without hesitation.

He didn't want to stay in a place like this with the three starters.

He was afraid that he would not be able to resist picking up Charmander after seeing it abandoned.

After all, that was the future Old Spray.

It was a pity that he couldn't use it in battle, and picking it up would only waste Charmander's potential.

Wutong called out the Duckbill and Swampert again, and continued on his way.

Along the way, he trained and hurried on his way. By the evening, Wutong had passed Route 24 and was not far from Vermilion City.

If nothing goes wrong, we can reach the Dead Leaf City tomorrow morning.

"Duckbill Baby, wait a minute." Wutong suddenly called out to Duckbill Baby.

"Bubby?" Duckbill Baby stopped and turned around with a puzzled look on his face.

"Water Leap Fish, use Rockfall on the ground in front." Wutong said.

"Numa!" Water Leap Fish responded and used Rockfall.

Several stones hit the ground in front, and the ground that should have been very solid was directly smashed through, revealing a deep pit.

"Hiss~, this pit is deep enough." Wutong walked to the side of the pit and looked at the depth of the pit and couldn't help saying.

"Jenny!" Several shouts sounded behind Wutong, and then Wutong felt a thrust pushing him down into the deep pit.

However, Wutong jumped forward and jumped over the deep pit at the moment he lost his balance.

Compared with the impact of Swamp Leap Fish, this thrust is not worth mentioning, and it can't make Wutong lose resistance at all.

"Jenny, Jenny!?" A shocked shout sounded.

Wutong jumped to the other side of the pit and turned around flexibly to see what was pushing him.

In fact, Wutong knew it when he heard the cry.

Wutong looked over and saw five blue turtles wearing sunglasses.

It was the Squirtle Army.

Swampert looked at everything in front of him with a dazed look.

As for the duckbill baby, it highly appreciated Wutong's performance and kept clapping with its two little paws.

Wutong was a little speechless when he looked at his two Pokémon.

Swampert was obviously more dazed after evolving. Wutong could even see snot flowing from Swampert's nostrils.

As for the duckbill baby, although his sensible and supportive look was very touching, you don't need to be so sensible at this time.

"Swampert, duckbill baby, come here." Wutong said.



Swampert and duckbill baby heard Wutong's call and ran over and stood in front of Wutong.

"You five guys dug this pit, didn't you?" Wutong said to the five Squirtles.

"Squirtles! Squirtles!" The leader, wearing pointy sunglasses, shouted loudly.

"Huh!? You five want to rob me? Are you looking down on me?" Wutong raised his head at a 45-degree angle and shouted at the five Squirtles with his nose pointed at them.

"Squirtles! Squirtles!" The leader of the Squirtles, who would follow Xiaozhi Xiaozhi in the future and was now the leader of the Squirtles Corps, shouted angrily.

Obviously, Wutong's words made him very dissatisfied. He, a leader of the Corps, was looked down upon like this.

Squirtles expressed dissatisfaction and even wanted to shoot water in his face.

"You look very unconvinced! Come on, let's have a fight!" Wutong continued to shout.

"Squirtles!" The leader Squirtle couldn't stand it anymore and directly commanded his younger brothers to attack.

"Jenny!" ×5 Five Squirtles started spraying water at the same time, and the five water jets merged into a thick water jet and shot towards Wutong.

"You turtle have no martial ethics! You actually launched a sneak attack! Swampert! Rockfall! Duckbill! Thunderbolt!" Wutong shouted while dodging.

"Numa!" Swampert shouted, and a huge rock appeared above Swampert's head.

Swampert raised his hands and grabbed the rock, then threw it hard at the Squirtle Army.

The rock pressed down on the Squirtle Army with the five-in-one water jet.

Duckbill went to the side, and hit a Squirtle with lightning on its claws.

The five Squirtles focused on pushing back the rock thrown by Swampert, and did not see Duckbill coming around, and was hit directly by Duckbill.

Although Duckbill usually knows

things, but when fighting, it is very fierce.

Not only because of the reason of wandering, but also to prove the value of its existence.

After all, it doesn't want to be abandoned by Wutong and live a wandering life again.

Although Wutong will definitely not abandon it, this is also the obsession of the duck-billed baby, and Wutong can only rely on time to slowly change it.

The duck-billed baby's claws with lightning hit the head of the Squirtle on the far right and the roundest head.

The sudden impact made the round-headed Squirtle turn its head to the other four Squirrels.

And its water gun used all its strength to resist the boulder thrown by the Swampert.

So even if the head was hit off, the round-headed Squirtle's water gun did not stop.

The water gun directly hit the heads of the other four Squirrels.

The four Squirrels didn't know what was going on in the face of the sudden attack, and the water guns they were using couldn't help but pause.

The boulder that lost resistance successfully pressed on the five Squirrels.

The five Squirtles lost their ability to fight together.

"So, how should we deal with them?" Wutong said to himself.

"What happened!" A heroic voice appeared.

A wild Miss Junsha appeared, and Miss Junsha came to Wutong on a motorcycle.

"Miss Junsha, it's nothing, I just encountered a few wild Pokémon attacks." Wutong said calmly.

"Wild Pokémon attacks?" Miss Junsha looked suspiciously at the deep pit on the ground and the five unknown objects pressed under the boulders.

"I suspect you are an illegal Pokémon hunter, please come with me." Miss Junsha said seriously.

"Do I look so much like a bad guy? This should be able to prove my identity." Wutong took out the Pokémon illustrated book helplessly.

"What is this? Pokémon illustrated book. It turns out to be a new traveler. Sorry, I misunderstood you." Miss Junsha said after seeing the Pokémon illustrated book.

"It's okay, but Miss Junsha, do you know what's going on with these five Squirtles?" Wutong asked deliberately.

"Squirtles? Are the wild Pokémon that you said attacked you five Squirtles wearing sunglasses?" Miss Junsha asked back.

"Yes, it seems that these five guys are very famous." Wutong asked Swampert to move the boulder away.

"Numa~" Swampert obediently moved the boulder away, and the five Squirtles stayed there in different postures, either lying or lying.

"These five Squirtles are all Pokémon abandoned by their trainers. Because they were abandoned, they are very disappointed with humans, so they simply formed this Squirtle Corps to do whatever they want nearby." Miss Junsha said with a complicated expression.

"These people are so hateful!" Wutong said with gritted teeth.

"Yes, they are also poor children." Miss Junsha said sympathetically.

"Even one of the three starter Pokémon, Zishui Turtle, is willing to be abandoned! Such a rare Pokémon is not needed, so give it to others! Some people want it but can't get it! Don't you know that waste is shameful!" Wutong kept muttering.

"Ah!?" Miss Junsha was stunned. You seem to be sighing at the wrong point.

And what the hell is Zishui Turtle? Are you talking about Squirtle?

"Miss Junsha, these five Squirtle should be a trouble for you, right? Why not let me handle it." Wutong suggested.

"This." In fact, Miss Junsha was moved by Wutong's proposal. After all, these five Squirtle have been causing trouble, making the nearby public security very bad, and seriously affecting her performance.

And Wutong is a trainer with a Pokémon illustrated book, so he can rest assured about their origins.

In addition, after these five Squirtle were abandoned, they were actually considered wild Pokémon. As long as the Pokémon hunters did not maliciously capture them for the purpose of illegal profit, she had no right to control them.

"No problem, if you can solve it, it will be a great help to me." Miss Junsha thought for a moment and agreed directly.

"Then leave it to me, but my method may be a bit rough, I hope Miss Junsha doesn't mind." Wutong said in advance.

"No problem, as long as you don't do bad things, I won't interfere with you, so do you need my help?" Miss Junsha asked.

"Please help me tie up these Squirtles first." Wutong said.

"Okay, tie them up - ah!?" Miss Junsha looked at Wutong in confusion.

Wutong just smiled, but Miss Junsha shuddered when she saw this smile.

The guy in front of him is definitely a black-bellied guy!

After Miss Junsha helped tie up all the Squirtles

Afterwards, Wutong asked Swampert to hold the rope and drag five Squirtles to find their base.

In his impression, the base of these five Squirtles should be nearby.

Duckbill Baby knew that it was time for him to appear, and volunteered to go find it by himself.

Wutong saw that Duckbill Baby was so active and did not refuse.

So Wutong and Swampert, who was dragging five Squirtles, followed Duckbill Baby to search everywhere.

Wutong was also very considerate to turn all five Squirtles over, so that they lay on their backs with their shells on the ground.

This way, they can avoid injuries, and as for the wear and tear of the shells, they can take care of it themselves later.

With the efforts of Duckbill Baby, Wutong successfully found the base of the Squirtle Army.

In a cave that is not small, there is a stone with a good shape, which looks like it is used to tie people.

There are also two relatively flat stone platforms. It must be said that they are very good at choosing places.

Wutong tied the five Squirtles to the rocks, and then let Swampert and Duckbill move freely.

Wutong was lucky, and the five Squirtles did not wake up until they were tied to the rocks.

Wutong decided to camp here today, so he took out various tools and started to prepare dinner.

Swampert and Duckbill went to train by themselves, after all, they didn't want to disappoint Wutong who accepted them.

"Jenny?" After a while, the head Squirtle was attracted by a fragrance and slowly woke up.

The head Squirtle first called out twice in confusion, and then found that the state of himself and his brothers was not right.

"Jenny! Jenny Jenny!" The five of them were actually tied up. Usually they tied others, but today they were tied by others. It was a great shame!


"Jenny Jenny?"



The other four Squirtles were called, and then quickly changed from confusion to shock.

The five Squirtles began to struggle.

"Hey, stop struggling. I will tie you up again even if you break free." Wutong said while picking up vegetables.

Although they were in the cave, the ventilation was good. Wutong was worried that the cave would be filled with smoke at first.

"Jenny! Jenny Jenny!" Squirtle threatened Wutong.

Disappointed with humans, it thought Wutong must have some conspiracy.

"You said my purpose? I have to think about it carefully." Wutong said deliberately.

"Jenny! Jenny Jenny!" Squirtle shouted again when he saw Wutong's appearance.

"Jenny! Jenny!" ×4 The four Squirtle brothers also shouted after hearing Squirtle's cry.

"Okay, don't act like brothers. I won't do anything to you, but at the same time, I can't just catch you and let the other four go." Wutong said helplessly.

After hearing what Wutong said, the five Squirtles were a little desperate. Were they going to be captured and abandoned again?

"Don't worry, I have no intention of capturing you." Wutong said when he saw them.

But the five Squirtles obviously didn't believe it.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, I have thought of what I am going to do. From today on, I am your boss! From now on, you will no longer be called the Squirtle Army, but the Wutong Army!" Wutong said with a shovel.

"Jenny!!!????" ×5 The five Squirtles shouted in shock after hearing what Wutong said.

This human must have something wrong. He doesn't intend to capture himself, but also wants to take the position of the leader of their army! ?

"Remember to call me leader in the future. Oh, by the way, just in case, don't think I don't understand what you are saying. If you secretly scold me, it won't work." Wutong warned.

"Jenny!?" ×5 The five Squirtles were shocked by Wutong's words again. Do you still care whether the Pokémon scolds you! ?

"Oh, by the way, our army must have its own characteristics. Your sunglasses are pretty good and very distinctive." Wutong suddenly said.

"So, leader, I want to discuss something with you. Lend me your sunglasses. After all, I am the boss and cannot wear the same sunglasses as you." Wutong said.

"Jenny! Jenny Jenny!" Squirtle immediately refused with all his heart.

"Oh, you are so polite. You don't have to say so many times to lend it to you. I can hear you. Thank you~" Wutong said as he took off Squirtle's pointy sunglasses and put them on his face.

"Jenny!?" Squirtle was speechless. Aren't you just bullying the turtle?

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