Although the turtle was disappointed with humans, it never thought there would be such a shameless person.

It can only be said that Wutong has refreshed its understanding of humans again.

"As the boss, I will definitely let you eat. But I have agreed in advance that I will put you down to eat, but you can't take the opportunity to escape or attack, do you understand?" Wutong asked.

The five Squirtles did not respond, but stared at Wutong together.

It was quite oppressive to be stared at by five water turtles together.

"If you don't call me, I will take it as your consent, Swamp Jumper, put them down." Wutong said.

"Numa~!" Swamp Jumper responded and walked to the stone where the Squirtle Army was tied.

"Numa~Numa-Numa~" Swampert shouted while untying the rope.

"Jenny! Jenny-Jenny!" Head Squirtle kept shouting at Swampert.

Of course, Wutong didn't understand the conversation between the two Pokémon at all.

After all, the power of the Evergreen Force can sense the mood and feelings of Pokémon.

As for understanding what Pokémon are saying or communicating with Pokémon without obstacles, that is the business of psychics.

And Wutong's statement to the Squirrels that he could understand them was of course a lie.

He just guessed it based on the Squirrels' emotions and familiarity with the plot.

But Wutong couldn't act like he didn't understand.

Wutong simply pretended not to hear and continued to concentrate on cooking.

Perhaps moved by Swampert's words, the Squirrels that were untied by the Water Leap did not attack or escape.

But the six Pokémon kept shouting Jenny-Jenny and Numa-Numa.

Soon, the duckling joined in, chatting with Bubble.

"Are the feelings of the Pokémon getting better so quickly?" Wutong looked at the chirping Pokémon over there while stirring the spoon.

"Okay! Come and eat!" Soon, Wutong prepared dinner and called the Swampert, the duckling and the Squirtles.

Hearing Wutong's call for dinner, the Swampert and the duckling immediately ran over.

The five Squirtles were alert. After all, their trust in humans is not high yet.

"Numa!" The Swampert shouted to indicate that there was no problem.

"Bubby!" The duckling also persuaded.

The persuasion of the Swampert and the duckling, coupled with the aroma of Wutong's best dinner, the five Squirtles finally succumbed.

The five Squirtles walked to the dining table and drooled at the full table of food.

"Jenny!" The leader Squirtle called out, and the five Squirrels started grabbing food and shoving it into their mouths frantically.

"Jenny! Squirtle Jenny!" The Squirrels were eating so much that they burst into tears, even though they claimed that the Squirtle Army was causing chaos nearby.

But the food they harvested was just enough to ensure that they were full every day.

It was basically difficult to make it delicious, and with Wutong's basically maxed-out breeding skills, the food he made could be said to be very delicious.

"You guys, don't look so embarrassed, eat slowly, no one is snatching it from you!" Wutong couldn't help but say when he saw the five Squirrels.

"Numa~Numa~" Swampert also used both claws to stuff food into his mouth.

"Bubby~" The duckbill baby also called out seriously, but its hand that waved out a shadow betrayed it.

"Well, it's true that no one is snatching it, but there are Pokémon snatching it." Wutong didn't know what to say when he saw his Pokémon looking so bad.



Squirtle and Swampert are both water-type Pokémon, and their tastes are similar.

Coincidentally, Squirtle and Swampert like to eat the same thing on the table. It is a cake made of Thousand Spicy Fruit.

At the beginning, there was no problem when there was still a lot of food, but when there was only one piece of Thousand Spicy Fruit Cake left, the war came.

Squirtle and Swampert grabbed the last piece of Thousand Spicy Fruit Cake at the same time, and neither of the two Pokémon wanted to give up.

The hatred for food was irreconcilable, Squirtle and Swampert put their heads together, arched each other, and kept shouting.

Wanted to make the other party give up.

"You two, there is still a lot of food, don't fight." Wutong tried to persuade.




Squirtle and Swampert turned a deaf ear to Wutong's persuasion. They continued to butt against each other.

"Bubby~" Duckbill also began to persuade. As an experienced Pokémon, it felt that something terrible might happen if it continued.

"Squirtle!" ×4 The other four Squirrels of course began to cheer for their boss.



Squirtle and Swampert found that the other party refused to give in and decided to solve it with force.

Squirtle and Swampert wrestled with each other instantly. Of course, Swampert also restrained himself, after all, it was much stronger than Squirtle.

But soon, the two Pokémon found that fighting alone was not enough and started to splash water on each other. The water flow directly rushed onto the food.

A lot of food could not be eaten.

"Hey! Stop fighting--" Wutong shouted halfway, and a water gun splashed Wutong's face.

"Bubby!" The duck-billed baby on the side panicked, it felt that the scary Wutong was about to appear again.

"Hehehe, disobedient children must be punished." Wutong said with a smile.

Sure enough, the kind-hearted Wutong appeared, and the duck-billed baby quickly took some food and ran to a distance to eat.

Although he ran, he still had to watch the show.

"Dream demon, let these guys be honest." Wutong said.

"Dream~" The dream demon flew directly from the shadow of Wutong and used hypnosis.

The grappling Squirtle and Swampert all fell asleep.

"Jenny! Jenny Jenny?" ×4 The other four Squirtle brothers were confused. Why did their boss fall asleep?

"You four, tie up the two of them for me." Wutong said to the four Squirrels.

"Jenny!" The remaining four Squirrels refused without hesitation.

"It seems that you want to be like them, Duckbill, Dream!" Wutong called his Pokémon.

The remaining four Squirtles were greatly weakened without the command of the leader Squirtle, and were easily captured by Duckbill and Dream.

The Squirtle Army, which had just been untied, was tied to the stone again, along with a pink Swampert.



Because of the influence of the skills, Squirtle and Swampert woke up quickly.

They started to struggle when they saw themselves tied up.

"You two should be honest!" Wutong said when he saw the two Pokémon waking up.

"Those who waste food will be punished!" Wutong said slowly.

Although Wutong seemed very calm, Squirtle and Swampert both felt a scary breath.

Squirtle and Swampert, who had just fought, could not help but lean against each other.

The other four Squirtles who were knocked down and tied together because of challenging Wutong were also trembling a little.

However, Wutong did not do anything. Punishment is punishment, but he has no hobby of abusing Pokémon.

"You two are going to get the Thousand Fragrance Cake, right, Duckbill Baby, eat it." Wutong picked up the last piece of Thousand Fragrance Cake and handed it to Duckbill Baby.

"Since you guys got it to fight, no one should eat it!" Wutong said.

"Bubby!?" Duckbill Baby looked complicated. Thousand Fragrance Cake is the kind of cake that smells very fragrant and tastes sweet with a little bitterness.

After all, the taste of Thousand Fragrance Fruit is mainly astringent and bitter, and many water-type Pokémon also like this taste.

But as a fire-type Pokémon, Duckbill Baby prefers spicy and sweet food.

Thousand Fragrance Cake is really not to its taste. This is not a punishment for Squirtle and Swampert, it is clearly a punishment for itself.

However, the sensible Duckbill Baby knows that food cannot be wasted, and swallowed the Thousand Fragrance Cake with his eyes closed.



Squirtle and Swampert saw their favorite food being eaten by other Pokémon, and they looked painful.

The two Pokémon felt uncomfortable instantly.

The farce was over quickly, and Wutong did not tie up the Pokémon for too long.

But after being untied this time, the five Squirrels were much more obedient. After all, they could not be beaten, and Wutong looked a little scary.

Wutong slept in the base of the Squirtle Corps for one night. He was going to give the Squirtle Corps a special training.

The next day, Wutong woke up early again, and found that the five Squirrels and Swampert were sleeping together, while the Duckbill Baby stayed alone.

It was not that the Duckbill Baby was excluded, but because the body temperature of the Duckbill Baby was too high, and the skin of the Squirtle and Swampert would become very dry if they stayed with it for a long time.

For the two Pokémon who need to keep their skin moist at all times, sleeping with the Duckbill Baby for a night may

There will be life-threatening danger.

And although the duckbill baby can control the fire attribute energy to a certain extent under Wutong's training, there is still a chance of spontaneous combustion when sleeping, so the duckbill baby also consciously found a corner to sleep.

Seeing that several Pokémon were still sleeping, Wutong stretched and began to prepare breakfast.

Ten years of life in the breeding house, plus the training since childhood. Wutong has long developed a good habit of getting up early.

After Wutong prepared breakfast, the aroma of the food also woke up several Pokémon.

"Jenny Jenny!" Seeing the rich breakfast, the head Squirtle suddenly felt that Wutong was a good person. I don't know whether to say that the food is attractive or that the Pokémon has a simple personality.

This time, when eating breakfast, several Pokémon were very obedient and did not fight. After all, Pokémon also have to save face, and they can't always be tied up, right?

"Okay, let's talk about our mission today!" After finishing his meal, Wutong put on the sunglasses he borrowed from Squirtle and said loudly.

"Squirtle!!" Squirtle expressed his dissatisfaction and expressed his willingness to return the sunglasses.

"You said you wanted to lend me your sunglasses for a few more days? That's great, Squirtle, you are quite generous~" Wutong said.

"Squirtle!!!!!" Squirtle was angry. It was too bullying. Believe it or not, I will sneer at you! ?

"You are so excited. By the way, all five of you are Squirtle. If I just call you Squirtle, it seems that I can't tell them apart. How about this, I will give you a name." Wutong ignored Squirtle and said.

"Squirtle!?" ×5 The five Squirrels were a little surprised. They didn't expect Wutong to actually plan to give them names.

"Your name is Shiryu, your name is Ikki, your name is Hyoga, and your name is Shun." Wutong first pointed at the four little brothers Squirtle and said.

"Squirtle?" After hearing the names of his little brothers, Squirtle felt a little bit of anticipation.

"As for you, the leader at the time, just call yourself Bald Baron of Dark Night!" Wutong said solemnly to Squirtle, the Squirtle who followed Xiaozhi away in the anime.

"Squirtle Squirtle!!!!" Bald Baron of Dark Night, cough, no, it was Squirtle Squirtle who was angry.

What the hell is Bald Baron of Dark Night! ? It's obviously different from the other four!

"Don't you like it? Then, your name is Fengjian, your name is Zhengnan, your name is A-Dai, and your name is Nini." Wutong named the other four Squirtle first.

"Squirtle Squirtle!" Although these names are a bit strange, they are barely worth looking forward to.

"As for you! Just call him the Bald Baron of Daylight!" Wutong pointed at Squirtle. Scoring twice is the case.

"Squirtle!" Squirtle did not hesitate to shoot a water gun at Wutong this time.

"Really, don't be so irritable." Wutong, who had been prepared, flexibly dodged Squirtle's water gun.

"Squirtle Squirtle!" Squirtle shouted angrily, you just turn the dark night into daylight? How much do you like the Bald Baron!

"Okay, okay, if you don't like this, then you can call yourself Xiaoyi, and then you can call yourself Xiaoer, Xiaosan, Xiaosi, and Xiaowu." Wutong said helplessly.

This time Squirtle did not object, after all, this name is better than the Bald Baron of Dark Night.

"Okay, then let me tell you the goal of our Wutong Army! I know you are all abandoned Pokémon, but this does not mean that all humans are bad people!" Wutong said.

The five Squirtles didn't refute what Wutong said at the first time.

It turned out that the five Squirtles knew about it from the conversation between Swampert and Duckbill last night.

Swampert and Duckbill were also abandoned many times, but they were accepted by Wutong and were very good to them.

This also made the five Squirtles have a little good impression of Wutong. So now they are willing to listen to Wutong's words.

"Very good, no one refuted. I won't ask you to accept humans again, but you must not cause trouble again! If you are hungry, go and earn food by your own ability! I will train you to be able to feed yourself!" Wutong said loudly.

"Jenny?" Several Squirtles looked confused and didn't understand what Wutong was going to do.

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