The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.

"Thank you, Emperor Yan~" Wutong said as he walked a few steps quickly and slapped Emperor Yan on the butt.

Emperor Yan, who was originally very cold and full of style, was stunned by Wutong's sudden attack. Finally, he stared at Wutong in disbelief, and his eyes clearly said that you kid is a little disrespectful to me.

Xiaozhi and the other two took a breath of cold air when they saw Wutong's behavior, and marveled at Wutong's courage.

Wutong did not look panicked at all, and walked to Xiaozhi and the others very naturally.

"The feel is unexpectedly good. Sure enough, the lion is just a big cat." Wutong said to himself.

Entei snored unhappily, and came to the stone platform on the other side with several Pokémon and lay down.

Those Pokémon all gathered closely around Entei to keep each other warm. Entei glanced at Wutong, closed his eyes and began to rest.

"How is Charmander? Does it smell like it was fed with herbs? It seems that I don't need to do anything." Wutong walked to Xiaozhi and looked at the Charmander in his arms and said.

"Thanks to Souji, he gave Charmander medicine, and I am helping it keep warm now." Xiaozhi nodded and replied.

"What did you do in such a heavy rain?" Chengzi asked curiously.

"I went to teach a child with a twisted personality a lesson, and then set a small goal for him." Wutong said easily.

"What are you talking about?" Chengzi looked strange.

"Well, don't worry about it. You look much cuter after letting your hair down." Wutong changed the subject.

"Huh? Really?" Chengzi obviously believed it.

"Really? If you don't believe me, ask Xiaozhi. You haven't eaten yet, right? You won't grow taller if you don't eat well." Wutong said, standing up and preparing to make dinner.

"Great, my stomach has been growling with hunger for a long time. Are you hungry too, Pikachu?" Xiaozhi said happily.

"Pika~" Pikachu rubbed his stomach and nodded.

"It's late, let's just make a simple one. Onion Ranger comes out to help. Xiaobai, go play with Pikachu and the others for a while." Wutong said, releasing the kitchen helper and "daughter", and the other Pokémon will be released when it's time to eat.

"What a cute little Charmander!" Chengzi was instantly conquered when he saw Xiaobai.

"Rare shining color, I saw it when I fought with Entei before." Souji, who had been silent, was also attracted by Xiaobai.

Sure enough, cuteness is justice.

Wutong moved quickly. Because it was late, Wutong chose a simple omelet rice, and with the help of Onion Ranger, it was quickly finished.

"If you don't mind, let's eat some together. Just consider it as a thank you for treating Charmander." Wutong said to Soji.

"It's so cute~, I can't bear to eat it!" Makoto couldn't help but say as she looked at the omelette rice arranged in the shape of a baby bear on the plate in front of her.

"Eh? Wutong's cooking is delicious. It would be a waste if you don't eat it. If you don't want to eat it, I can help you." Xiaozhi didn't care about the dish, and he had already eaten half of it very quickly.

God knows how this guy can eat so fast with only one hand while holding Charmander.

"I don't need your help!" Makoto said immediately.

Not only Xiaozhi, Makoto and Soji each had a portion, but also a plate of omelette rice was placed in front of Pikachu, Pogoman, and Lucario.

Wutong, who knew Pikachu's preferences well, poured a lot of ketchup on Pikachu's portion. At this time, Pikachu took a bite and covered his cheek and cried out, looking very happy.

"It tastes really good, Lucario, what do you think?" Souji asked Lucario after taking a bite.

Lucario silently gave a thumbs up after taking a bite.

On the other side, Xiaobai was lying on Wutong's shoulder, and Cong Youbing followed him to the side of Yan Di and the others.

Feeling Wutong's arrival, Yan Di opened his eyes and looked at Wutong vigilantly.

Feeling Yan Di's vigilance, Wutong was a little helpless. It was just a pat on your butt, so what?

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions. I just came to give you some food as a return gift to thank you for bringing me to the cave." Wutong said and put down the plate in his hand.

Cong Youbing also put the plates he was holding in front of Yan Di and the others.

Yan Di smelled the omelette rice in the plate, and after confirming that there was no problem, he growled at the Pokémon around him.

Looking at the Pokémon eating

The Pokémon Wutong did not stay for long and turned away.

"Ga~" Cong Youbing turned around coolly and called out to Entei before leaving, meaning that he was looking forward to the next battle.

After seeing Wutong leave, a figure emerged from Entei's shadow and looked curiously at the omelette rice that Entei and the others were eating.

Entei called out, indicating that there was another plate, and that guy should have discovered you.

The next second, the extra omelette rice was taken away by a black shadow.

Looking at Wutong's actions, Souji and the Pokémon gathered around Entei said, "Sure enough, in the face of natural threats, humans and Pokémon are the same, but that guy is really amazing, he can actually contact the legendary Pokémon without any care."

"Maybe it's because Wutong is brave?" Xiaozhi guessed.

"That kind of thing can't be done by being brave." Chengzi complained.

"Legend has it that Entei's life was given by the Phoenix King." Souji, who had finished his meal, seemed to be in high spirits and said actively.

"Ho-Oh?" Xiaozhi asked curiously.

Souji nodded and began to tell the legend of Ho-Oh and the Ho-Oh Guards, and found a picture of the Ho-Oh Guards to show Xiaozhi.

"I like Suicune the most!" Makoto said while looking at the picture.

"And Ho-Oh, who is said to control the lives of Pokémon." Souji swiped the screen and the picture of Ho-Oh appeared on the screen.

"Ah!" ×2 Xiaozhi and Pikachu shouted at the same time. Then Xiaozhi ran to his backpack.

Souji and Makoto looked at Xiaozhi strangely.

"Do you know?" Makoto asked curiously.

"I saw it with Wutong on the day when I started my journey." Xiaozhi said while searching his backpack.

"Really!?" Souji asked.

"Well, this fell down at that time." Xiaozhi found the Rainbow Feather and took it out and said.

"Rainbow Feather!?" Souji said in surprise when he saw what Xiaozhi took out.

"Yes, it's a rainbow feather. I got one that day, too." Wutong also came back and took out a rainbow feather from his arms.

But Wutong's rainbow feather looked brighter than Xiaozhi's.

"Rainbow feather?" Chengzi obviously didn't know when Rainbow Feather asked the question.

On the other side, Entei, who was eating, also noticed this side, but he seemed a little unbelievable after seeing that Wutong also had a rainbow feather.

Behind Entei, the little black shadow appeared again, it was the phantom Pokémon Machado. At this time, Machado also stared at the direction of Xiaozhi and Wutong, but there was a grain of rice on the corner of Machado's mouth, which made it look a little stupid.

"Although the Phoenix King rarely appears in front of humans, it is said that it will give rainbow feathers to very few Pokémon trainers who are favored." Souji explained.

"Hey, so I was favored by the Phoenix King?" After hearing Souji's explanation, Xiaozhi said a little proudly.

"But what is the Rainbow Feather used for?" Chengzi continued to ask.

"Legend has it that the person who is guided by the Rainbow Feather to see the King of Phoenix will become the Rainbow Warrior." Wutong said.

"The Rainbow Warrior? Although I don't quite understand it, it seems very powerful! But Wutong, if you know it, why didn't you tell me?" Xiaozhi said.

"Because you didn't ask, and if I tell you, you will definitely get carried away." Wutong said as a matter of course.

"I won't do that!" Xiaozhi said.

After chatting for a while, the few people felt sleepy and fell asleep leaning against the rocks. Xiaozhi still held Charmander in his arms to keep it warm.

While everyone was asleep, a black shadow came near Xiaozhi.

"So you don't choose me?" Just as Machado was looking at Xiaozhi curiously, a voice suddenly sounded, and Machado was frightened by the sudden voice.

Machado looked around and found that Wutong, who was obviously asleep, opened his eyes and was looking at him.

"Don't mind it, I'm just joking, good night." Wutong said and closed his eyes again.

Machado looked at Wutong and then at Xiaozhi, then slowly shrunk into Xiaozhi's shadow.

The next day, as the sun shone into the cave, Wutong and his friends woke up.

The few people who woke up found that Entei and several other Pokémon on the stone platform opposite had disappeared.

"Have Entei and the others left?" Chengzi said.

"Of course, after all, they just came to take shelter from the rain." Wutong stretched and said.

"Charmander! Are you feeling better?" After a night's rest, the flame on Charmander's tail became strong again.

"Kana~!" Charmander responded energetically.


"You've recovered well." Wutong looked at Charmander and said.

"Well, the flame on the tail has returned to normal. It's fine now." Souji looked at the flame on Charmander's tail and said.

"Great, Charmander!" Xiaozhi said to Charmander happily.

"Kanna~" Charmander responded again.

"Um, Charmander, are you willing to go with me?" Xiaozhi knelt on one knee in front of Charmander and asked seriously.

Wutong on the side looked a little speechless. If Xiaozhi had treated Charmander like this when he treated Serena and the others, he would probably be married.

After hearing Xiaozhi's words, Charmander looked hesitant.

"Be friends with me!" Xiaozhi continued.

"Pika! "Pikachu also ran over and shouted.

Charmander lowered his head and thought about something, Xiaozhi asked again.

"Kana~" Charmander was finally conquered by Xiaozhi, gave up the Cross who abandoned it and nodded to show his willingness.

"Do you agree!" Xiaozhi happily confirmed again.

"Kana!" Charmander shouted firmly.

"Great! Then, let's go!" Xiaozhi took out a Poké Ball and said.

Put the Poké Ball gently on the head of Charmander, without any obstacles, Charmander was captured.

"I captured Charmander!" Xiaozhi shouted happily after succeeding.

"Congratulations." Wutong said.

"That's great, Xiaozhi, Pikachu." Chengzi also said happily.

After solving the problem of Charmander, the four packed up their belongings and left the cave.

Walking out of the cave, a brilliant rainbow hung in the sky.

"It's a rainbow! "Xiaozhi said happily at this time.

"It's so beautiful." Chengzi said.

"It is said that the Phoenix King lives under the rainbow." Soji said.

"Ding~!" ×2 Two crisp sounds appeared, Wutong and Xiaozhi took out their respective rainbow feathers.

The rainbow feathers emitted a dazzling light after being taken out.

"It seems that the rainbow feathers want to guide us somewhere." Wutong said.

"Is there anything over there?" Xiaozhi asked.

Soji left and checked the electronic map.

"That direction is the Yunying Mountains where steep peaks are connected to each other." Soji said while looking at the map.

"It's decided! I have to fight with the Phoenix King after I see it!" Xiaozhi shouted excitedly.

"I also want to meet the Phoenix King!" Chengzi said.

"Me too. "Songci also said.

Under the light, Xiaozhi's shadow was very long, and a small head poked out from the shadow. However, before Machado could observe carefully, he saw Wutong smiling at it.

Machado immediately went back into the shadow.

The smile on Wutong's face froze.

"Is it so scary?" Wutong rubbed his face and said to himself.

"What's wrong? Wutong, what are you talking about?" Xiaozhi asked curiously.

"Nothing, I just think I shouldn't look scary." Wutong said.

"Really? Could it be that you caught a cold when you slept yesterday and your brain is not good?" Xiaozhi asked.

"Your brain is not good!" Wutong gave Xiaozhi a slap and said.

"Anyway, let's act together. I also want to witness who the legendary Rainbow Warrior is. I want to see it with my own eyes." Zongci said.

"Okay! Let's go to see the Phoenix King together! "Xiaozhi shouted with full spirit.

On the other side, Xiaozhi's true fans, the Rocket Team, who can change the heroines but not the teammates, can change the lineup, heroines, and companions in any time and space, but they will never change the Rocket Team trio, staring at Wutong and others in the dark.

"I heard the good news." Musashi said happily.

"Although we didn't find Entei..." Kojiro continued.

"But we conquered Ho-Oh..." Meowth also said.

"What a great feeling (meow)~" the Rocket Team trio said together.

In this way, the team of the Rainbow Hero expanded a little bit.

From the original two people to four people, Wutong, as a male mother, did not feel the pressure.

After all, it was just two more people and two Pokémon, which was completely incomparable to the time when there were more than ten Pokémon.

On the way, Makoto and Souji felt more and more that Xiaozhi was lucky to travel with Wutong.

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