The journey with many people is always lively and joyful. After Chengzi and Souji joined the team, the speed of progress slowed down a bit, but it was more fun.

The group headed towards the direction of the rainbow feather, the highest peak of the Yunying Mountains, Tianqing Mountain.

However, along the way, the Phoenix Guards did not appear again, and the wild Pokémon could not arouse Wutong's interest in fighting.

So Wutong entered the male mother mode again and concentrated on logistics, and Souji, who was originally the male mother in the plot, willingly became Wutong's assistant.

For a while, Wutong's life returned to the days of eating, sleeping, and practicing Pokémon, and occasionally torturing Xiaozhi and Chengzi when he was in a good mood.

What made Wutong a little pity was that Souji had no intention of fighting with Wutong, unlike Xiaozhi and Chengzi who were so stubborn and would be tortured in various ways.

So during this period, Wutong was more focused on improving as a breeder, and then his tacit understanding with Ditto became higher and higher. The other Pokémon entered a period of accumulation and their progress began to slow down.

The only one who improved a lot should be Xiaobai. With Xiaozhi and Chengzi as opponents, Xiaobai's practical experience improved rapidly.

As for the fact that Wutong actually had so many shiny Pokémon, Souji and Chengzi were very surprised, but as they spent more time together.

Every time they ate, they would be released by a large group of shiny Pokémon, and they were not so surprised after watching for a long time.

But as an assistant, Souji felt that every time he prepared food, it was a big challenge, and he admired Wutong more and more in his heart.

—Dividing line—

"Green caterpillar! It's you!" After encountering a Kairos, Xiaozhi decisively sent out his new partner.

"Kailo~!" Kairos saw that the caterpillar seemed to feel humiliated, and the two horns on his head emitted white light and rushed towards the caterpillar.

"Caterpillar, spit silk!" Xiaozhi commanded.

The caterpillar jumped up flexibly, spit out silk in the air to tie Kairos.

After landing behind Kairos, he shook his head hard and threw Kairos directly out.

"This kid is so scary, he will definitely be a big trouble in the future." Wutong, who was watching the battle, said while touching his chin.

"Ga~? Gaga? (Why don't we take the initiative and give it to--)" Onion Youbing came to Wutong and shouted "softly".

"Wutong, what are you doing?" Chengzi looked at Wutong in confusion and asked.

"Kana~?" Xiaobai, who was playing with Pogaman, also tilted his head and shouted.

"Can you please finish today's little drama quickly? The food is about to burn." Soji said while busy.

"Hey, Onion Ranger, cut these vegetables. I'll go check on the vegetables." Wutong coughed and said.

"Ga~!" Onion Ranger nodded, and then the onion blade in his hand flew back and forth. Of course, the onions for cooking were new onions that Wutong specially found. After all, no one knows what the onion blade of Onion Ranger has pierced when it fights.

At this time, the group is still moving towards Tianqing Mountain, and now they have found a place by the water to prepare for camping.

Wutong and Soji are preparing dinner, while Chengzi is playing with Xiaobai and Pogaman.

As a battle maniac, Xiaozhi immediately greeted Kairos after seeing him appear.

After the caterpillar threw Kairos away, the light of evolution appeared on his body. As the white light dissipated, an iron pupa appeared in the original place.

"Evolved! Great, congratulations on your iron pupa!" Xiaozhi happily ran over and hugged the iron pupa and said.

"Kairos ran away." Chengzi said as he watched Kairos staggering and running away entangled by the silkworm.

"It doesn't matter. Metapod is more important to Xiaozhi now." Soji said.

After a while, Wutong and Soji prepared dinner.

"Everyone, come out." Crystal Onix, Ditto and the three little ones were all released. Because there is no need to worry about hiding their identities in this world, Wutong always releases them all.

But for some reason, Wutong always feels like he has forgotten something. (Iron Warrior: &#%¢!)

The four of them and a large group of Pokémon finished dinner lively, and the sky darkened. Everyone who had nothing to do fell asleep early, except Makoto.

When everyone fell asleep, Makoto sat on the shore by herself, scrolling through the album on her phone, looking at the photos taken along the way.

There are scenery,

There are delicious food, cute Pokémon, and of course, friends like Xiaozhi, Zongci, and Wutong.

As he swiped, a different photo appeared.

In the photo, a woman with only her back was feeding Pogaman, and there was a Regal Napo standing next to them.

Chengzi was a little dazed looking at the photo.

"Is that your mother?" A voice suddenly came from behind Chengzi.

Chengzi was startled and turned around to see Wutong leaning down and standing behind her.

"Don't talk behind someone's back suddenly, it's scary!" Chengzi said.

"Sorry, sorry, I just got up to drink some water, and I saw you sitting here alone so I wanted to come over." Wutong made up a reason and said.

"Yes, this is my mother." Chengzi said.

"Oh, really." Wutong said and sat next to Chengzi waiting for something.

After a moment of silence, Chengzi couldn't help but ask, "Don't you want to ask me something?"

"What? I don't have the habit of asking about other people's private affairs. If you want to say something, you will tell us, right?" Wutong said as a matter of course.

"Strange guy." Chengzi whispered after hearing Wutong's words.

There was another silence, and Wutong looked at the water quietly.

A dead leaf was blown to the water by the wind, causing ripples.

"Is it coming?" Wutong raised his head and murmured to himself when he felt the wind blowing.

Chengzi also raised his head and looked at the other side. Under the moonlight, Shuijun stood there with the breeze.

Shuijun also saw Wutong and Chengzi, and watched the two silently.

"Finally we meet again." Wutong stood up and said, it was worth asking the dream demon to keep an eye on Chengzi, and he finally met Shuijun.

"Suijun, come and fight with me." Wutong said to Shuijun.

"Eh? Wutong, are you going to subdue Suicune?" Chengzi asked.

"No, I just want to have a fight with it. You won't refuse, Suicune." Wutong took out the Rainbow Feather and said to Suicune.

Suicune looked at the Rainbow Feather in Wutong's hand, which was emitting rainbow light, and nodded, indicating that he accepted Wutong's invitation to fight.

"Let's go a little further, it would be bad to disturb their sleep. Do you want to come and see?" Wutong looked around and said.

"Yes, I'll go." Chengzi said without hesitation.

Suicune did not refuse, turned around and began to lead the way.

Wutong and Chengzi followed Suicune to an open space. The moon was very bright tonight, so the vision was very clear.

Suicune standing opposite looked at Wutong calmly, his long hair moved without wind, and his ribbon-like tail was slowly floating beside Suicune.

"Ditto, please." Wutong did not choose the Onion Soldier, and decided to let Ditto fight this time.

"Mou~" A round Ditto that looked like a blue slime appeared on the field.

"Eh? Is it okay to let Ditto on the field?" Chengzi couldn't help but say when she saw Wutong's choice.

After all, after she joined the team, Wutong had never fought against her except to abuse her and Xiaozhi. Even when he abused them, he always used Xiaobai and the three little ones, and occasionally let the green soldiers "guide" them.

So Chengzi's impression of Ditto was more that it was very comfortable to rub.

"It's okay, my Ditto is very strong." Wutong said.

"Mou~" Ditto changed its shape very cooperatively, pinched its muscles, and made several bodybuilding movements.

"But, the opponent is Suicune." As a fan of Suicune, Chengzi was still a little worried.

"Ditto, you are underestimated. Let's show her our strength." Wutong didn't expect to win from the beginning.

No matter what, the opponent is the leader of the Phoenix Guard, Suicune, the incarnation of the north wind.

Wutong is confident that he can train Ditto to be as good as Suicune, but that is a matter for the future. Now it is enough to threaten Suicune.

"Mou~!" Ditto cried out. It thought that Suicune on the opposite side looked very handsome and worthy of being included in its collection.

Wutong's eyes emitted a faint blue light. Without any hesitation, he went all out.

[Swampert form, arm hammer. ]

Ditto jumped towards Suicune, and his body shape changed. The pink muscular Swampert appeared. His thick arms emitted white light and punched Suicune.

Suicune jumped lightly to avoid Ditto's attack.

[Beedrill form, high-speed movement, double needles. ]

Ditto jumped towards Suicune with all four limbs, and transformed again in mid-air. The green Beedrill double needles appeared with a cold light.

Ditto's speed increased suddenly, and he came to Suicune with a residual image, and the double needles pierced directly into Suicune.


Suicune felt a pain in his waist and growled, stamped his foot on the ground, and a circular stream of water shot out from the center of his body in all directions. The Variety Monster was directly knocked away.

[Fossil pterosaur form, dragon dance, moving at high speed. ] Wutong's eyes flashed with blue light, commanding the Variety Monster to change its form and continue to stack buffs.

The body shape of the kaleidoscope that was knocked away changed again. After the white light passed, the pink fossil pterosaur spread its wings and began to rotate on the spot.

Suicune still watched calmly, as if he was waiting to see how far Indus and Digit could do it.

"Really, we have been underestimated." Wutong said helplessly.

"Eh!?" Seiko had no idea what was happening. From her perspective, Wutong had no command from beginning to end, and the Variety Monster kept changing its appearance to attack Suicune.

This attack mode was completely beyond Chengzi's imagination, and now Wutong said that they were underestimated? Chengzi was completely confused now.

While speaking, the Variety Monster's Dragon Dance has been completed, its attack power has been significantly improved, another burst of light flashed on its body, its high-speed movement has been activated, and its speed has increased again.

"Variety monster, ghost face, wing attack!" Wutong saw that Suicune actually gave him a chance, so he reduced the consumption of mental energy and returned to normal verbal command.

"Roar!" A ferocious grimace appeared on the head of the fossil pterosaur mode Variety Monster and stared at Suicune. Then its wings were covered in white light and hit Suicune.

The deceleration effect of Ghost Face didn't seem to have much impact on Suicune. Suicune once again jumped lightly to avoid the wing attack of the fossil pterosaur.

But it's just a cover-up.

[Thunder teeth, bite into pieces! 】Wutong’s eyes flashed again.

At this time, the Variety Monster and Suicune were very close, and their speed was very fast thanks to the high-speed movement. The monster's sharp teeth were entangled with lightning and then bit Suicune.

Without stopping, the Variety Monster continued to bite hard, and intense pain stimulated Suicune's whole body.

A storm rolled up around Suicune, and after breaking free from the bite of the Dirk, the strong storm knocked the Dirk away again.

Suicune finally decided not to be beaten passively, so he opened his mouth and fired a thick water cannon.

【Laplace form! 】

White light flashed across the body of the Variety Monster that was blown away, turning into a purple Lapras.

The water cannon hit the Variety Monster, but it first restored some physical strength to the Variety Monster, and then seemed to have exceeded its limit before causing damage.

"Sure enough, it's not that my own characteristics are not that effective." Wutong said to himself.

This Lapras form was obtained after Variety absorbed the shell of a Lapras with water-storage properties that he acquired while wandering by chance.

But after all, it's just a false water reserve obtained by the Dior Monster after its transformation. If it's an ordinary Pokémon, it won't be a problem, but when it comes to a Pokémon with high enough strength like Suicune, it's not enough.

Unless Wutong can obtain the body material of the stronger Laplace, after all, the Variety Monster is not the real Shi Aotian, and its strength after transformation is still limited by the target.

After transforming into Lapras, the Variety Monster lost the ability to fly and fell directly to the ground. Without Wutong's command, the Variety Monster changed back to its original appearance and took less fall damage.

"There is no other way, Variety Monster, prepare for the final blow!" Wutong said to Variety Monster.

"Mooo~!" A serious look appeared in the two beady eyes of the Variety Monster.

While training the Variety Monster's transformation ability in the past two or three months, Wutong discovered that the Variety Monster absorbs a portion of the energy in the corresponding materials each time it transforms.

As the number of transformations increases, the materials that originally contained energy will eventually become complete collections.

However, this does not mean that the Dictionary can no longer transform into the corresponding Pokémon. On the contrary, it is proof that the Dictionary has completely integrated that transformation into its body.

As he absorbed more and more, coupled with constant exercise, Variety Monster's physical fitness also continued to improve.

After learning about the ability of the Variety Monster, and recalling Chaomeng's advice, Wutong conducted targeted training. Now, the Variety Monster has something that can truly be regarded as a sure-kill move.

After using it, you will either finish it on the opponent or yourself, and you will truly be able to kill with every move.

The blue light in Wutong's eyes swelled, and a bright green light appeared on his body, all linked to the Variety Monster.

The beady eyes of the Variety Monster also emitted a faint blue light, and there was a faint hint of silver in this blue light.

Suicune felt a familiar yet unfamiliar aura suddenly appear on the Variety Monster and couldn't help but become serious.

The body of the Variety Monster suddenly expanded and then emitted a dazzling light. The light dissipated, revealing a creature with silver-white feathers all over its body and wings.

A huge bird-shaped Pokémon appeared with wings like palms and pink fins on its abdomen and body.

When Suicune saw this figure, he was stunned. Because Ditto turned into Lugia, the sea god of the same level as Ho-Oh.

[Cyclone attack! ] Wutong didn't have time to pretend to be cool and directly commanded the attack.

Ditto flapped his wings, and twisted and rotating air currents appeared on both sides of his body and shot directly at Suicune.

After launching the attack, Ditto lost consciousness and turned back into a blue slime and fell to the ground.

Suicune, who was still in a state of surprise, was hit directly by the cyclone attack.

Suicune felt a sharp pain, and then there was nothing else. Although this attack was very powerful and reached the level of injuring it, it was not enough to make it lose its combat ability.

Suicune suddenly felt as if he had been deceived.

(ps: The fighting power will not collapse, don't worry, this special move is not as strong as imagined, after all, Bingkuai likes to grow stronger step by step. Also, Bingkuai has bad luck, he was infected with influenza A, and experienced the feeling of having one side positive. He goes to work in the morning, gets injections in the afternoon, and writes at night. His mind is always groggy. When I was writing this battle, I knew I was writing about Suicune, but when I read it, I always felt like it was Taijun. I was so sick.)

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