After confirming that the scales were proof of friendship, Wutong and Dragonite began to look at each other.

Both sides were waiting for the other to speak first.

"Roar!" Finally, Dragonite couldn't help it and shouted.

Seeing Dragonite patting his chest anxiously, Wutong came to his senses.

Before he fell asleep, he seemed to have told Dragonite that he knew where its kind was.

In addition, he had the power of Evergreen and the natural goodwill of Pokémon towards him, so Dragonite was willing to believe him.

"Excuse me, Dragonite, do you have a way to make it brighter here? I need to see you to confirm some things." Wutong said.

Although the place where Wutong is now is very wide, it is in a cave somewhere unknown.

Even with the spontaneously combusting duckbill baby as a light, Wutong can only barely see the outline of the giant Dragonite.

"Roar~" The giant Dragonite nodded and shouted, and countless light points like fireflies appeared and gathered together to float on the top of the cave.

The whole cave became brighter, and Wutong finally saw the whole picture of the giant Dragonite.

The giant Dragonite is just a normal Dragonite magnified dozens of times.

The only difference is that there are strange stripes on the body of the giant Dragonite.

"Sure enough, are you also a super ancient Pokémon?" Wutong said to himself.

"Roar?" The giant Dragonite shouted in confusion, not understanding what Wutong meant.

"In the super ancient period, there was a civilization called the Pokmonian civilization, and they worshipped Pokémon as supernatural powers. But it is said that this civilization encountered a natural disaster and was destroyed overnight." Wutong narrated slowly.

These are the plots in the anime he watched at the beginning. Normally, he should find it difficult to remember such things.

But after rebirth, Wutong found that his memory of Pokémon became clearer and clearer. But it was only about Pokémon.

This may be the benefit of being a reborn person.

"And now the Pokémonian civilization has left a legend, the power to destroy the world, the black darkness, the black sky, the golden eyes, the disturbance of the meridians, the dispute that divided the world into two, leaving people helpless, the door to the other world opened in the sky, and at this time, the power to calm everything appeared, turning into a sphere and returning to the ground." Wutong narrated the information left by the Pokémonian civilization.

In fact, this piece of information can also perfectly fit the incident of the three fools in the Hoenn region. And those three beasts are also super ancient Pokémon.

I just don't know from the perspective of time, the super ancient there is more ancient, or it is possible that the Pokémon on both sides are from the same period.

"Your kind are now sealed in a ruin in Mount Portoro. Of course, I don't know if they are your companions." Wutong said after telling the legend of the Pokmonian civilization.

"Roar!" When hearing Wutong's words, the giant Dragonite shouted happily twice. I don't know how long it has been wandering and searching, it finally got news of its kind.

After all, Pokémon is too lonely, after all, its size is a bit out of place compared to ordinary Pokémon.

"Mount Portoro is near Pallet Town and Mount Miacha. Forget it, even if I tell you this, I guess you don't know where it is." Wutong said.

After hearing Wutong's words, the giant Dragonite nodded, it really didn't know where it was.

"Well, there is a reason why your companions were sealed there. I suggest you don't let them out first." Wutong thought about the ancient Gengar and ancient Alakazam who started fighting as soon as they came out and said.

"Roar?" The giant Dragonite looked at Wutong in confusion, not understanding why he didn't let him go to find his companions.

"Because two of them will start fighting when they are released, and one of them sings a hypnotic song, and will draw on your face if you fall asleep." Wutong explained.

"Roar! Roar!" The giant Dragonite seemed to recall some bad memories after hearing Wutong's words.

Obviously, the giant Dragonite should have suffered from the ancient Jigglypuff.

"So, we should wait until we are fully prepared before going. Now that you know the news of your kind, we don't have much time. So, when I finish my trip, I will come back and take you to find your kind. What do you think?" Wutong suggested.

The giant Dragonite fell into thought after hearing Wutong's words.

After a while, the giant Dragonite nodded to indicate that it agreed with Wutong's suggestion.

After all, it didn't want to be covered in graffiti by the ancient Jigglypuff, and the ink was difficult to wash off.

"In that case, we have a deal. I will come back here to find you after my trip." Wutong said.

"Roar." The giant Dragonite shouted and nodded to indicate that it was okay. Then it pointed to the open space nearby to indicate that it would wait for it to come back here.

Seeing the obedient look of the giant Dragonite, Wutong suddenly felt like a scumbag.

"By the way, if you don't mind, can I take a few photos?" Wutong took out the camera and asked.

After hearing what Wutong said, the giant Dragonite tilted its head in confusion. It didn't understand what taking photos meant.

"Forget it, just cooperate with me and stand there without moving, or pose in a posture that you feel comfortable." Wutong said.

After hearing this, the giant Dragonite nodded as if it understood. Then it lay directly in front of Wutong, looking lazy.

"Well, forget it, as long as you are happy." Wutong looked at the giant Dragonite and was stunned for a moment, then said helplessly.

Wutong found a good angle and aimed the camera at the giant Dragonite. With a click, a white light flashed across the camera, and then a photo slid out from under the camera.

"Well, very good, my skills are still good!" Wutong said with satisfaction as he looked at the photo in his hand.

The giant Dragonite also came over curiously at this time and looked at the photo in Wutong's hand.

A Dragonite with strange patterns on its body lay there lazily, and its claws seemed to be scratching its belly, probably scratching.

The round face was just resting on a stone on the ground, and several layers of flesh were visible to the naked eye.

The giant Dragonite looked at the creature in the photo, isn't this itself! ! ! !

"Roar!!!!" The giant Dragonite immediately roared at Wutong. You call this good skills?

Why is the self in this little card so ugly! ?

"Hey! Don't suddenly shout in someone's ear, it's scary!" Wutong was startled and couldn't help saying.

"Roar!" The giant Dragonite pointed at the photo in Wutong's hand, and then pointed at himself. Do you think they look alike! ?

"What? They look alike, round and cute." Wutong said nonchalantly.

After hearing this, the giant Dragonite didn't say anything, but stood up straight, and the energy in its mouth began to gather.

"Wait! Wait! If you're not satisfied, try again!" Wutong quickly admitted his mistake. Just kidding, even the super rookie Xiaozhi can't stand the giant Dragonite's skill!

"Roar!" The giant Dragonite shouted and posed what it thought was a good pose, then signaled Wutong to start taking pictures.

Wutong had no choice but to start taking pictures again.

With a click, another brand new photo slipped out.

The giant Dragonite came over to take a look, it was much better than the first one.

Just when Wutong thought he could call it a day, the giant Dragonite seemed to have found the fun of taking pictures and asked Wutong to take more pictures.

"Eh~? →_→" Wutong wanted to refuse.

Seeing Wutong's state, the giant Dragonite began to gather energy again.

"Take a picture! Let's talk it over! Don't be ready to attack at any time! Are you a member of the Sun family!?" Wutong said hurriedly.

In this way, Wutong became the exclusive photographer of the giant Dragonite and began to take pictures of the giant Dragonite in all directions without dead angles.

Wutong took pictures until the camera ran out of film, and then he finally stopped.

Wutong looked at the cameras on the ground and felt that his hands were not his own. At least two or three hundred pictures must have been taken. God knows where Zhenghui got the camera from, which could hold so many films.

Could it be that this guy actually has some special hobbies! ?

The giant Dragonite on the side carefully held the photos with his claws and checked them one by one.

After all, compared to the giant Dragonite, the photos are too small. Even though the camera that Zhenghui gave to Wutong was already quite large.

In this way, the giant dragonfly took more than half an hour to finally pick out three or four photos that it was satisfied with, and then carefully put them under a scale on its chest.

The swamp jumper and duckbill baby who had been watching the show had already fallen asleep. After all, it was dark in the cave and they had nothing to do.

Seeing that the giant dragonfly was finally satisfied, Wutong sorted out the remaining photos on the ground and put them away.

After all, he promised Zhenghui that he would be very happy to bring so many photos back at once.

After each of them put away the photos, Wutong and the giant dragonfly began to stare at each other again.

However, this time, the first

The one who couldn't help it was Wutong. Wutong rubbed his hands and looked at the giant Dragonite shyly.

"Well, I wonder if you have any younger ones, preferably those with different colors, who want to go out for training." Wutong said and gave the giant Dragonite a look that you know.

"Roar?" The giant Dragonite tilted its head in confusion, not understanding what was wrong with this guy.

"Oh, do you have any Dratini, Hackron, or other dragon-type Pokémon of different colors? No dragon-type or flying-type is fine." Wutong said directly.

After hearing what Wutong said, the giant Dragonite fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a while, the giant Dragonite tapped its right claw on its left claw. It understood that the guy in front of it wanted to help it raise children!

Although the giant Dragonite itself has no offspring, there are also some Pokémon living under its protection.

Among them, there is one that accidentally came from the next area. The little guy is very naughty and usually bullies other Pokémon.

And that little guy is very fast, and there are only a few people who can catch it except himself.

So that little guy is usually naughty and mischievous, and the giant dragon is always thinking about finding its own kind, and there is not much time to take care of it.

And although the little guy is always naughty, it has always been very measured and not as annoying as imagined.

This is also the reason why the little guy can live with them all the time.

After all, no community would want to have something that makes trouble every day.

Pokémon are not human beings, and there is no need to consider the so-called feelings. For the naughty children, there is only expulsion.

And the giant dragon thought of the child not to expel it, but because it could see that the child was very eager to fight.

This is also the reason why it has been bullying other Pokémon, because it likes to fight and always wants to find other Pokémon to fight.

But those who are willing to fight with it can't beat it, and those who can beat it don't like to fight. So it makes it very uncomfortable.

Now someone is willing to help me take care of the child, and it seems to be reliable, although the photography skills are not very good.

However, judging from the state of Swampert and Duckbill, Wutong should be a good trainer, and in that case, the little guy can be safely handed over to him.

"Roar~!" The giant Dragonite shouted, then pointed at Wutong and then at the ground, indicating that you should not move here, I will go buy you a, no, I will go find you a little guy.

Wutong instantly became excited, the cub of the giant Dragonite! Even if it is not a biological child, it must be a very rare Pokémon.

Maybe it is the same kind of Mini Dragonite or Haxorus, but I don’t know if it understands that I want a different color.

Wutong looked at his two sleeping Pokémon, thinking about the recipe while waiting in place.

After a while, the giant Dragonite returned here again.

"Roar~" The giant Dragonite shouted at Wutong.

Wutong immediately looked over expectantly, but did not find any other Pokémon.

It seems to be a shy little guy, it should be hiding somewhere.

At this time, a pink Pokémon emerged from under the wings of the giant Dragonite, and looked at Wutong curiously.

Seeing the pink color, Wutong was surprised at first, and then became stunned.

"How can there be this Pokémon here?" Wutong couldn't help asking.

Although it was also pink, the Pokémon in front of him was not Dratini or Hackron.

It was Murkrow, which should only be found in Chengdu or Sinnoh.

Wutong looked at the shiny Murkrow with a complicated expression. Although it was not Dratini, it was not bad.

Although it was not Dratini, it was also a shiny Pokémon.

Wutong quickly changed his mood. After all, every shiny Pokémon was important to him. And now he just happened to lack a Pokémon that could deal with aerial combat.

The appearance of Murkrow just made up for some of his shortcomings.

"Hello, Murkrow, my name is Wutong." Wutong said to Murkrow with a kind smile.

"Ga~!" Murkrow felt a sense of intimacy from Wutong, so he flew directly to Wutong's shoulder and called out.

It seems that this Murkrow is still very lively.

"Roar~" Giant Dragonite called out, and then waved its claws at Murkrow.

It seems that Giant Dragonite had already told Murkrow on the way here.

"Ga~Ga~!" Murkrow responded twice, and then pecked Wutong twice with its beak. It seems that it likes Wutong very much.

"Let go

"Don't worry, Dragonite, I will take good care of it." Wutong vowed.

The giant Dragonite nodded, then called to Murkrow twice and left.

Wutong looked at the giant Dragonite leaving in a hurry and thought that the giant Dragonite was afraid that it would be reluctant to leave, so it left quickly.

"It seems that Dragonite has deep feelings for you." Wutong said to Murkrow on his shoulder.

"Huh?" Murkrow shook his head in confusion, really?

The giant Dragonite that left in a hurry showed a human smile, and finally sent this troublemaker away, so he would not be disturbed when sleeping in the future.

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