After the giant Dragonite left, Wutong and Murkrow looked at each other.

"Ga~!" Murkrow called out first, and then pecked Wutong's head gently.

"Let me see which ball is better for you to use as a nest." Wutong thought about it and took out a green and white Poké Ball with five water drop-shaped patterns on it.

This is a Friendship Ball, which can quickly increase the intimacy with the captured Pokémon.

"Well, welcome to join, Murkrow." Wutong said and stretched out the Poké Ball to Murkrow.

Looking at the Poké Ball stretched out, Murkrow shook his wings and dodged it directly.

Hmm! ? What's going on, how did he dodge it?

Wutong looked at Murkrow in confusion. What was going on? Was this little guy going to play with him?

"Ga~!" Murkrow waved his wings at Wutong.

Wutong, who had the power of Evergreen, felt Murkrow's provocative mood.

Murkrow's meaning was very clear. Although I like you, you have to be able to catch me if you want to be my trainer.

"Interesting, it seems that you also have your principles. In this case, Swampert!" Wutong shouted.

"Hulu~ Hulu~" Wutong responded with a snoring sound.

"You are still sleeping!" Wutong said helplessly.

Wutong looked at the duckbill baby again. Sure enough, it was still sleeping. It seemed that this cave was really suitable for sleeping.

"Alas, there is no way, Dream Demon, please." Wutong said helplessly to his shadow.

"Dream~" The Dream Demon floated out of Wutong's shadow. It circled around Wutong and looked at Murkrow curiously.

"Ga~!" Murkrow cried out when he saw his opponent.

"Dream demon, hypnosis." Wutong started hypnotizing without hesitation.

(ps: Little knowledge, although the evil type is immune to supernatural skills, hypnosis can hypnotize evil type Pokémon.|•'-'•)و✧)

"Dream~" The dream demon's eyes glowed, and waves of hypnotic waves shot at the dark crow.

The dark crow looked at the hypnotic waves flying over and yawned artificially, and then when it was about to be hit, the dark crow flapped its wings to avoid the hypnosis.

"This dark crow likes to pretend." Wutong couldn't help saying when he saw the dark crow's appearance.

"Dream!" The dream demon was a little angry when he saw the dark crow's artificial appearance.

It is a dream demon that always plays tricks on others, how can it be played by others! ?

"Dream demon, curse." Since there is a ballistic skill that Murkrow can dodge, then use the skill that cannot be dodge to deal with it.

The dream demon looked at Murkrow and made a strange sound, and then a light flashed in the dream demon's eyes.

Murkrow was instantly enveloped by a feeling of discomfort.

"Gah!?" Murkrow looked at himself in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

"Dream demon, make it move, strange light." Wutong continued to command.

"Dream~" The dream demon released a series of colorful twisted rays of light flying towards Murkrow.

"Gah~!" Murkrow temporarily ignored the discomfort of his body, and still dodged when he was about to be hit by the flying attack.

It was just because of the curse that it was constantly hurt. This also made Murkrow a little irritable.

Seeing Murkrow start to become impatient, Wutong knew it was almost time. At this time, Wutong also had a full observation of Murkrow.

He took back the Friend Ball and replaced it with an orange Poké Ball with yellow circular patterns.

It was the speed ball that had a bonus effect on capturing fast Pokémon.

"Go! Speedball!" Wutong shouted deliberately, and then threw the speedball out while spinning.

"Gah!" Although Wutong's strength was not small and the speedball flew very fast, the speed was still very slow in the eyes of Murkrow.

Murkrow confidently waited until the speedball was very close to him before dodging.

However, Murkrow, who thought he had easily dodged it, felt a pain in his chest and was immediately attracted to the speedball.

"Although you are very fast, you are still a little young." Wutong picked up the speedball and said.

The speedball shook twice in Wutong's hand, and then calmed down.

Although Murkrow could still struggle out, it had been hit, so there was no need to continue, so it was honestly subdued.

Although Murkrow was very fast, it liked to pretend to be stupid, and every time it dodged, it was in the same direction.

Kind of.

As Wutong, who often plays frisbees, floats and other throwing game props with various Pokémon, a spinning ball is not easy.

"Have a good rest inside." Wutong said to the speed ball, and then took out the Pokmon Illustrated Book. After all, Dark Crow's skills still need to be looked at.

Put the speed ball at the scanning port of the Pokmon Pokédex, and the Pokmon Pokédex made a sound.

"Dark Crow, a dark Pokémon, is similar to a crow, with a black body and yellow beak and claws. The feathers on its head form a shape similar to a wizard's hat, and its tail is shaped like a broom. Once it finds something chasing it, it will lure the opponent It will cause others to get lost in dark roads, so people believe that if they see its figure at night, something bad will happen. "

"Master the skills: Bird Slam, Downwind, Peck, Fright, Rising Wind, Black Mist, Wing Attack."

After seeing Murkrow's mastery of skills, Wutong was surprised. Murkrow not only inherited the Divine Bird Slam, but even learned to follow the wind.

Is this kind of talent worthy of being a cub that even a huge dragon would be reluctant to part with?

Giant Kuailosaurus: I'm not, I don't have it, don't talk nonsense (′д`σ)σ

Wutong felt that this operation made a lot of money. Not only did he gain the friendship of the giant dragon, he also gained a very talented shining dark crow.

After taking a look at the still-sleeping Swampert and Baby Duckbill, Wutong reluctantly took the two Pokémon back into their elf balls and embarked on the way back.

Fortunately, there was only one way back without any forks, so Wutong arrived at the cave entrance smoothly. However, looking at the cave entrance blocked by stones, Wutong could only call out the Marsh Jumping Fish.

"Numa!?" The bog-leap fish was woken up and looked around in confusion.

Why did I suddenly return to this cave entrance? Was I just dreaming?

"Don't be stupid, Marsh Leap Fish, move the stone away, we are going back." Wutong said.

"Numa~" Swamp Leap Fish nodded, and then pushed the boulder away.

Wutong finally saw the light of day again.

Because he could directly see the lighthouse, there was no need for the navigation duck to appear. Wutong successfully returned to the lighthouse.

"Wutong! You are finally back." Zhenghui, who had been waiting for a long time, happily greeted Wutong when he saw her return.

"Xiaotong, how are you? What did the giant dragon tell you?" Xiaozhi asked curiously.

"Xiaotong doesn't understand the words of the giant dragon. Xiaotong, is the giant dragon fierce?" Xiaoxia asked curiously after complaining about Xiaozhi.

"Okay, don't hang around Xiaotong like this. He just came back and let him take a rest." Xiaogang said aloud.

I have to say that Xiaogang is quite reliable when there are no beautiful women present.

Zhenghui, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia also reacted and quickly asked Wutong to rest first.

Wutong didn't feel too tired, but took out a stack of photos and handed them to Zhenghui.

"The giant dragon was very cooperative and allowed me to take a lot of photos. You can take a look." Wutong said.

"Great! Is this the true face of the giant dragon?" Zhenghui took the photo and looked at it excitedly.

"Eh? That's great. I also want to see the giant dragon." Xiaozhi said enviously.

"Stop dreaming, how could you have such an opportunity." Xiaoxia struck.

However, she didn't know at this time that Xiaozhi would meet countless mythical beasts and fantasy beasts in the future, and would become friends with many of them.

Seeing Zhenghui happily studying the photos of the giant dragon. Wutong shook his head, the best view had been picked out by the giant dragon himself.

The rest are unwanted.

However, Wutong did not attack him, but found an empty room to take a rest.

It was already the afternoon of the second day, and Wutong decided to stay here for one night.

The same goes for Xiaozhi and his group, and since they all have the same destination, Dry Leaf City, they made an appointment to set off together the next day.

After confirming that Wutong wanted to join the team temporarily, Xiaoxia immediately pulled Xiaogang aside.

Tell Xiaogang very seriously, be sure and don't let Wutong or Xiaozhi lead the way.

Especially when the two start to compare and take turns leading the way, it will be very dangerous.

Xiaogang nodded in understanding. Although he didn't particularly believe that a person could be such a crazy person, seeing Xiaoxia's serious look, Xiaogang was still prepared to believe it first.

In the room, Wutong called out all his Pokémon for a simple meeting.

"Bogfish, baby duckbill, this is our new companion, the dark crow." Wutong said to the bogfish and baby duckbill.



Swampert and baby duck-billed fish together with black

Murk Crow said hello.

"Ga~" Murk Crow also waved its wings in response.

"Dream Monster, you also say hello." Wutong said to Dream Monster.

"Dream~" Dream Monster cried and then got into Wutong's shadow.

It seems that it is still upset about being teased by Murk Crow before.

Sure enough, you can't easily mess with girls, even if they are female Pokémon.

But speaking of it, except for Dream Monster, all other Pokémon are male.

But this color scheme...

Swampert is pink with some goose yellow embellishments.

Murk Crow has pink and purple feathers, which are very pink. Except for the beak and feet, which are yellow, everything else is pink and purple.

Even the pupils are pink, which can be said to be pink to the bones.

Only the duckbill baby, although it is now a darker orange-yellow, but it will also be pink after it evolves into Platypus and Platypus.

Obviously, after each evolution, they all have a tough guy-style body shape, but the color is very pink.

Is pink really the color of a macho man? If I go to a competition, will people say that a team with half of its members pink is effeminate?

Wutong began to think wildly.

On the other side, the Swampert, the Duckbill and Murkrow have already fought each other.

"Murkrow, come, I'll heal you." Wutong said to Murkrow.

Although Murkrow was only attacked by the curse of the Dream Demon, the continuous damage of the curse will also cause Murkrow's minor injuries to accumulate.

So Wutong still has to heal it.

After treating Murkrow, Wutong used the power of Evergreen to sweep Murkrow again, and also swept the Duckbill and Swampert on the side.

To prevent the three Pokémon from having any hidden injuries that have not been discovered, affecting their future.

After completing a series of operations, Wutong was also shrouded in sleepiness. After telling several Pokémon not to run around, Wutong fell directly on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

After a night, Wutong woke up early the next morning.

He stretched and found himself surrounded by Pokémon.

Swampert lay down next to Wutong, and Murkrow lay beside Wutong's pillow.

As for the duckbill baby, it slept on the ground early because it was afraid of spontaneous combustion while sleeping, but it still found a place closest to Wutong to sleep.

Seeing the appearance of several Pokémon, Wutong took them back into the Poké Ball and walked out of the room.

Wutong found that Xiaogang had also gotten up at this time and started to prepare breakfast.

He is worthy of being a man who aspires to be the best Pokémon breeder.

With Xiaogang cooking, Wutong was too lazy to do it, and ate the ready-made breakfast with Xiaozhi and others.

After saying goodbye to Zhenghui, Wutong and Xiaozhi set off for Vermillion City.

Although there was Xiaoxia's advance prevention, plus Xiaogang's cooperation from the side.

However, in order to prove their road-recognition skills, Wutong and Xiaozhi still competed for the position of the leader.

Because of this, Wutong and Xiaozhi successfully got lost.

The ability of Wutong and Xiaozhi to get lost is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

It is just putting two ones together, from 1 to 11.

The ability to get lost instantly broke through the limit.

Although Xiaoxia and Xiaogang are better at recognizing the road than Wutong and Xiaozhi.

But if the two people's road-recognition skills are really high enough, they will not be lost often during their trip with Xiaozhi.

Just when the four people in the group became very embarrassed because of getting lost, the savior came out.

"Bubby!" The duckbill baby was called out by Wutong. As soon as he came out, the duckbill baby saw the embarrassed four people and the poor Pikachu.

"Duckbill baby, it's time to need you!" Wutong squatted down and patted the duckbill baby on the shoulder and said seriously.

"Because of that guy Xiaozhi, we are lost. Now we need you to use your navigation duck ability to lead us to the right path." Wutong said.

"What are you talking about! It's obviously because of you!" Xiaozhi retorted.

"Xiaotong, are you sure that the duckbill baby is okay?" Xiaoxia said with some worry.

"Yeah, don't rush to seek medical treatment." Xiaogang was also a little worried, after all, his master was such a road idiot.

"Bubby!" After understanding the situation, the duckbill baby patted his chest and said that everything was left to it.

The duckbill baby directly turned on the navigation duck mode and quickly arrived near the Vermilion City with a group of people.

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