The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

Somewhere in the New Flying Palace, a Ditto was surrounded by three Pokémon, and it looked like they would start a fight if they disagreed.

"I know you are anxious, but don't worry. This matter is not what you think. Look, I have changed myself not long ago. Do you know that I am not deliberately pitting you?" Baibiantong said as his body moved left and right.

Wutong was a little uncomfortable with the feeling of becoming a slime for the first time. After all, it was the first time that he could control his body to change at will without limbs.

"It's because I know that you have changed too." Shui Jianmao looked at Baibiantong and said. The two gun barrels moved down, ready to fire at any time.

"If you don't explain it well." Chuanshanming said, showing his claws.

"Then you have to consider how many petals you want to become." Tutai Si said with a gloomy face.

"You guys, are you threatening me?" Baibian Tong said dissatisfiedly.

"That's right! Stop talking nonsense and tell me what's going on!" ×3 Tutai Si, Shui Jianmao, and Chuan Shanming said in unison.

"Tsk, first of all, this magic potion is indeed a serious potion, and it can indeed increase the tacit understanding between you and your Pokémon, but when you use it, you will exchange your mind with the Pokémon you choose." Baibian Tong explained.

"As for why the mind is exchanged, it is because you can better understand the specific status of your Pokémon. Even if it is a Pokémon of the same race, the same skill will have different effects. You can know the adaptability and matching degree of your Pokémon to various skills in the exchange state." Baibian Tong said seriously.

Although Baibian Tong is just a blue slime with only a pair of bean eyes, you can't see where the face is, but three people, no, three beasts, it's not quite right.

In short, Tutai Si and the other three felt Baibian Tong's seriousness.

"Of course, this is just a preliminary understanding. You can use skills in this state, but you need to practice. In this way, you can try all kinds of combos you want to test. After all, nothing is more convincing than practicing it yourself. What kind of combo will have the least burden on your Pokémon, is the smoothest to use, and how to adjust the power to be more, these things that Pokémon usually finds difficult to communicate with you can be corrected by yourself." Baibiantong said.

Of course, these are not made up by Baibiantong, but his personal experience when he transformed into Congyoutong.

After hearing Baibiantong's words, Tutai Si, Shuijianmao and Chuanshanming fell into deep thought.

Although it sounds like a quibble, it does make sense. This is indeed a good way to understand your own Pokémon and make corrections at the same time.

"Of course, you can also experience the feelings of Pokémon in battle. After you experience it, you will tell yourself not to do those idiotic operations, use the sacrifice of Pokémon to satisfy your own willfulness, and finally call it the bond between you and Pokémon. This kind of thing is simply stupid and outrageous." Baibiantong said coldly.

Experience the pain of Pokémon firsthand, and then warn yourself to work hard to improve your command skills? It is a very convincing idea. The three of Tutai Si have been convinced.

"Of course, these are all based on this magic potion. As for why you must use this magic potion, there are actually other reasons." Baibiantong said.

"What reason?" ×3 The three guys who have not yet come out of Baibiantong's deception asked subconsciously.

"In order to protect our own identities, you must know that this time it is not over after defeating Team Rocket. This is not a game or a movie. It's a happy ending after defeating the boss. Aren't you curious about what will happen to the world destroyed by the demon king? How to restore the broken country?" Baibiantong asked.

"Let's get to the point." Dodaishi said as he slapped the ground with his vine whip. It seems that Dodaishi is very talented, he can already control the vine whip.

"Of course it is to prevent Team Rocket from causing trouble to us after being defeated! We can't live here forever, so we must protect our identities. Then the problems encountered by Pokémon must be solved by Pokémon, so we turn into Pokémon to help!" said Baibiantong.

At this time, Dodaishi, Mizuyamo and Chuanshanming have accepted Baibiantong's explanation. After all, although they heard

It sounds like an excuse, but it does make sense.

Looking at the three people who were lost in thought, Baibiantong nodded with satisfaction (?), what he said was all true, all true feelings.

It was not for the sake of seeing Dodai Tsukasa, Mizuyamo and Chuanshan Ming, not at all! Really!

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