The truth is that the truth is that the truth is not the truth.

Under Baibiantong's sophistry, no, under Baibiantong's sincere explanation, Tutaisi, Shuijianmao and Chuanshanming chose to believe Baibiantong.

"Let's believe you for now." Tutaisi said.

"But how are our bodies now?" Chuanshanming asked.

"And how long will it take for us to change back?" Shuijianmao put away the gun barrel on his back and asked.

"It's said that the spirits have been exchanged, so the spirits of Pokémon are now in your bodies." Baibiantong said.

At this time, several figures walked out of the four rooms with the doors open.

It's just that the postures of these figures seem so uninhibited and so magical.

"Shinji" crawled out slowly on all fours.

Although "Xiao Mao" walked out, his posture looked strange because he was bent over as if he was carrying something.

His two legs were spread wide apart and he walked out of the door with a shaky step.

"Xiao Ming" gave up walking and rolled out like a ball.

And "Wutong" was not much better. He lay on the ground and crawled out like a boneless maggot.

"Pfft~ Everyone is so interesting." Xiao Ai, who had been watching the show, laughed.

Seeing the performance of their own bodies, the four people of Baibiantong fell into silence.

"What's going on?" ×3 Dodaisi asked Baibiantong with suppressed anger.

"Come on, humans and Pokémon must be different. Obviously, they haven't realized that they have changed their bodies and are still moving in their most accustomed postures. Wait, Ditto, you did it on purpose!" Baibiantong keenly discovered the blind spot and said.

"Mo Wu~?" Wu Bianguai made a puzzled cry, and then stood up "naturally", as if nothing had happened.

Zhentai Turtle, Mao Arrow Turtle and Mingshan King also found something wrong at this time. It seems that their bodies are not their own.

After a familiar moment, they all stood up, at least they looked like human beings.

"Look, isn't it okay? As for when I can change back, it will probably be about a day, because the materials used this time are better, and the duration should be longer than when I used it before." Baibiantong said.

"One day?" Tutai Si said.

"This is okay, if it needs to last for ten days or half a month, it will be a headache." Chuanshan Ming said.

"But what should this body eat at night, Pokémon food?" Shui Jianmao looked at his two turtle claws and asked a very important question.

After all, people are made of iron and rice is made of steel.

"I don't know about this, because I didn't eat anything before I changed back last time." Baibiantong shook his head and said.

Baibiantong felt that he was hugged as soon as he finished speaking.

"Big brother has become so cute~" Xiao Ai said happily while holding Baibiantong.

"Xiao Ai, I will be shy if you look like this." Baibiantong said helplessly.

This is in front of several of his bad friends. Being picked up like this will not only damage his image, but will also be talked about for the rest of his life.

"But big brother is really cute. Doesn't big brother want Xiao Ai to hold you?" Xiao Ai said aggrievedly.

"Okay, okay, then let's go find Mewtwo." Baibiantong compromised instantly. Isn't it just being held? What's the big deal?

In this way, Xiao Ai took a group of "creatures" to find Mewtwo.

Dodai Tsukasa, Mizutani Shigeru and Chuanshan Ming have already accepted their fate. Anyway, they will not go back for the time being, so they should make good use of this opportunity.

Back in the hall of the new flying palace, Mewtwo felt something was wrong at the first moment, and instantly appeared in front of Xiaoai. Looking at the blue slime in Xiaoai's arms, he asked uncertainly: "Wutong?"

"Yes, you are worthy of being little Mewtwo. It's me, the big brother~" By now, Ditto's body has become accustomed to it. He moved his body and stretched out a "hand" and waved it.

"What's going on? How did you become like this?" Mewtwo asked without paying attention to Ditto's joke.

"Don't worry, I took the initiative to become like this. I used a magic potion, and I can change back when the time is up." said Ditto.

The Phoenix Guards, Articuno and Zapdos also came over and looked at Ditto curiously.

"Hey, everyone is here to watch the fun? Have you eaten?" Ditto didn't care. He had died so many times, so what was this time?

"Taking the initiative? What are you going to do?

"What?" Mewtwo asked in confusion.

Chippo Tong began to explain his purpose to Mewtwo.

"You don't have to do this." After listening to the explanation of Cardcaptor Tong, Mewtwo said with a complicated look.

"You probably want to eat the Iron Fist of Love again, so be obedient! I am the eldest in the family, so I am your guardian! "Baibiantong said seriously.

Seeing Baibiantong's persistence, Mewtwo could only obey.

Looking at the six beasts in front of him, Baibiantong nodded with satisfaction. As a human, he has a group of champion-level bosses and various powerful old men as his backers.

As a Pokémon, with this group of beasts behind him, Baibiantong is very confident that he is definitely the trainer with the strongest backers in the world.

With the help of the Phoenix Guards and Articuno and Zapdos, even if Sakaki sends out four generals this time, they can stop it.

And Sakaki shouldn't be so crazy that he will bring four top cadres directly, right? Baibiantong thought so.

At this time, Team Rocket is located in a base in the Johto area.

Sakaki sat in the boss chair and looked at the four people in front of him, waiting for their reports.

"Lord Sakaki, the Dark Valkyrie troops have all been sent out, and they will report as soon as they find Mewtwo." Apollo said respectfully.

"Very good, you should understand why I called all four of you back this time, right? "Sakaki said calmly.

"Understood, Lord Sakaki." The four generals of Team Rocket bowed their heads and answered at the same time.

"Very good, this time we must catch Mewtwo back. It is the crystallization of our Team Rocket and the new beginning of our Team Rocket. We can't let it escape again." Sakaki turned the boss chair and said to the four generals with his back.

"Yes! Lord Sakaki!" The four generals of Team Rocket answered enthusiastically.

As Sakaki's most loyal subordinates, the four generals of Team Rocket hope that Team Rocket can become stronger than anyone else, just because that can achieve the goal of their Lord Sakaki.

"So, when Team Rocket attacks, Shinji, you and Suicune are in the same team, Xiaomao, you follow Entei, and Xiaoming follows Raikou. For my own special reasons, I will let Articuno and Zapdos act together, is that okay? "The new flying palace is assigned personnel by the card-changing Tong.

The three of Todai Tsukasa said they had no objection. Just kidding, that's a chance to command the battle of the mythical beasts. You may not encounter it once in your lifetime. What's there to object to?

As for the Phoenix Guards, they didn't object either. Since they had promised Wutong to help him, they would not disagree with Wutong on such a small matter.

"What about me?" Mewtwo asked.

"You are our trump card. When the time comes, you will mainly attack the position where Sakaki is. If possible, just completely erase that guy's memory of you! In that case, we can solve the problem once and for all." Card-changing Tong said.

Although Mewtwo did this in the movie, Wutong couldn't guarantee that his appearance would change Mewtwo's mind, so he simply explained it in advance.

"I know, I will make Sakaki forget everything." Mewtwo nodded and said.

"What about me, big brother? "Xiao Ai lowered her head and looked at Baibian Tong in her arms and asked.

"Xiao Ai, your mission is also very important, and may even be more important than the missions of the rest of us." Baibian Tong said.

"What is it? I will definitely complete it!" Xiao Ai said seriously.

Although Xiao Ai is not very old, the various knowledge that Xiao Ai has absorbed from being created to falling into hibernation makes her very mature.

"I need you to protect our bodies, that is, Ditto. They will definitely not be able to participate in the battle at that time, but in order to prevent accidents, I need someone to protect them." Baibian Tong said.

This operation must be foolproof.

"I know!" Xiao Ai nodded and replied.

"By the way, where is the old ghost! ?" Baibian Tong called.

"Hehehe, little ghost, I thought there was nothing for me to do." Gastly appeared in front of Baibian Tong and said.

"When the time comes, please protect our bodies with Xiao Ai. "Baibiantong said.

"Hehehe, don't worry, I will protect them." Gastly said.

So everything is ready, when will Sakaki come?

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