Chapter 205: Battle of the Yeti

"Xiaohuo Qilin, if you don't beat this crocodile monster to pieces and leave a corpse, can we still eat roasted crocodiles?"

"Longbao, you didn't say it earlier. If you said it earlier, I'll leave him a whole corpse for us to eat."

Ye Chen looked at the Pokémons in front of him, the beasts were really getting bigger and bigger, and he even joked with the big monsters.

"Brother Ye Chen, we haven't finished our grilled fish, do you still want to eat it?"

Ye Chen looked at the fragrant grilled fish and said to everyone, "Don't let this monster affect our appetite, let's continue to eat, do we have the strength to go on the road only when we are full?"

This group of heartless guys just sat by the river and ate grilled fish. Everyone was very full, patted their round belly, got up and went on their way.

When Ye Chen and the others walked away, a carp monster emerged from the lake. Looking at the crocodile monster's body in front of him, he was so frightened that he sweated profusely.

The carp monster thought secretly in his heart, thanks to me not coming out to help, if I wanted to come out to help, it would be a corpse now.

Long Bao always felt that someone was peeking at them from behind. He turned his head to look at the lake, but the lake was calm and there was nothing. Maybe he thought too much, so he shook his head and continued to follow Ye Chen and the others on the road.

The carp monster decided that he would never come to this lake in the future, these people are really scary.

"Brother Ye Chen, do you think we are getting colder as we go",?"

Ye Chen listened to Wuming's words and nodded, "I also feel colder and colder."

Just when everyone was wondering, a huge snow-capped mountain appeared in front of them.

"Brother Ye Chen, this magical continent is really strange. Just now, a snow-capped mountain has appeared."

Ye Chen looked at the snowy mountain with a serious expression.

"Everyone should use their defensive skills to protect themselves and not be frostbitten."

"We got it, Master.

The Pokémon mythical beasts and Wuming had already activated their own defense skills, which were still too cold to deal with them, so they walked towards the snow-capped mountains.

"Master, we just saw the snow mountain, it's not that far from us, we have already walked a long way, why haven't we reached the snow mountain yet?"

"It seems that there must be something wrong with this snow-capped mountain, everyone should pay attention to safety.

Everyone listened to Ye Chen's words and raised their vigilance. The snow-capped mountain was just away, and their group was far away, and now they have come to them. This snow-capped mountain must be alive and can move on its own.

I saw this snow mountain transformed into a huge yeti monster.

"You Hokage and Pokémon mythical beasts actually came to my arms, then you can't get out."

"Aren't you just a snowman? What's so great about us?"

"Since you look down on me, then let you see my power.

Speaking of those people, just like Ye Chen and the others launched a fierce attack, they saw huge Snowballs pressing towards their bodies.

"Just this little trick, what can we do to this group of people," Long Bao said angrily.

Everyone quickly dodged Snowball's attack.

These Pokémon mythical beasts have been provoked by the Yeti, and the three of them flew into the air and launched a fierce attack with the Yeti.

The Yeti also turned on the offensive mode towards several Pokémon mythical beasts, and he threw countless icicles at several of the Pokémon mythical beasts, and the ice was extremely sharp.

The Pokémon mythical beasts knew in their hearts that the yeti must be afraid of their fire-type attack, so they launched a fire-type attack on the snowman, and the fireballs hit the snowman's body one by one.

I saw these fireballs hit the Yeti, and a huge hole appeared in the Yeti's body, because the snow had been melted by the fire, and his body was a little Minimize.

Seeing the change in his body, the Yeti hurriedly ran to the back. He wanted to store his energy, otherwise, if it continued like this, he would melt away.

Several Pokémon mythical beasts chased the Yeti behind the Yeti, and saw that the Yeti came to a huge cave. Inside the cave was a huge white spar, and the spar was emitting bursts of cold air.

The Yeti came to the spar (King Zhao's), his body was recovering little by little, and his body became bigger and bigger. It turned out that the Yeti came here to replenish energy.

Several Pokémon mythical beasts are not afraid of this yeti monster, even if he replenishes his energy, they still beat him to the ground.

The Yeti got energy again, and launched a fierce attack on Longbao, Xiaohuo Qilin, and Fei Niao.

This is the yeti monster's attack even more violent. The huge Snowball and the icicles flew towards the bodies of the three people together. The three people waved their hands and these Snowballs and icicles all fell to the ground.

The Yeti saw that these skills were not of much use to the Pokémon beasts in front of him, so he used his unique skills.


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