Pokemon: Sleeping For Thousands Of Years, Awakened By The Gods!

Chapter 206: The Original Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 206: Originally Beautiful Scenery

The Yeti quickly turned into a huge snowy mountain, holding Ye Chen and Pokémon in the palm of the snowy mountain.

"Master, we are trapped in this snowy mountain, what should we do?"

"My snow mountain is unbreakable, you people will be frozen to death here, let's see how you come out."

Xiaohuo Qilin and Long Bao both looked at Ye Chen.

"Master, the two of us melted this snowy mountain with a fire attack, what do you think?"

"Okay, just trouble the two of you, Pokémon and Long Bao."

"You two guys' fire can't melt my snow. I'm not ordinary snow. Ordinary fire can't burn me."

"Then I'll let you see what the flames of the two of us are like today, can you melt the snow away?"

I saw Xiaohuo Qilin and Longbao, two Pokémon mythical beasts, spit out huge flames from their mouths and shot them towards the snowy mountain pass, and I saw that the flames melted the snow little by little.

Ye Chen led the Pokémon 760 mythical beast and quickly escaped from the hole, and the snowy mountain instantly turned into a yeti again.

"I didn't expect that the flames of your two Pokémon beasts turned out to be divine fires that could melt my snow.

"Then do you think we Pokémon monsters are called for nothing? Are the rankings on the Pokémon God list white? Would you dare to fight with you monsters if you don't have the skills?

"What if you're some Pokémon? I'm going to freeze you here today."

"Then see if you have the ability."

Now that the temperature in this place is extremely low, even if these Pokémon mythical beasts have turned on their defense skills, everyone still clearly feels that the temperature is dropping.

The snowman had successfully angered Ye Chen, Ye Jian launched a violent attack at the snowman, and with just one move, he split the (bdcb) people into two halves.

I saw the snowman cool monster twisting and rejoining again, Ye Chen looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes gradually became serious, Long Bao and Xiaohuo Qilin knew that the master was angry now, this snowman monster to suffer.

"I didn't expect you, Naruto, to be so powerful that you can Slash me, but you don't know, I have the ability to heal again."

"Even if you have the ability to re-heal, what can you do, you have to accept my anger.

I saw Ye Chen soaring above the sky and started a century battle with the yeti monster in the air. The two of them fought very hotly. Seeing Wuming below, his mouth was widened.

"Brother Ye Chen is really amazing. It's the first time I've seen him make such a big fire. It seems that these people are going to be buried under Ye Chen's hands."

"Then you think that the master's ability is very powerful, otherwise, how can we Pokémon beasts follow the master with all his heart, and the master will lead us to a new peak?"

Looking at "Brother Ye Chen's skill, I am really envious, I have to work harder, learn like Brother Ye Chen, and take my Pokémon mythical beasts to a better tomorrow.

"Wuming, as long as you work hard, I believe there will be such a day."

Wuming nodded to Long Bao, and the two of them watched Ye Chen slaughter the Yeti attentively.

I saw the snowman monster in the sky, shooting countless ice swords at Ye Chen, Ye Chen waved his hand, and these ice swords were all broken and fell to the ground.

Ye Chen didn't give the Yeti another chance to attack, and saw that he uttered countless spells with his hands together, and countless flaming swords stabbed towards the Yeti's body.

These countless fiery swords have pierced into the yeti's body. The yeti originally thought that these fiery swords could not hurt his body, but he did not expect that these fiery swords would stab into his body and the yeti's body Instantly melted into a puddle of snow.

The Pokémon mythical beasts saw that Ye Chen had eliminated the yeti monster, everyone was very happy, and cheered happily, "Long live Ye Chen, long live Ye Chen."

Ye Chen took high steps to the side of the Pokémon mythical beasts.

"Brother Ye Chen, the battle you just fought with the Yeti was really exciting, it opened my eyes, I really admire you so much, you will be the great god in my heart from now on."

"As long as I work harder in the future, I will become what I am, and I will never work hard a little bit to be what I am now.

Wuming listened to Brother Ye Chen's words, and his eyes showed extremely firm confidence, that is, under the encouragement of Ye Chen again and again, Wuming became Ye Chen's right-hand man on the road of Ye Chen's consecration.

I saw that the original white snow-capped mountains had melted away little by little, revealing the original appearance here, and restoring the beautiful scenery of green mountains and waters here.

Master "This is also amazing. After the snowman died, this place has returned to this state. This is what the two worlds look like."

"This place was originally a place of green mountains and green waters, but after being invaded by the yeti monster, it was covered by his snow, and the place became a vast expanse of white."


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