Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 11 Vegetable seeds, wild!

Mingzheng was injured, so it was naturally difficult for him to go to Yanshan for training.

Fortunately, the shiny iron dumbbell was recovered again, and Mingzheng didn't want to go out anymore.

Contacted the messenger bird to pick up the items, packaged the elves captured during this period and handed them over to Team Rocket.

After the messenger bird arrived, the Rockets evaluated the elves one by one, and finally Mingzheng got 3014 points.

This was far beyond his expectation!

Mingzheng suddenly understood why the logistics staff, no matter how talented they were, only earned 300 points a month.

The combatants only captured some elves that were not particularly valuable, and earned 3,000 points in a month.

In the final analysis, this world is still dominated by elves.

When you are strong, you can indeed do whatever you want!

Once you have points, it’s natural to make purchases.

"Elementary Super Power Elf Training Manual" 200 points

"Elementary Super Power Elf Cultivation Manual" 400 points

"Elementary Steel Elf Training Manual" 200 points

"Elementary Steel Elf Cultivation Manual" 400 points

Elementary ground energy cubes*3 boxes (100 pieces) total 300 points

Primary steel energy cube*2 boxes (100 pieces) 400 points

Elementary super power energy cube*1 box (100 pieces) 300 points

"Bronze Mirror Monster Clan Skill Training Manual" 800 points

Click on Place Order - Redeem Points, and then look at the balance. Mingzheng suddenly felt a toothache.

On the score card, 59 points seemed to be mocking him, not even a passing score.

After a month of hard work, I returned to before liberation.

Mingzheng didn’t know it until he bought it, but he discovered it after buying it.

The daily cost of training iron dumbbells is more than twice that of Kakaraka.

Super power and steel types sound "rare" than other attributes, and indeed energy cubes are much more expensive.

More importantly, there were no training manuals for iron dumbbells on the platform, although even if there were, he would not dare to exchange them.

But it would be much more ordinary if it were a Bronze Mirror Monster.

In order to deceive others, Mingzheng even bought a training manual for the Bronze Mirror Monster.

Looking at this extra but necessary expense, Mingzheng fell into deep thought...

Simply cultivate another Bronze Mirror Monster?

Forget it, forget it, the key is still no money!

Mingzheng was helpless and finally chose to give up.

Fortunately, I am not a combatant. Even if I raise one more elf, under normal circumstances, I will not be assigned to fight on the front line.

Thinking of this, Mingzheng suddenly felt that his start was not bad.

Away from the struggle at the headquarters, with a calm captain, daily tasks are not difficult, and there is still time to cultivate elves.

Just...a half-step selection?

Mingzheng's injury was completely healed after a week of quiet rest.

It has to be said that the medical level here has become a bit too advanced with the blessing of elves.

The hand was obviously bruised and the bones were visible, but it was still fine within a week.

During this period, Mingzheng could only do some regular training with Karakala, and by the way, he read all the basic manuals and compiled a training plan for iron dumbbells.

It was often only late at night that Ming Zheng dared to put the iron dumbbells out for some air.

Fortunately, Iron Dumbbell seems to be more accustomed to dark environments and is not too repelled by being in the Poké Ball.

And after Mingzheng fed steel-type and super-power-type energy cubes at a ratio of 2:1, the intimacy between Iron Dumbbell and him has also been significantly improved.

One morning a week later, Mingzheng was getting ready and heading back to Yanshan.

Mingzheng had been looking forward to that cave with rich elven resources for a long time.

No way, the pressure of raising one is completely different from raising two.

Thinking that he might have to raise 6 or more animals in the future, Mingzheng felt a lot of pressure and even walked a lot faster. He just wanted to go to Yanshan to make money.

"Hey, trainer over there!"

A greeting floated by, Ming Zheng looked straight at it and didn't care.

"Hey, what about you, that handsome guy!"

Mingzheng turned his head and looked diagonally behind him.

A girl.

"Are you calling me?" Mingzheng made a question-like affirmation.

"Yes, handsome guy, do you want to have a battle?"


Ming Zheng blinked and then looked at the elf following the girl.

Her petite body is no higher than her knees. There are two blooming roses on her left and right hands. One pink and one basket are very beautiful.

Poison Rose is a grass + poison elf. The evolved Rose Raydor is very powerful, but the light stone needed for evolution is hard to find. It is an elf that only rich people can play with.

Mingzheng focused his attention on the girl again, feeling like he had seen her before somewhere.

Orange hair, dark green shawl, and a grass-type poisonous rose beside him.

Many pictures flashed through Mingzheng's mind, and he probably guessed the other party's identity.

Vegetables, wild!

"Sorry, I have something to do."

Not to mention the other party, even Caracalla, who was eager to try, staggered and looked at Mingzheng with wide eyes.

"Ah, really..."

It seems that the girl has never encountered such a situation. Trainers always start a fight as long as their eyes meet.

"Iron Rock Town is in that direction, and the Elf Center is on the main street. I'll leave first."

Mingzheng nodded, turned around and left without giving the other party a chance.

Looking at Ming Zheng's retreating figure, the girl couldn't help but murmur.

"really weird……"

On the other side, after Ming Zheng entered the woods under the rock mountain, he immediately turned around and peeked at the girl.

Caracalla looked confused, did he want to fight again?

"Cai Zhong, did you happen to arrive in Tieyan Town while traveling?"

Mingzheng said to himself. After hesitating for a while, he ignored it and turned around to walk towards Yanshan.

Caizhong, the future grass-type gym leader in the Sinnoh region, is now just a little girl full of energy.

But for Mingzheng now, making money is more important!

Arriving at Rock Mountain, Caracalla, who was grinding his bones, was very excited.

After seeing through the two disguised fist stones, Caracalla immediately wanted to rush up and hit them on the head.

"Don't go, don't go. These small fist stones are not a challenge. Let's talk about it after we enter the cave!"


Caracalla hesitated for a moment, but decided to listen to Mingzheng.

The head of the little fist stone is too brittle, and it is really not enjoyable to knock on. You still need to find some powerful opponents!

Following the memory from last time, Mingzheng found the entrance quickly after twists and turns.

Seeing that no one was around, Mingzheng carefully released the iron dumbbell.


When he came to a familiar place, Iron Dumbbell looked very happy and went into the cave without saying a word.

Mingzheng hurriedly followed, and had to rely on iron dumbbells to lead the way inside the cave.

There were many elves living at the entrance of the cave, and the entry of Tie Dubell and Ming Zheng immediately caused a lot of commotion.

Mingzheng looked at the iron dumbbells in front of him, as if he was seeing the return of the king.

The elves such as the mountain rat, Gu Niuniu, and Super Sonic Bat dug holes and flew far away, leaving only two rumbling stones watching Mingzheng and the others warily.

The well-prepared Longlong Stones in the wild were a great threat, and they might even blow themselves up if they disagreed. Mingzheng didn't want to get into any more entanglements with them, so he called Iron Dubell to go deeper.

If you like it, welcome to collect it~

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