Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 12: The fox uses the tiger's power to bully others

The iron dumbbell was very excited when he returned to the cave, bumping here and there.

He even said a friendly hello to a North-facing nose on the way, which made Mingzheng feel embarrassed to even bring up the idea of ​​capturing it.

After thinking about it, Mingzheng decided to change his goal.

"Iron Dumbbell, is there any elf in the cave that you hate? Let's teach it a lesson!"

Now that I have subdued the iron dumbbell, I naturally have to stand on its side, thinking with righteousness (without shame).

Iron Dumbbell blinked his one red eye, as if he remembered something, and then he couldn't wait to get into the cave.

"Caracara, let's follow!"


There was an iron dumbbell leading the way, and Mingzheng was not worried about offending the other elves in the cave, so he trotted to keep up.

But after turning a few corners, Mingzheng discovered the mark he left last time, and he became more and more familiar with the current road.

"Iron dumbbell, we are going to find..."

Before he finished speaking, Mingzheng was stunned.

Where the flashlight shines, a large number of sleeping Cocodoras gradually wake up. Their sky-blue eyes change from confusion to anger, staring closely at the uninvited guest in front of them.

‘Is this the elf you hate? ’

Mingzheng didn't even ask, Iron Dumbbell had already given him the answer.


clang! ! !

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and the iron dumbbell had already knocked a cocoa Dora away, and it landed in the group for a while.

Mingzheng covered his mouth and nose, feeling numb in his heart.

Reckless! How reckless!

You are an iron dumbbell, not an iron bell!

However, the completely agitated Kokodora group would not give him a chance to explain, and they all ran wildly and attacked Mingzheng and the others.

"Caracara, step hard continuously! Iron dumbbell, retreat!"

Mingzheng ordered and retreated himself.

Caracalla looked at the group of Kokodora running towards him and felt panicked, but he did not move slowly and stepped hard with all his strength.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Circles of ground-type ripples spread forward, and the rock + steel-type Kokodora fell directly into pieces under the four-fold restraint of heavy stepping.

Suddenly, the cave was in chaos.

Mingzheng stopped and Iron Dumbbell looked at Caracalla, who looked at his little feet.

Is this...what I did?

The next moment, Caracalla's momentum suddenly surged, and he successfully broke through to the excellent level.

"Grown up!"

Mingzheng was overjoyed. The last time Caracalla was not far from a breakthrough, now he was stimulated by the Coco Dora group and successfully completed the breakthrough.

When Coco Dora saw this in the distance, no one in the entire group dared to attack again.

The iron dumbbell also floated behind Caracalla at this time, and a red one-eyed expression seemed to express sarcasm.

It's just that the position is a little bit fake and intimidating.


The dull sound of footsteps suddenly came from the rear of the Coco Dora group. Ming Zheng felt nervous, guessing that the leader of the group was about to appear.

Looking up at the height of the cave, Mingzheng felt relieved again.

At this height, it is unlikely that Boscodora would appear.

Sure enough, the Kocodora were separated from the middle, and a metal monster on all fours slowly appeared.


The evolved form of Cocodora, the hard and protruding back armor is very threatening, and it is much more domineering compared to Cocodora.

The appearance of Kodora gave the Kodora group a lot of confidence, and they all glared at Mingzheng and the others again.

Caracalla couldn't stand it, so he took two steps forward with the thick bone stick on his shoulder. The Coco Dora group was immediately frightened and took two steps back.


The scene was so awkward for a moment that even Kodora's calm face could barely contain it.

I have the advantage, it’s time to go out and negotiate!

Ming Zheng immediately took two steps forward. Apart from getting a few more glares, it was not as effective as Caracara.

"Kodora, Cocodora, Iron Dumbbell you guys, remember, it said it had some conflicts with you, and now I'm bringing it to reconcile with you."

Iron Dumbbell turned his head and glanced at Ming Zheng, thinking that it was not a contradiction, it was just that he had provoked them before and was beaten by a group.

Kodora opposite was much more excited. She wanted to come forward to argue but didn't dare. In the end, Kodora stopped her with her eyes.

Mingzheng ignored this and continued: "We are all elves, so naturally we have to use our strength to speak. There is no conflict that cannot be resolved by a fight. Today we will fight again 1v1!

If you lose, I will leave with the iron dumbbells and never harass you again.

If you win, you will guide Iron Dumbbell and Caracalla to learn the iron head skills, and we will no longer harass them after the end.

But Dora, what do you think? "

After Mingzheng finished speaking, he stared straight at Cordora.

This bet was not fair, but under the threat of Caracalla's group attack skill, Dora thought for a moment and agreed.

But it also has conditions.

"There's so much~ There's so much~"

After some gestures, Mingzheng realized that Dora said that Caracalla could not use the special move of stomping.

"no problem!"

Ming Zheng readily agreed. Stomping is not even Caracalla's special skill. The thick bone stick can exert its greatest power in singles!

Soon, Kokodola retreated back, and Mingzheng also retreated behind with the iron dumbbells.

But Dora and Caracalla stood looking at each other. There was a big physical gap between them, but the smaller Caracalla was more eager to try.

There was no referee, but both sides rushed towards each other at the same time in perfect harmony.

I saw Kodora's head flashing with silver light, which was obviously the skill of Iron Head.

Carakara's eyes did not change, but he just clenched the thick bone stick in his hand and hit Kodora's head hard.

Iron Head VS Bone Stick Attack!


A dull knocking sound rang out, and the two sides were deadlocked for only two seconds, and the smaller Carakara was pushed back and flew out.

But Carakara flipped in the air and landed steadily.

On the other hand, Kodora's eyes were sluggish and he was staggering, obviously knocked out!

"Carakara, come again!"

Carakara obeyed the order and rushed up again with his short legs, and the huge thick bone stick was danced vigorously.

Kodora shook his big head and finally came back to his senses, but saw that Carakara had rushed over again.

This time, Kodora learned his lesson.

I saw it stepped on its feet, and huge rocks rose from the ground, completely blocking the way forward for Carakara.

Skill-Rock Blockade!

Caracara didn't slow down, swinging the bone stick at the boulder.

The ground restrains the rock, and no matter how hard the boulder is, it is not as hard as the bone stick with the ground energy, and it was immediately smashed one by one.

But this finally eased Caracara's momentum.


I heard another roar from Keduo, and many rocks fell from the top of Caracara out of thin air.

There are rocks blocking below and rocks collapsing above. Keduo wants to bury Caracara directly!

"Caracara, bone boomerang!"

At the critical moment, Mingzheng didn't let Karaka hide his weakness and ordered loudly.

If you like it, welcome to collect it~

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