Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 2: First contact with Caracalla

It seemed that Mingzheng's eyes were too direct, which made Caracalla, who had a cold face, feel a little uncomfortable.


"Caracara, this is an energy cube suitable for ground elves... Eat some?"

Mingzheng took out the rations prepared by his predecessor and handed them to Caracalla in a small bowl.

Caracalla sniffed slightly, took it without twisting, and then ate it silently.

Under the cover of the skull, Mingzheng couldn't see its expression.

It can only be observed from the speed at which Caracara eats that it seems to like the taste of energy cubes.

Mingzheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Turning his head, he saw the captain Yusaku looking pleased.


"Haha, it's nothing. I just saw you and suddenly remembered how Big Mouth Bat and I were when we first met. We were also so cautious and so... looking forward to each other."

The big-mouthed bat, which was immersed in the meal, seemed to be aware of it. He raised his head and gently rubbed Yusaku.

Mingzheng blinked and suddenly felt that the big-mouthed bat didn't look so scary anymore.

After eating ramen, captain Yusaku took Lada and Big Mouth Bat to the backyard for training, and the washing of dishes was naturally left to Mingzheng.

In the kitchen, Caracalla stood silently behind Mingzheng, watching him keep putting his hands into the water that he didn't like, and the eyebrows under his skull gradually furrowed.

A few minutes later……

"Finally finished washing!"

Ming was cleaning up the kitchen when he turned around and found Caracalla taking a few steps back.

There was a thump in his heart, and Mingzheng felt a little disappointed for a moment.

But he saw Caracalla, who was retreating, suddenly run to the side, pick up a towel, and then run back with small steps.


Mingzheng looked at Caracalla who was trying hard to lift the towel, and understood something in his heart.

Inexplicably a little touched.

He came here for no reason, and his original identity was complicated so he could only carefully disguise himself.

In the end, it was Caracalla who gave him the purest kindness.

Squatting down, Mingzheng carefully took the towel so as not to let the water on his hands fall onto Caracalla.

"Thank you, Caracalla."

Caracalla turned his head away, still exuding a cold and lonely temperament, but in Mingzheng's eyes he looked a little more cute.

Wiping his hands dry, Mingzheng smiled and said, "Want to watch Big Mouth Bat and Lada train?"

Caracalla didn't move, but Mingzheng already understood how to communicate with it.

"I want to watch them train, can you come with me?"

Caracalla glanced at Mingzheng and said nothing.

But Mingzheng already understood, got up and walked to the backyard.

Caracalla clenched the bone club in his hand and followed step by step.

As soon as Mingzheng entered the backyard, Yusaku saw him, but he just nodded and continued training.

Mingzheng stood in the corner with Caracara, not disturbing Xiongsaku, and just watched quietly.

Caracara likes to be quiet, let alone talkative.

While watching, Mingzheng was also 'reminiscing' everything about Caracalla.

Caracalla is an elf captured in batches by Team Rocket, but because it was just an elf egg when it was captured and has been living in the cultivation area since hatching, it has no hatred towards Team Rocket.

And such elves are far more valuable than the three members of Team Rocket that are directly issued after being captured in the wild, namely Arbor Snake, Gas Bomb and Super Sonic Bat.

The reason why the original person obtained Caracalla was because he showed good IT talent after joining Team Rocket and was trained as an intelligence agent, which gave the elf a lot more choices.

However, since he was originally positioned as an intelligence agent, his requirements for combat power were not high, so he usually kept Caracalla in a free-range state with little training.

But even though Caracara is small, he is born with the desire to fight and become stronger. The thick bone stick that comes with it is not reserved for cracking walnuts.

Not being taken seriously by Mingzheng, Caracalla gradually became disheartened, and his sense of indifference and loneliness became stronger and stronger, making him even less liked by Mingzheng.

Fortunately, the organization distributes energy cubes regularly, so Caracara will not go hungry.

Feeding at fixed times and points every day is nothing to Mingzheng, but to Caracalla it is a rare time to spend together.

The more lonely you are, the more you fear loneliness.

Caracalla longs to be seen.

The original person couldn't see it, but he clearly saw it.

Squatting down, Mingzheng gently placed his hand on Caracalla's hard skull.

Caracalla was stiff for a moment, but Mingzheng's next words surprised him greatly.

"I want to ask my boss about your training methods. Can you come with me?"


This time, Caracalla didn't hesitate at all, and for the first time there was even fire in his cold and lonely eyes.

"Caracara, I have never cultivated ground-type elves. To be honest, I can't give you any professional advice."

Captain Yusaku hesitated, looked at the disappointed Caracalla, and immediately added.

"Actually, why don't you go to the platform and use your points to exchange for training notes? If you don't have enough points, I can lend them to you."

Although Caracalla didn't understand it very well, he knew there was still hope and immediately looked at Mingzheng.

Mingzheng nodded to express his understanding, and then gave Caracalla a reassuring look after thanking him.

The memories of the original body have not been completely integrated yet. Many times, the associated memories will reappear only when he remembers something.

On Team Rocket's system platform, there are naturally a variety of materials that can be exchanged for points and money.

But it’s usually more cost-effective to use points.

Looking at the eager Caracalla, Mingzheng did not hesitate. After saying hello to the captain Yusaku, he walked towards the warehouse.

After opening an ordinary computer in the warehouse and entering a special password and identity verification, Team Rocket's system platform appeared in front of Mingzheng.

Task submission window, points redemption window, personal information window.

As a former grassroots intelligence agent of Mingzheng, he only has three powers in front of him.

The operation is very simple. Mingzheng clicked into the personal information window first.


【Age】16 years old

【Registered Place】Ziyuan Town, Kanto Region

【Position】Second intelligence officer

【Points】1245 points

[Task Description] Stationed in Iron Rock Town in the Sinnoh region, responsible for daily intelligence collection.

The points are 1,245, which are basically the points accumulated by the original person when he cooperated with high-level intelligence agents to perform tasks at the Rockets headquarters.

Not knowing the value of the points for the time being, Mingzheng immediately clicked on the points redemption window.

After some searching, Ming Zheng found the target and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Elementary Ground Elf Training Manual" 200 points

"Elementary Ground Elf Cultivation Manual" 400 points

"Caracalla Clan Skill Training Manual" 400 points

Primary ground energy cube*1 box (100 pieces) 100 points

At present, Caracalla eats elementary ground-based energy cubes. On average, two or three cubes a day are enough.

But this can only meet its daily consumption. If you want to train and fight, the consumption will only be more.

As for the first two handbooks, they must be obtained, and training is indispensable.

The third book is dedicated to explaining the Caracalla clan, which can be compared with the previous two books for verification.

More importantly, Mingzheng discovered that the first two handbooks also had complete advanced versions.

"Intermediate Ground Elf Training Manual" 2000 points

"Advanced Ground Elf Training Manual" 20,000 points

"Top Ground Elf Training Manual" Special Contribution Redemption

The cultivation manual is the same as above.

The value of different levels of handbooks increases tenfold, and the top-level ones are not even redeemable by points.

However, because of this, Mingzheng is more confident in such a complete set of handwritten notes. At least it can be replaced smoothly in the future without affecting Caracalla's growth.

Of course, this is also the reason why Team Rocket can firmly tie members from all over the world to their big ship.

The further you go, the stronger your dependence on the organization becomes, and the greater the cost of separation!

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