Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 3 Musashi and Kojiro Ramen Shop

After thinking about the pros and cons, Mingzheng decided to exchange.

He was not a person who looked ahead and behind, and improving his strength at the moment was the most important thing.

Let's talk about the future later, and he had no choice now.

The mouse clicked for a while, and the points that the original body had worked hard to save were only 45 points in an instant.

Three notebooks meant 1,000 points.

He bought two boxes of primary energy cubes, which meant 200 points, which could also guarantee the early training consumption of Caracara.

He quickly turned off the computer and took a deep breath.

There were too many good things on it, which dazzled him. Fortunately, he had no points and couldn't exchange them.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to resist buying them.

The exchanged items will be delivered by a messenger bird tomorrow. The Rockets' exclusive air transport service is still very reliable.

Turning his head to look at Caracara who was quietly waiting for him, Mingzheng smiled unconsciously again.

"The training notebook will arrive tomorrow, and then we will start training again."

Mingzheng said, and his right hand touched Caracara's hard skull again.

This time, Caracara was not stiff, but there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Today's trainer seemed... a little strange.

That's good.


In the morning, Mingzheng was still a little dazed when he woke up from the bed.

Looking at the unfamiliar environment around him and Caracara who got up earlier than him, Mingzheng finally confirmed that this was not a dream.

Fortunately, he didn't have any worries, and now with Caracara's company, he felt satisfied.

'From now on, I am Mingzheng. '

Mingzheng thought silently in his heart, and suddenly felt light all over, as if he had broken free from some shackles.

He felt something in his heart, and subconsciously put his hand on Caracara's head.


KaraKara glanced at Mingzheng in confusion, wondering if he liked the skull he was wearing.

If he really liked it, should I give it to him or not?


The store is about to open, and it is still a busy day.

Captain Yusaku has indeed started recruiting, and no one can tell from his skilled appearance that he is an undercover intelligence agent of Team Rocket.

And Mingzheng also received a new task.

The plaque of the ramen restaurant has arrived, and he watched the installers hang up the plaque.

[Musashi \u0026 Kojiro Ramen Restaurant]

Mingzheng was full of surprise. How could he not know the famous real protagonist?

And in his impression, there seems to be an episode in the original work that This ramen shop was mentioned.

What was it about?

What was it about!

It was about... Shiny Metagross!

In the original anime Pearl Diamond, the true protagonists Team Rocket had internal conflicts.

Meow Meow felt that he had found the value of life in the ramen shop, and Musashi also went to participate in the gorgeous competition, leaving Kojiro alone to take the risk to catch Shiny Metagross in order to reorganize the team.

And the ramen shop is the [Musashi \u0026 Kojiro Ramen Shop] in front of him.

So Shiny Metagross is in...

Mingzheng turned around suddenly and looked around.

In the north of the town, a bare iron-gray rock mountain looked particularly abrupt.

"Master, what is the name of this mountain?"

Mingzheng grabbed an installation master and asked anxiously.

"Ah? What mountain?"

"The one in the north, the bare one!"

"This mountain has no name, we usually call it Rock Mountain."

The installation master was confused, but since he was the employer, he still replied in a good temper.

"Are there any particularly famous elves on the mountain? "

"Famous? No, I've been here for decades and I haven't heard of it."

Hearing this, Mingzheng's mood eased a little.

The story of the silly thing and Pikachu has not yet begun, and it is unknown how long it will take for him to travel to the Sinnoh region.

It is still unclear whether there is a shiny Metagross in Iwayama now.

Even if there is, it is not something he can deal with.

But since he knew the plot in advance, he couldn't just sit and wait.

Entering the ramen restaurant, Mingzheng once again confirmed with the captain Yusaku whether Musashi and Kojiro were the two people he knew.

The result is self-evident, Mingzheng's eyes looking at Iwayama became even more fiery.


"Caracara, we have to work hard! "

Mingzheng's sudden encouragement made Caracara look confused, but it nodded seriously.

Then... do your best.

Although I don't know why.

But Mingzheng was thinking that the Steel + Psychic Metagross was restrained by the ground type.

Caracara's bone boomerang is a rare ground type trick that can hit the air elves.

Just these two points, there is a lot of room for operation.

At noon, the red and slightly cute messenger bird flew to the backyard of the ramen shop and brought Mingzheng the most needed elf knowledge.

Mingzheng is not stupid, and he will not simply recognize Just relying on the thousands of episodes of the original animation, the special edition of the comics, the theatrical version of the mythical beast, and the handheld game version that he watched in his previous life, he can cultivate powerful elves in the real elf world.

His advantage is that he knows a little bit in advance about the appearance of certain plot events, treasures, and precious elves.

Now, the most important thing is training!

After the daytime work, the captain Yusaku still cooks in person at night.

Today is seafood ramen, which tastes very delicious.

Mingzheng drank up the soup in the bowl again, and seemed to have seen the future booming business.

After dinner, it was finally time to rest,

Karakala looked at Mingzheng with sparkling eyes, and the loneliness and indifference from yesterday dissipated a lot.

Of course, it only dissipated towards Mingzheng.

"Your initial training is not difficult, let's try it together, okay?"

Karakala nodded seriously, looking serious as if he was going to do something big.

After saying hello to the captain Yusaku, Mingzheng took Karakala out of the ramen shop.

He didn't want to avoid the captain's training, but some basic training is more suitable for outdoor training.

For example, aerobic exercise - running.

Arriving at a nearby park, Mingzheng found a corner and started warming up with Karakala.

"The arms must be straight, and the breathing should follow the movement..."

"The bone stick is your indispensable weapon, so the running rhythm should adapt to the weight of the bone stick..."

"The tail also needs to be warmed up. It can help you coordinate and balance well when running..."

Perhaps because of the time travel, Mingzheng has a small talent that most protagonists have, that is, his memory has become very good.

The three books that he took time to read during the day are now firmly engraved in his mind, and now he can plan carefully according to Karakala's status.

Karakala was also very serious, with its tail moving up and down, left and right rhythmically.

He followed Mingzheng's instructions without hesitation, and Mingzheng was deeply impressed by his trust.

What a cute little guy.

After warming up, let's start running!

"Let's try running around the park. Tell me if you can't hold on."

One lap is about 400 meters. It is not easy for Karakala, who has just left the larval stage and is only at the beginner level, to run a lap.

After all, its legs are still short.

Karakala didn't say anything, but the posture was already in place, waiting for Mingzheng to give orders.

"Then let's start!"

As soon as the voice fell, Karakala stepped out of his calves and ran.

Mingzheng followed behind and couldn't help but remind him: "Don't worry, keep a steady speed!"

Karakala heard it, and although he still had some strength left, he still slowed down obediently.

The first 200 meters were no problem, but after 200 meters, Karakala gradually felt the difficulty.

Recalling Mingzheng's reminder, it suddenly made sense.

"Karakala, come on, the finish line is almost here!"

The encouraging voice came from behind, and Karakala felt a new force suddenly appear in his body, helping him to continue running forward.

In this way, the 400 meters were finally finished.

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