Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 21 Mysterious Voice

On the other side, Mingzheng had packed up his computer and quietly walked out of the hut.

Since Yusaku escaped from the east, a large number of patrolmen all ran to the east, and Mingzheng retreated smoothly.

Half an hour later.


The wooden window was pushed open, and Captain Yusaku quietly climbed into the room.

Mingzheng looked at the half-closed door next to the window, pursed his lips and held back.

"The plan went smoothly, but it caused a commotion after all. Contact the headquarters to proceed with Plan B and delay coming to pick up the things for 3 days."

"Okay, Captain!"

Mingzheng had expected it, and even wrote the corresponding report, just waiting to click upload.

"Huh, you've worked hard tonight, take off your clothes, I'll destroy it."

Watching Mingzheng finish the final report, Yusaku was relieved.

Mingzheng took off his clothes obediently, and his eyes glanced at the backpack beside Yusaku intentionally or unintentionally.

"Captain, what on earth is this? It's so urgent that our intelligence station has to act directly."

Generally speaking, the main work of the intelligence station is to lurk and collect intelligence, which is also the root of the Rocket Team.

Unless there is an extremely urgent situation, they are not allowed to be sent out to do other tasks, as the risk of being exposed is extremely high.

After all, it is much more difficult and expensive to train intelligence agents than ordinary combatants. The deeper and longer the intelligence agents lurk, the higher their value, and the more they cannot be easily used.

Back to the topic.

Yusaku slowed down his action of taking off his clothes, thinking of Mingzheng's precise assistance just now, and his recent improvement in strength, and he was obviously a promising talent.

"I don't know what it is, but you can open it if you want to see it."

"Thank you, captain, I will be careful."

Mingzheng was delighted, and after taking off his coat and trousers in a few seconds, he stepped forward to open his backpack.

Under the moonlight, a gray fossil placed in a glass cylinder, like a scimitar, gradually showed its shape.

Captain Yusaku also came over at this time. He actually didn't observe it carefully after getting the thing.

Mingzheng twisted the glass cylinder and stared at it without blinking.

Two minutes later, Mingzheng handed the thing to the captain and shook his head.

"Hey, if we can really tell what this thing is from the appearance, I'm afraid we wouldn't dare to act directly."

Captain Yusaku shrugged indifferently. There are so many things in the world that we don't understand, why bother ourselves.

It's better to make a pot of pork bone soup with this time.

The two put away the rocks, and Mingzheng took the computer and prepared to go back to his room to rest.

Get up, go out, and step into the trail.



The strong tinnitus seemed to pierce Mingzheng's ears like two sharp swords, mixed with a demonic shout.

Mingzheng couldn't help but groan, and his body staggered and fell to the side.

But the surroundings were unusually quiet, with only the rustling sound of the wind.

The next second, Yusaku, who was wearing pajamas, ran out immediately, and the Rada and Zubat beside him entered combat mode.

"Mingzheng, what's wrong with you?"

Yusaku asked anxiously while being alert to the surroundings.

If the people of the Galaxy Group tracked them here, they would have to evacuate immediately, and the ramen shop that they had opened with great difficulty would be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Yusaku's face was extremely ugly.

Mingzheng tried hard to stand up, but the next second the magic sound pierced his ears again.

"Hey, why is your mental power so strong and weak? Oh~~ It turns out that you have been injured!"

The mysterious voice said to itself, and the sound was like a sharp sword constantly stimulating Mingzheng's ears, and then extended to the brain.

The magical thing is that although it was still painful this time, Mingzheng obviously felt that he had adapted a lot.

Even, it sounded more feminine.

"Forget it, I will teach you how to restore your mental power. You must recover quickly. I will come to you next time."

After saying this, the mysterious voice disappeared instantly, and the severe pain was greatly relieved.

Mingzheng immediately fell to the ground like a deflated man, panting, and his face was pale.

"Mingzheng, Mingzheng...are you okay?"

After a long while, Mingzheng finally came to his senses and heard the captain Yusaku's call.

"I'm fine"

Mingzheng reluctantly got up and let Yusaku help him lean against the wall, then continued: "Maybe it's the first time to go out for action, too...too nervous, and I have a headache when I relax."

Yusaku touched Mingzheng's cold forehead. Although he was puzzled, he didn't ask aloud when he saw Mingzheng's exhausted look.

"You rest in my room first, let Caracara out to accompany you, and I'll see if there is anything unusual around."


Mingzheng couldn't say more, nodded lightly, and then was helped into the room by Yusaku.

Soon, Yusaku ran out with Rada and Zubat, and the room became quiet again.

Mingzheng leaned against the wall to relax, and fear gradually grew in his heart.

Ignorance is the source of fear.

Who is that mysterious voice?

Although I know that there are also strong people in this world, the most common one is superpowers.

But the person who can transmit voice through the air like this must be at least at the level of Nancy, the daughter of the gym leader of Jinhuang City in Kanto.

And the powerful superpowers that appeared in the original book, including Nancy, were not beings that he could afford to offend.

Who on earth had set his eyes on such an insignificant being like himself?

Mingzheng felt cold in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more panicked he became.

At this moment, the fossil in the backpack in the room suddenly lit up slightly.

Pink-purple energy molecules drifted out from the fossil, passed through the glass cylinder, and entered Mingzheng's body without his noticing.

For some reason, Mingzheng, who was originally extremely scared, gradually calmed down and his eyes gradually became clear.

‘Forget it, I will fight back when the enemy comes, and what conspiracy and tricks can I have on such a weak person?

The voice just now also said that it would teach me how to restore my mental strength, so I will get the benefits first! ’

After figuring out the joints, Mingzheng's thoughts became clearer and his head no longer hurt.


The window was opened again, and the captain Yusaku turned over and came in.

“There is nothing abnormal around, and I don’t think they can find anything about us. How are you?”

“Well, it’s much better now. I worried the captain,” Mingzheng said gratefully.

“It’s good that you are okay. Go back and have a good rest. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

Yusaku patted Mingzheng on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Okay, Captain, I'll go back first.

Late at night, Mingzheng fell asleep in his room and soon began to breathe slowly.

In his dream, a bright moon exuded endless gentle energy. These invisible energies were like a mother's hand, gently caressing the frightened Mingzheng.

For a while, Mingzheng slept more soundly and deeply.

No words were spoken all night.

Mingzheng got up early as usual.

But after so many things happened last night, he was not tired at all, and even felt that his brain was more relaxed and clear than ever before.

"The moon..."

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