Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 22 Mission Rewards Received

Three days later, a messenger bird that even Captain Yusaku carefully entertained flew to the Rocket Team's contact point in Iron Rock Town and took away the target of this mission.

And in less than half an hour, Team Rocket's reward also arrived.

5000 points!

This even exceeds the total number of points that Mingzheng has worked hard to earn in the past two months!

As for captain Yusaku, he will only get much more than Mingzheng.

At this moment, Mingzheng's waist and legs no longer hurt.

Even the anxiety caused by the mysterious sounds in the past few days has faded a lot.

Including those left before, the total of 5859 points also created a new record for his points.

There is plenty of food in hand and no panic in mind.

Mingzheng secretly opened the points redemption window, wanting to see what he could buy now.

Ten minutes later, Mingzheng closed the window.

"Caracara, let's go to Rock Mountain!"


Caracalla, who was wielding the bone club, raised his head in confusion.

Didn’t you just say that you would stay at home and do basic training today?

What a fickle trainer.

Caracalla commented in his mind, and his short legs stepped forward resignedly.

Don't tell me, compared to basic training, it actually prefers to go to rock mountains to shoot headshots... Oh no, it is to go to training.

After saying hello to the captain Yusaku, Mingzheng took Caracalla out after packing.

5,000 points seemed like a lot, but after Ming Zheng scanned it, he couldn't afford to redeem any of it for anything that could really make a qualitative difference to his own strength.

It turned out that he was still poor and had to continue working!

On the other side, the messenger bird carrying the mysterious fossil has flown to Team Rocket's largest branch stationed in the Sinnoh region.

The mysterious fossil was immediately handed over to the group of researchers dressed in white.

It didn't take long for the identification results of the mysterious fossil to come out.

[NO.37 fossil identification results]

Activity retention is less than 0.01%

Availability is less than 0.01%

Elf type: very little activity remains and cannot be identified

Disposal suggestions: destroy

After coming to Yanshan again after many days, Mingzheng even felt nostalgic.

Release the broken iron dumbbell and let it go into the cave to have fun.

When Mingzheng saw this, many calculations flashed through his mind.

After the two newcomers successfully get started with intelligence collection work, I should probably apply to become a mobile intelligence agent.

Mobile intelligence agents do not stay in one place to collect intelligence, but travel to various places to collect important intelligence as businessmen, tourists, or trainers.

The benefits are obvious: you can move more freely, and Mingzheng can often put the iron dumbbells out for some air in the wild.

However, mobile intelligence officers have higher requirements for strength. Mingzheng must go to the Rocket Team branch in the Sinnoh region to take the assessment, and he can be transferred only after passing it.

‘When Caracalla’s strength breaks through to the senior level, apply! ’

With a clear goal, Mingzheng's slightly impetuous heart calmed down.

The next step is to improve your strength and work hard to become a mobile intelligence agent!

Yanshan, here I come again!

Walking through the territory of old acquaintances with caracaras and iron dumbbells.

The unknown depths of the cave behind are where the two elves exercise.

The two elves, one behind the other, explored the depths with ease.

Another half month passed in such a flash.

When one person and two pets came out of the cave again, the momentum around them was already very different.

If I had to describe it, it would be that they all have a bit more "wildness" in them.

Both Caracalla and iron dumbbells have taken another big step forward in the excellent level.

But the breakthrough was still just a hair away.

Seeing the two elves becoming anxious and impatient, Mingzheng rationally terminated the experience.

Although it only lasted half a month as before, the opponent's strength continued to increase and the difficulty continued to increase.

Injured, treated, fought, injured again, treated again, fought again…

This cycle has been going on for half a month, and it is not only their combat power that has been improved, but also the will of the two elves!

It's also time to slowly tighten the strings.

Putting the iron dumbbell back into the poke ball, Mingzheng took Caracara back to the ramen shop.

Captain Yusaku stared at Mingzheng and Caracalla for a while before nodding with satisfaction.

"Yes, there is another breakthrough. It's just a little worse than what I did back then."

Mingzheng smiled, feeling very grateful to his captain who supported him so strongly.

"Of course I can't compare to the boss. I'm going to take a shower first. I feel so uncomfortable!"

"Haha, go ahead! Come to me after you wash up and tell you something."

Yusaku raised his eyebrows and smiled without knowing what he meant.

After taking a bath, and using fine sand to clean up the bodies of Caracara and Iron Dumbbell one by one, Mingzheng took the time to close the shop to find Yuzuo.

"Here, give me your hand and help me move it over."

In the kitchen, Xiongsaku ordered Mingzheng, who had just arrived, to move the tonkotsu soup that was being cooked to another stove.

"Boss, where are Rika and the others?"

"Let them go home from get off work. Now it's just you and me in the store."

"Oh, I'll do it!"

Mingzheng took the initiative to take the lid and cover the bone soup. He turned around and saw that the captain Yusaku had already sat down to rest.

"Come and sit down, I need to tell you something."

"Well, you say."

Captain Yusaku took off his apron and said after some thought, "Mingzheng, do you want to be a mobile intelligence agent?"

Mingzheng was stunned. He had wanted to find an opportunity to actively fight with the captain, but he didn't expect that the captain would bring it up before him.

"It seems that you have also learned about mobile intelligence officers. That's easy. If you are willing to go, I will write you a letter of recommendation."

The captain's face had an expression of "as expected", and he smiled.

Mingzheng hesitated.

"Captain, you..."

Captain Yusaku waved his hand and continued: "We are all experienced people. Who didn't have some pursuits and goals when they were young? There will be a selection of mobile intelligence officers next month. You go!"

"But I heard that the minimum requirement for mobile intelligence officers is to have a senior level..."

"Why, in another month, your Karakala still can't break through to the senior level?" Yusaku joked.

If Mingzheng and Karakala are really stuck on this small hurdle for so long, it doesn't matter if they don't go as mobile intelligence officers.

"I know, thank you, captain!"

Finally, Mingzheng didn't say anything else, but thanked him seriously.

"Oh, one last thing!"

Suddenly, the captain Yusaku came over secretly, and took out a slightly wrinkled little note.

"You are a little kid, when did you hook up with a big sister?"

"What big sister..."

Mingzheng pulled the corner of his mouth, not realizing that Yusaku could be so out of tune.

He took the note, and there was a string of unfamiliar numbers on it.

But it always felt familiar...

"Is it Harumi?"

Although it was a question, it was also certain.

"See, you said you didn't know her, but you remember her name very clearly."

Yusaku smiled, and there was a little sigh in his heart.

After all, he is still a bachelor!

He was actually beaten by a little kid.

Mingzheng had no choice but to explain: "I met her at the Galaxy Department Store competition before, and I'm not familiar with her at all.

But did she ask me for something?"

"I don't know about that, you can call and ask tomorrow, I'm going to practice!"

Captain Yusaku got up lazily, not wanting to say more.

It's definitely not because I feel jealous.

If you like it, welcome to collect~

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