Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 48 The advantage is mine!

But why did Daiwu take the initiative to inform this information?

Just because Ming Zheng owns iron dumbbells?

"Well, no wonder your metal monster is so strong."

Mingzheng pretended to be stupid when he was in doubt, and Mingzheng's shocked eyes turned to admiration, which made Dawu raise his eyebrows.

Good guy, he's quite calm.

Just when Daigo wanted to continue talking, Daigo's name suddenly sounded on the radio.

"I'm going to the game first, see you later!"

"See you!"

Ming Zheng waved his hand, he just needed time to think about how to deal with Dai Wu.

Three minutes later, Daigo ended the battle.


Excluding the time it took to walk to the venue, Daigo ended the battle in half a minute?

Isn't it too fast?

‘However, the initiative is now with me, so we can’t panic! ’

Mingzheng thought to himself, although he hasn't thought it through yet.

Soon, Dawu returned to the waiting room and walked directly towards Mingzheng.

"Add your contact information and chat in detail after the game, here..."

This time, Mingzheng took the initiative and looked around, implying that people were talking too much.

Daigo originally wanted to continue chatting, but after a battle, he was not in such a hurry, so he could observe more.


Immediately, the two exchanged contact information, and Daigo returned to his old seat.

Putting this matter aside, Mingzheng returned his attention to the sandstorm competition.

The second round of the official competition is over, and there are almost no parallel imports among the remaining 64 players.

Even among the many elves, the senior and junior Gala Gala are below the average level.

Fortunately, level does not mean everything, and Mingzheng still has the possibility to move forward.

Soon, the third round of the official competition begins!

In a 64-player game, the pace will only be faster and there will be less rest time.

The discussion in the backcourt gradually decreased, and everyone watched every game with bated breath.

It was in stark contrast to the deafening cheers outside.

Players appear one after another.

In this round, Ming Zhengji still appeared first before Daigo.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but the auditorium seemed to be more crowded.

Gala Gala performed calmly, and her indifferent temperament also won a lot of cheers.

Opposite, a two-meter-tall behemoth huddled silently in the sandstorm, as if this would reduce its presence.

Hippopotamus, senior senior.

The ground-type elves unique to the Sinnoh region often live in groups in the desert. They are currently the ace elves of the Four Heavenly Kings Kikuno.

Therefore, the popularity of Hippopotamus is much higher than that of Gala Gala.

The referee's words remained terse and the fight began immediately.

In an instant, the intensity of the sandstorm doubled.

Mingzheng knew in his heart that it was the hippopotamus beast that activated Yang Sha's characteristics and caused another sandstorm.

"Gather your energy!"

Ming Zheng's command sounded, still starting with Qi gathering.

The hippo beast on the opposite side remained motionless, but its skills were already activated.

I saw that the rock and soil around Gala Gala suddenly became loose and sandy, and started to rotate rapidly.

Skill, Quicksand Hell!

Gala Gala was wrapped up in it, and half of her body was almost instantly buried in the sand.



Faced with the lockdown, Gala Gala did not make any other moves.

Under Mingzheng's order, he swung the bone stick in his hand without hesitation!

state! state!

The bone boomerang hit completely, hitting the hippopotamus on the head twice in a row.

Hippopotamus is even worse at speed than Gala Gala, so it's impossible to dodge.

Screams rang out, and at the same time, even the rising sandstorm was a little unstable.

A critical hit!

Mingzheng felt happy, but then he vaguely saw the hippopotamus opening its mouth and letting out a lazy cry.

It's a yawn!

"Crack, squeak, squeak!"

Ming Zheng immediately ordered, hoping to resist the yawn attack.

A torturous harsh sound sounded, and the loudspeaker near Gala Gala was immediately turned down.

Otherwise, the entire audience will suffer.

"Go on, Bones Boomerang!"

Mingzheng's order sounded again, and he wasn't sure whether Gala Gala was still affected by yawning.

The next second, Gala Gala firmly swung the bone stick out!

state! state!

Two more complete hits, and even the position of the attack did not change at all.

But Mingzheng frowned and noticed that Gala Gala seemed to be a little wobbly?

The yawn was not completely canceled out!



This time, Gala Gala held on to her troubled spirit and looked at her opponent who was still not moving much in the desert.

Must win...

Bone boomerang, shoot out!

But the next moment, the bone boomerang flew past the hippo beast's head.


At the same time, Gala Gala was half kneeling on the ground, almost completely supported by consciousness.


There was an abrupt but familiar knocking sound, and the second attack of the bone boomerang accurately hit the hippo beast's head again!


A whimpering sound was heard, and the two-meter-tall hippopotamus fell down, unable to get up!

The next moment, when Gala Gala was about to fall asleep, the thick bone stick suddenly flew back and hit Gala Gala on the head!


Gala Gala was knocked back, but the severe pain shook her whole body.

woke up!

Gala Gala's bone boomerang didn't miss a beat at all.

The second stage of the attack was originally reserved for him to wake up!

"Hippomon has lost his ability to fight, Galagala wins, and contestant No. 233 Mingzheng wins!"

The audience didn't wake up until the referee announced the result loudly.

The shocked eyes gradually turned into admiration, and they couldn't help but give applause to Galagala.

In order to win, he even knocked his head.

I have to say, it's a ruthless one!

At this time, Mingzheng was not happy that he finally had a name in the eyes of the referee.

But he hurried off the court, picked up the thick bone stick that Galagala didn't catch the first time, and handed it to it.

Looking at Galagala's scars, Mingzheng gritted his teeth, but couldn't bear to blame too much.

"Don't be so reckless next time."


Galagala took the bone stick and carried it on his shoulders, proudly raised his head, as if to say again, am I great?

"Well, great!"

Mingzheng smiled, and felt that with such a spirit, what else could he ask for!

As early as when Mingzheng knew that his opponent was Hippomon, he knew that this was an extremely difficult game.

In the competition limited to rock, ground and steel attributes, the ground type naturally has a certain advantage.

It is for this reason that Garagara can defeat Steelix and Sun Coral relatively smoothly.

But this time he happened to meet Hippomon.

As a ground type, Hippomon almost crushes Garagara in all aspects except for its slightly weaker speed.

Size, level, attack, defense... Hippomon is strong in every aspect!

And Garagara has no skills that can restrain the opponent.

So, the only way is to fight hard!

Relying on the mobility of the bone boomerang, give up most of the resistance and only seek the maximum attack!

Let's see who falls first.

The above is the best tactic that Mingzheng thought of in a short period of time.

And Garagara's last knock on himself was indeed the highlight of the whole game!

It was also Garagara's own choice.

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