Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 49: Getting Rich Overnight

After advancing to the top 32, Mingzheng's goal was basically achieved.

The battles ahead would only be more difficult, and there was no need to dwell on winning or losing.

When Mingzheng and Garagara returned to the waiting room, the remaining 40 or 50 people burst into applause that was even more enthusiastic than the previous 100 people.

Their strength was also recognized by other contestants.

After nodding to everyone, Mingzheng took Garagara for treatment.

The continuous quicksand hell caused considerable damage to it, but fortunately it was only superficial injuries.


But at this moment, Mingzheng's communicator suddenly vibrated.


Why would she contact me?

Mingzheng looked at the caller ID on the communicator, thought about it, and picked it up.

"Hello, Harumi?"

"Ahhhhhh!!! Brother Mingzheng, you are so awesome, you actually defeated Hippomon, and Garagara too, you have become so strong!"

Mingzheng blinked and looked towards the stadium.

"You guys...are in Black Gold City?"

You know, the Sandstorm Contest is not broadcast, and can only be watched live.

"Yeah, something happened during this period. Anyway, we finally went out to travel. I'll treat you to a meal after the game, and we'll talk in detail?"

Mingzheng subconsciously looked in the direction of Daigo, and then said, "Okay! See you at Exit 3 after the game."

After hanging up the phone, Mingzheng couldn't help thinking.

Isn't it just a competition? Why does it feel like everything is rushing to him?

It's hard to have a quiet competition.

But from Harumi's tone, it shouldn't be a bad thing.

The Sandstorm Contest is still going on, and soon it's Daigo's turn to play.

And Daigo's opponent this time is the Desert Dragonfly, which has been quite popular from the beginning.

The Desert Dragonfly is a rare elf of the ground + dragon system.

The elite advanced strength also makes 80% of the players stay away.

In addition, the characteristics of the Desert Dragonfly are floating, high mobility, and it can use the fire system's jet flame, which has a considerable restraint on metal monsters.

However, Metal Monster still won!

With one move of freezing punch, it restrained the desert dragonfly four times, and won it so easily.

Mingzheng felt the same way, this is the power of krypton gold.

Not all trainers can learn any moves that they want their Pokémon to learn.

Mingzheng's Shuttlecock Flower also consumed a lot of points to learn the poison defense tactics from the Rocket Team's platform.

And Daigo has no shortage of what he needs, but he just likes to dig stones!

Wait... dig stones!

Mingzheng's eyes lit up, and suddenly he had a new idea about Daigo looking for him.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the third round of the official Sandstorm Competition ended, and all 32 teams were selected.

At this point, the senior junior Gara Gara has become the lowest level in the whole field.

But it also reflects the current combat power of Gara Gara.

At the same time, the organizer finally added a battle group diagram in this game, clarifying all the next battles.

On the screen, Daigo ranked first on the left, and Mingzheng happened to be the first on the right.

This means that unless Mingzheng can make it to the last game, he and Daigo will never meet.

When Mingzheng saw his opponent, he finally felt a little powerless.

Elite Intermediate, Tutai Kame!

"Just do your best for a while, we still have a lot of time to get stronger."


Gala nodded, but still clenched the bone stick unwillingly.

The fourth round of the official competition finally started!

This time Daigo took the lead and fought against the water + ground attribute Sea Rabbitmon.

Under the strong control of telekinesis and the fierce attack of bullet fist, Sea Rabbitmon did not last long and was defeated.

At the same time, the organizers also began to introduce the players who entered the top 32 one by one.

The audience only then knew that the player Daigo with the metal monster in front of them had actually won the championship of the league competition in the Hoenn region last year.

No wonder he is so strong!

Suddenly, Daigo received more cheers.

After all, even the champion of the Hoenn region came to participate in our sandstorm competition, which shows the height of our event.

Especially the people in Black Gold City, they all felt proud.

An hour later, the last match of the fourth round started.

Garagala vs. Tutai Turtle!

Ten minutes later, Garagala was hit head-on by Tutai Turtle's crazy plant and lost his ability to fight.

Even though there was a huge difference in strength, Mingzheng and Garagala tried their best to fight against it.

At the end of the battle, the Tutai Turtle on the opposite side was panting, and the few large lumps vaguely visible on its head proved that it was not easy to fight this battle.

Applause rang out, Mingzheng helped Garagala up, and together they accepted the last applause from the scene.

"Keep working hard in the future, Garagala!"



At six o'clock in the evening, the final of the sandstorm competition came.

As expected, Daigo stood here.

And opposite him was another elite peak-level Tutai Turtle.

The battle between the two sides was about to break out, and each showed extremely strong strength.

But in the end, it was Daigo's metal monster that defeated the Tutai Turtle with the absolute attribute suppression of the freezing fist.

At this point, the Sandstorm Contest officially ended, and Daigo and Metal Monster became the biggest winners, receiving applause from everyone in the audience.

The game was over, but the celebration of the Black Gold Festival was far from over.

The lights came on, and the lively night party began.

Ming met Qingmei and her husband Aze at Exit 3 of the stadium.

At this time, the two of them were completely dressed as tourists, and there was not too much happiness on their faces.

"Sister Harumi!"

"Here here!"

The three of them met and began to stroll slowly around the night market.

As for Mingzheng, he gradually learned what happened to them during this period, and felt so sore that his teeth almost fell out.

It turned out that after Mingzheng helped them solve the problem of the northern nose group, the northern nose group was actually sold to the famous Dr. Yamanashi Research Institute.

After Mingzheng left, Yamanashi Doctoral Research Institute sent someone over again, saying that they wanted to buy the entire mine.

At first, Aze was not very willing. After all, he was a serious miner and did not want to lose his old profession.

But Dr. Yamanashi gave too much.

Then, after receiving a large sum of money and no longer worrying about food and clothing, the young couple began traveling around the world.

And their first stop happened to be the annual Black Gold Festival in Black Gold City!

When Mingzheng heard this, he could only click his tongue and say nothing.

It’s true that different people have different fates, I can only envy them.

"By the way, did they say why they were selling the mine?"

Mingzheng asked casually.

"I heard that in order to study the evolution method of the north-facing nose, they also hired many old miners to help them mine."

Harumi said nonchalantly, and then her attention was attracted by the squid skewers next to her.

“Helping them dig?

Mingzheng was thoughtful and immediately guessed that Dr. Yamanashi's current research direction seemed to be...

Not quite right!

Do they think the ore in the mine is special?

Want to study the composition of minerals?

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