Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 87 A call from Zhenniao

Getting up and starting with cooking, I feel a little happy whether I say it or not.

After washing up, Mingzheng made a list of supplies that needed to be replenished before going out to the mall.

In order to keep a low profile, Mingzheng didn't even let go of the gala gala, and walked around slowly alone.

Before he even reached the mall, Mingzheng had seen seven or eight promotional videos of Yuanxi City, which were being played on TVs in different stores.

The promotional videos are different, but the main character is the same person, Gym Leader Munch.

In the video, Munch is wearing a cape and has a strong build. His brown face is full of righteousness and his eyes are firm.

The plots of the promotional videos vary, but the core is that the museum owner Munch has saved Yuanxi City from fire and water many times.

Resist beast tides, foresee natural disasters, capture criminals, rescue lost girls...

It feels like the owner Munch is omnipotent and is the hero of this city!

But after watching it, Ming Zheng only felt that the makeup was done well!

Arriving at the store, Mingzheng began to purchase supplies.

But soon, he frowned.

"This primary fire energy cube is actually more expensive than the intermediate ground energy cube!"

After a brief stroll around, I found that except for the ground-type materials in the mall, which were cheaper than the normal market price, all other materials in the mall were ridiculously expensive.

If Yuanxi City had always been like this, without the heroic leader Munch, the local residents would have been able to only cultivate ground-type elves.

Mingzheng was thoughtful, always feeling that there was a big hand behind this city controlling everything!

Is it the owner Munch?

Ming Zheng is not sure, but at least Munch is one of the winners.

After picking out some necessary supplies, Mingzheng quickly left the mall and walked to Yuanxi Gym.

Mingzheng is unwilling to stay in this city for a long time unless necessary.

After getting the badge, hurry up and leave.

Half an hour later, at the entrance of Yuanxi Gym.

"Trainer, has your elf reached the senior level? Can you let it out for a look?"

The person who received Mingzheng was a beautiful young lady who spoke softly and had big eyes. The Nidoqueen beside her was also poisonous.

"Well, this is my elf."

Ming Zheng looked calm and released Gala Gala.

The next moment, the young lady suddenly squatted down and looked at Gala Gala with bright eyes, and then...

He raised and lowered his hands and touched it.

“This skull… this bone club… this tail… these eyes!

Ah~~~This Gala Gala must have been cultivated so well! "

Ming Zheng silently took two steps back, ignoring Gala Gala's look for help.

It took five minutes for the woman who had fallen into madness to regain her consciousness.

"To have such an excellent Gala Gala, you must be a very good trainer!

Come on, join our Yuanxi Gym, you will receive personal guidance and selfless training from the wise and powerful Munch Gym Leader!

Becoming the king of the ground system is just a matter of time!

Your Gala Gala has this talent! "

Mingzheng tried his best to keep his eyes wide open and his face flushed. If he hadn't checked the information in advance, he...

It’s definitely impossible to believe it!

"But if I can't even participate in the league competition, how can I be worthy of becoming the disciple of the wise and martial Master Monk? I... don't deserve it!"

Mingzheng shouted excitedly, and Gala Gala silently took three steps back.

Suddenly, the young lady covered her mouth, with tears in her eyes, and looked at Ming Zheng with a moved face.

"If you have this intention, Master Munch will definitely be very moved.

This is the badge of Yuanxi Gym. Take it and after you finish participating in the alliance competition, you must come back and become one of us! "

Mingzheng took the badge, held it tightly in his hand, and nodded heavily.

"wait for me!"

"Wait for you!"

Then, Mingzheng dragged the confused Gala Gala and strode away with an extremely firm pace!

At the door of the gym, the young lady was still waving, and she felt that she had found another big help for the gym.

And when Mingzheng turned to another road.


After a while of retching, Mingzheng patted his still pale face.

"This play is so challenging!"

But Gala Gala next to her, her eyes were fixed on Ming Zheng's hand.


Gala Gala pointed to the khaki gym badge.

"This, it should be true."

Mingzheng observed it carefully and felt like laughing.

Getting the badge of the Yuanxi Gym is hard to say and easy to say.

As long as Ming Zheng just sent out a senior ground elf and agreed to join the Yuanxi Gym, he could directly obtain the gym badge without even having to fight a battle.

It's also convenient to leave, indicating that you want to participate in the league competition, and then come back after participating.

Even Mingzheng didn't agree directly, he just said vaguely that he would wait for me, but because he was "sincere" enough, he easily got the badge.

However, Gala Gala was fucked wildly for five minutes, and her soul was quite traumatized.

Other than that, this badge is like child's play!

"I hope this gym won't be banned this year, otherwise the show will be in vain."

Ming Zheng thought silently, then took back the Gala Gala and returned to the hotel in a low-key manner.

He decided to leave here early tomorrow morning.

Before that, Mingzheng didn't even want to rent a mimic training room to avoid causing complications.

Mingzheng, who had nothing to do, took stock for a while and decided to hand in the report on getting the badge first.

Turning on the computer and boarding the platform, Mingzheng looked at the latest information and subconsciously searched for basic information about Yuanxi City.

Um? Searching to no avail?

Mingzheng confirmed that he had not made a typo.

Press Enter again...

No basic intelligence!

Even a small town like Tieyan Town has the Rocket Team moving in, how could the medium-sized city of Yuanxi City not have a base?

Could it be that the base was removed some time ago?

Mingzheng frowned, opened Jill's chat box, and left a message for him to investigate in the branch.

Jill was online and said he would check it immediately.

Half an hour later, Mingzheng's communicator began to vibrate.

Looking at the caller's avatar, Mingzheng's doubts deepened.

"Hello, Zhenniao?"

"It's me, is it convenient to talk?"

Mingzheng looked at the room he had already checked.

"You say."

"It has been confirmed that the Yuanxi City base has defected from the organization and resold internal intelligence. The branch has launched a high reward and requires the capture of all defectors. If you are in Yuanxi City, it is recommended that you take this task."

Mingzheng was silent. Zhenniao couldn't have been unaware that he didn't have the quota to take on such tasks.

So, what is the point of this task?

"I'd like to hear more!"

On the other end of the phone, Managi smiled with satisfaction. She likes dealing with smart people.

"Yuanxi City is very important to the organization's development layout in the Sinnoh region. The stationed personnel defected because they were deceived by the enemy when they were performing their missions.

Therefore, capturing the defected personnel and rebuilding the Yuanxi City station is one of the most important tasks of the branch now.

Well done, generous rewards!"

"I'm just a mobile intelligence officer. I definitely can't take the lead. Is the commander-in-chief this time someone from your side?"

"The commander-in-chief is Dr. Seg"

Managi didn't say it clearly, but she didn't deny it either. When Mingzheng heard the word Seg, he knew it in his heart.

"Okay, I'll participate!"

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