Dr. Seg, one of the three doctors in the Rocket Team, has no particularly strong contribution, but seems to know a little about everything. He is also the first doctor to join the Rocket Team publicly.

Therefore, Dr. Seg's position is very stable, and he is also a standard member of Sakaki.

Considering Mana's future identity, Mingzheng has reason to suspect that she should be serving Sakaki now.

After hanging up the phone, Mingzheng logged on to the platform again and found the registration link that Mana pushed to him.

Obviously, this kind of task is really impossible to get without some connections.

After signing up, Mingzheng's communicator quickly received the assembly information.

But he was not in a hurry to go immediately, but continued to type frantically on the computer.

Since he was going to earn points, he naturally had to bring some valuable information first, otherwise how could he demonstrate his intelligence ability.

As his fingers flew, Mingzheng used the original station given by Mana as the reference point and began to check on the Internet.

Two hours later, Mingzheng took a deep breath. If he was not in Yuanxi City and could obtain information through the local area network within the region, he might not be able to find the information he wanted.

Then, it's time to meet Dr. Seg!

Half an hour later, Mingzheng came to a tree fruit store after a long journey.

Seemingly attracted by the promotion in the store, Mingzheng walked in with a bag of discounted tree fruit.

"200 Elf Coins per bag, no bargaining!"

In front of the cashier, a woman with glasses who was playing on the computer said without looking up.

Mingzheng walked straight to the front.

"500 Elf Coins, I want two bags, one bag without sweet peach fruit."

The woman with glasses paused and raised her head slightly. The reflection of the lens just made Mingzheng unable to see his expression.

"If you don't want sweet peach fruit, you have to go to the back to pick it yourself."

"Okay, thank you!"

Mingzheng ignored the woman with glasses who sat up subconsciously and walked straight to the backyard.

Passing through the curtain, a telekinetic clay doll quietly "sticked" to the wall.

Mingzheng took out the communicator and pressed a special button. A sound wave that could not be detected by human hearing came out, awakening the telekinetic clay doll.

The next moment, the telekinetic clay doll opened half of its eyes and looked at Mingzheng, then pointed with both hands, and Mingzheng disappeared from the spot.

In the dim environment, Mingzheng slowly opened his eyes, without any discomfort.

His strong physical fitness made Mingzheng's resistance to teleportation much stronger.

"Hehe, there's a newcomer!"

The place where the light was on was a place similar to the sofa in the living room, and behind the sofa, there was a wall of surveillance computers.

On the sofa, a man who looked like a junior high school student said happily, and his dark green eyes looked at Mingzheng curiously.

Next to the man, Dr. Seg with an afro was also looking at Mingzheng.

He had just received Mingzheng's application and knew his basic information.

There were also a few people sitting on the sofa, trapped in the shadows and kept silent.

"Dr. Seg, mobile intelligence officer Mingzheng reports to you!"

"Well, you're here just in time. We are currently looking for the hiding place of the defectors. We need your intelligence officers' support in this regard!"

Mingzheng thought to himself that as expected, the reason why Zhenniao was able to contact him might be because Dr. Seg's mission was hindered.

"I checked when I came just now, and the location has been determined."

Mingzheng said, ignoring the surprise in everyone's eyes, and walked straight to a computer.

"Can this be used?"

"My computer, you can use it as you like!"

The dark green-eyed man said immediately, his eyes full of excitement.

Mingzheng nodded, inserted the USB drive into the computer, and after some casual operations, an ordinary bungalow building appeared.

"This is a factory dormitory less than 100 meters west of Yuanxi Gym. It has been abandoned two years ago. I checked the relevant surveillance and vehicle driving records. This abandoned dormitory building has unreasonable security measures.

In addition, there are only three fixed vehicles entering and leaving, and these three vehicles happen to belong to Yuanxi Gym, and one has a new license plate for less than half a month, and the owner is a 60-year-old man."

"Can it be confirmed based on these?"

Some people questioned, after all, no trace of the defectors has been seen so far.

There is only speculation.

Mingzheng was not angry, and continued to explain patiently: "There are 6 known defectors, each of whom has 2 Pokémons recorded in the register, and the daily expenses of a total of 12 Pokémons are not small.

This 60-year-old new car owner goes to the mall every week to buy a lot of Pokémon food, of which 60% are poisonous food, and 80% of this 60% are poisonous gas, synthetic garbage, and poisonous blood bags."

As Mingzheng spoke, he presented the purchase records he found one by one.

There is no need for Mingzheng to say anything more. Everyone is an old member of the Rocket Team, and naturally knows which Pokémons these poisonous foods are most suitable for.

Moreover, even if this information is placed in the Kanto region, it can basically be used as accurate evidence for speculation.

Not to mention that this is Yuanxi City in the Sinnoh region, a strange city that only worships ground-type elves.

"Well done, the next step is to capture people, what do you think?"

Dr. Seg patted Mingzheng on the shoulder and asked in a low voice.

Mingzheng did not speak, he keenly noticed that the few people who had not spoken immediately showed a scrutinizing look.

"Doctor, you are joking, I am lucky to be able to help with the intelligence, I am not good at combat."

After Mingzheng finished speaking, he immediately felt that the eyes of those people were much friendlier.

On the contrary, the pair of dark green eyes kept staring at Mingzheng, as if to say that you are lying!

Mingzheng retreated to the sofa and handed the computer to Dr. Seg and others.

He really didn't intend to get involved in the battle. He had just been high-profile enough. No matter what the result was, his share of the reward was already settled.

Of course, the cake should be shared, which is stable and safe.

Mingzheng was free and observed several people silently.

Listening to their arguments, Mingzheng could see that these people were also capable.

A set of effective plans gradually took shape in the discussion of several people, and Mingzheng found that the link with the highest combat power requirements was tacitly handed over to the dark green-eyed man by everyone.

This guy is actually a hidden master?

This time, Dr. Seg did not ask Mingzheng's opinion again, but directly approved the plan and asked Mingzheng to assist.

Mingzheng had no objection, took the computer and started to operate quickly.

Soon, the camera layout, patrol time, and entry and exit records around the abandoned dormitory were recorded.

Mingzheng also found out the daily movements of the gym leader Monk, the schedule for the next week, the exposed strength of the elves, etc., and provided them to everyone.

Now, even Dr. Seg couldn't help but nod secretly.

This intelligence officer is something!

In order to avoid changes in the plan, the operation was directly arranged in the early morning of the same day.

As an intelligence officer, Mingzheng only needed to ambush nearby, just like he cooperated with the captain Yusaku at the beginning, without having to fight head-on.

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