Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 89 Perfect execution!

As night fell, Mingzheng had already arrived at the low house next to the abandoned dormitory. There were three computers on the table, and he was guarded by Gala Gala and Jian Zihua.

Behind Mingzheng, Dr. Seg stood silently. He was only the person in charge of the operation, not the commander on the scene.

The commander on the scene was the dark green-eyed man, and Mingzheng also knew his name.

Yan Qizhi, who liked to be called Dazhi.

That night, Mingzheng regretted that he could not train in the dream world tonight. Just as he was thinking about how to make up for it, Dazhi's voice suddenly came from the headset.

"Interference team, prepare for action!"


In the headset, the two people belonging to the interference team responded quickly, and Butterfree and Dream Tapir beside them took action at the same time.

Hypnotic powder + hypnosis!

In the low house, Mingzheng had taken over all the nearby cameras for his own use.

Therefore, the actions of Butterfree and Dream Tapir were clearly seen by the people in the low house.

The Dream-Inducing Tapir walked out of the ambush, swung the hypnotic pendulum with his right hand, and began to hypnotize the dilapidated dormitory and the surrounding areas indiscriminately.

At the same time, Butterfree gently flapped its wings, and a gentle breeze blew, carrying the specially trained sleep powder that no longer reflected light into the dilapidated dormitory.

Behind Mingzheng, Shuttlecock Flower saw Butterfree's hypnotic powder, and her small eyes were thoughtful.

The Dream-Inducing Tapir and Butterfree just formed a double hypnosis of body and mind.

After the two Pokémons activated their skills for a full ten minutes, they stopped.

At this time, all the patrols outside the dilapidated dormitory had fallen, and Mingzheng also confirmed them all through the surveillance.

"Mobile team, split into two groups and start exploring!"


Suddenly, two figures flew across the sky. It was Zubat who glided to the roof of the abandoned dormitory with his trainer.

At the same time, in the corner of the abandoned dormitory, two Abo monsters quietly emerged from the ground, followed by their respective trainers.

The four of them began to explore carefully from the upper and lower positions.

Time passed slowly, and Mingzheng's attention was also extremely focused at this time.

The three computers in front of him respectively observed the exploration of the mobile team, the monitoring of the surrounding areas of the abandoned dormitory, and whether there were any new actions at the Yuanxi Gym in real time.

It can be said that this observation ability is not something that ordinary intelligence officers can master.

Fortunately, Mingzheng's mental power has been greatly improved recently, otherwise he would not be able to watch for too long.

Soon, the ground mobile team was the first to discover the abnormality.

Two Houndooms appeared around them at some point, and they were carefully sniffing the abnormal breath.

The two stopped at a locked wooden door.

Mingzheng used the mobile cameras they carried to carefully explore the surroundings and soon found the abnormality in the gap of the wooden door.

"Attention, there is a micro camera above the wooden door. It is not ruled out that it is a single-machine monitoring, and the mobile team has been exposed."

Mingzheng's voice sounded, and the second team of the mobile team hurriedly looked up.

"Fuck, there really is one!"

"Mobile Team 1 continues the carpet search, Team 2 stays on standby.

Interference Team, Intelligence Team monitor the surrounding situation!

Attack Team, follow me!"

Seeing this, Dazhi immediately made a decision.


The next moment, a telekinetic clay doll suddenly appeared at the wooden door, and four members of the attack team, including Dazhi, also arrived at the same time.

"Spy Mantis, split it!"

Dazhi was the first to send out the elves, and the elite intermediate Spy Mantis split the wooden door in half with just one move, without even making any extra sounds.

The next moment, the mobile team stayed where they were, and the four members of the attack team went straight into the room.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The entire abandoned dormitory building suddenly shook, and a lot of loose red bricks fell off the surface of the wall.

Mingzheng was shocked, thinking that this group of defectors were really crazy, and they dared to use large-scale ground skills in the abandoned dormitory that was not solid.

Is this the courage that the owner Monk gave you after the defection?

Mingzheng expressed his admiration.

Fortunately, there was no strong vibration next, but a white light was lit up in the gym not far away!

The vibration just now finally alarmed the people of the alliance!

"The gym has been awakened, and the estimated arrival time is 2 minutes!"

Mingzheng mobilized the surveillance and gave an accurate estimated time.

Although this place is less than 100 meters away from the gym, the gym owner Monk really doesn't have any fast ground-type Pokémon.

As for other patrol personnel, even if they arrived in advance in a short time, they would not be able to break through the interference group on standby outside.

One minute later, Dazhi's voice sounded again in the headset.

"The defectors resisted stubbornly, killed 4 people on the spot, captured 2 people, and prepared to retreat!"

"Received, please ask the interference group to evacuate to the south and make a noise to attract some firepower.

The mobile group retreated to the north and made a noise in two minutes.

The assault group, retreat to the west!"

The final retreat was naturally handed over to the intelligence group that had a comprehensive view of the overall situation.

Soon, the three groups of people evacuated in three directions.

The interference group was the most mobile and was the first to evacuate to the south. They made a lot of noise and immediately caused the owner Monk to change the direction of pursuit.

Two minutes later, there was movement in the north. Monk's face changed and he transferred some people over there and continued to pursue the enemy in the south.

The most important mobile group in the west had quietly left.

As for Mingzheng and Dr. Seg, after the three groups evacuated successfully, they were instantly moved back by the telekinetic clay dolls.

The telekinetic clay doll is specially used to protect Dr. Seg.

The attack team just sent out to help after ensuring that the doctor was not in danger.

So far, the plan to capture the defectors has been successfully completed!

Soon, Dr. Seg and Mingzheng returned to the new station first.

"You are very good, are you interested in coming to me?"

Just after taking a breath, Dr. Seg threw an olive branch to Mingzheng.

Mingzheng was stunned, and his nervous brain did not think of how to refuse tactfully.

"Doctor, we can come back!"

At this moment, Dazhi's voice came from far above his head, and the next second he was instantly moved down by the telekinetic clay doll.

Mingzheng also understood that this new underground base was just below the fruit store.

"How dare you be so reckless!"

Dr. Seg was interrupted and was in a bad mood.

Even facing Dazhi, the strongest person on the scene, he did not look good.

Mingzheng glanced at the two of them and silently did not mention the previous words.

This olive branch, do you accept it?

While Mingzheng was thinking, the other two groups of people came back one after another, and they all showed a sense of relief on their faces.

The mission was completed without any casualties, even though they were members of the underground Rocket Team, they all showed surprise.

Thinking about the helplessness two days ago, many people turned their attention to Mingzheng.

No need to know.

With an excellent intelligence officer behind you, the sense of security and the smoothness of executing the mission are really great!

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