The battle was won, and the battle was won.

"Then I'll attack Brock first, Pikachu, 100,000 volts." Xiaozhi took the lead and started with the classic 100,000 volts.

But this order made Xiaochun, who was sitting in the audience, a little confused. She remembered that Steelix seemed to have steel and ground attributes. Would it be effective to attack the ground with electric attributes?

"Pika-chu" Pikachu jumped up and struck Steelix with a lightning as thick as a telephone pole.

"Ah" The lightning struck Steelix without any pain. Steelix moved his body and shattered the 100,000 volts.

Taiyi, who saw this scene, directly detected Steelix.


(Classification: Iron Snake Pokémon)

(Attributes: Steel, Ground)

(Strength: Quasi-King)

(Features: Stone Head)

(Skills: Dragon Breath, Self-Sacrifice Charge, Crushing, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Big Bang, Sharp Stone Attack, Falling Rocks, Destructive Rays, Digging Holes...)

(Carrying Items: Steelback Mega Evolution Stone)

Taiyi's evaluation is quite good. Apart from other things, its skill pool is more than a little better than Pikachu. It has a wide range of attacks and its characteristics are also quite good. As for carrying items, it can only be said that it is worthy of being a gym owner and is quite rich.

After all, Taiyi recently checked the price of evolution stones in this world, which is quite expensive. If you can get one, you must be rich or lucky. Otherwise, ordinary people will definitely not be able to own this thing.

"Alas, Xiaozhi, you are still the same, so energetic. In this case, I have to accompany you with all my strength. Mega Steelix evolves." Xiaogang looked at this familiar scene, and his thoughts instantly returned to the past. He remembered the years of traveling together in the past, and he was instantly full of energy, and directly evolved Mega Steelix.

The evolution stone on Xiaogang's wrist and the body of the big steel snake released colorful thousands of feet of light. Among them, the body of the big steel snake changed in the light. When the light dissipated, a giant bigger than the big steel snake appeared, with some rock fragments wrapped around its body, and the tail and the steel on both sides turned into crystal color.

Mega Steelix appears! !

"Big Steelix uses sharp stones to attack" Xiaogang ordered immediately.

The big steel snake raised its tail and slapped the ground. Countless sharp stones suddenly emerged from the ground and hit Pikachu.

"Quickly get out of the way, Pikachu" Xiaozhi saw countless sharp stones attacking Pikachu and hurriedly let Pikachu dodge.

Pikachu turned into a yellow lightning, dodged the countless sharp stones, and ran towards Steelix.

"Use Iron Tail," Xiaozhi ordered.

"Pika" Pikachu jumped up, his tail turned into the luster of steel, and he turned over and chopped down heavily on Steelix's head.

This attack was different from the 100,000 volts just now. It directly caused explosive damage to Steelix, making Steelix feel a little pain in his head. He shook his head and wanted to get rid of the pain in this way.

"As expected of Xiaozhi, you are quite capable. Then, Steelix will use Iron Tail to fight back." Xiaogang looked at Pikachu's Iron Tail and felt a little headache for Steelix. He couldn't help but admired, but the solemnity in his eyes did not decrease at all, but increased a lot.

Steelix raised his tail and swept the little Pikachu not far away with a tail sweep, with a wide attack range.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail to fight back." Xiaozhi gave an order that made Xiaochun a little puzzled.

Wouldn't it be bad to let Pikachu, with such a small body, fight Steelix head-on?

However, Xiaozhi and Pikachu's operation soon shocked Xiaochun.

Pikachu jumped up and used Iron Tail to collide with Steelix's Iron Tail, and was hit by Steelix's tail and flew to the ceiling.

"Very good, that's it, Pikachu's lightning flash plus Steel Tail" Xiaozhi saw this scene and smiled, as if the plan had succeeded, and shouted excitedly.

"No, Steelix, use Iron Head quickly"

"Pikachu Pikachu stepped on the ceiling, turned into a white flash and rushed towards Steelix below quickly, while adjusting the position in the air to use Iron Tail, and hit Steelix with the upward dive force.

"Roar!" A flash of steel luster flashed across Steelix's head, but it did not rush forward to collide with Pikachu. Instead, it lowered its head.

With a bang, a crisp sound of steel colliding was heard.

Pikachu was blown away by the reaction force and fell to the ground and rolled several times before

He steadied himself and stood up.

Steelix lay on the ground for a long time before adapting to the reaction force caused by the collision.

"Great, Xiaogang, you can actually think of this trick." Xiaozhi looked at Xiaogang with a fighting spirit and praised him.

But he seemed to see his shadow in Xiaogang's fighting style just now. After all, this unexpected fighting style is his favorite.

"No, no, Xiaozhi, I learned it from you," Xiaogang said a little embarrassedly. After all, he really learned this trick from Xiaozhi, using skills to crack other people's skills, and it is offensive, which is quite useful.

"But how are you going to crack it next! Pikachu uses 100,000 volts on the ceiling," Xiaozhi ordered.

"Pika-chu" Pikachu released a strong lightning that hit the ceiling of the Nibi Gym, triggering the sprinkler function of the ceiling.

"This is specially used for firefighting, so that's what Xiaozhi said, but has he ever thought about how much it will cost for Xiaogang to repair it afterwards?" Taiyi looked at the venue and suddenly became like a rainy day, and couldn't help but mourn for Xiaogang.

After all, the cost of repairs afterwards is definitely a considerable expense.

"Why does this scene look so familiar? The next step should be that Steelix uses the Destruction Death Beam" Xiaogang looked at the familiar scene and immediately knew what Xiaozhi was going to do, so he quickly ordered Steelix.

"One hundred thousand volts" Xiaozhi can be said to have given the order at the same time as Xiaogang.

Pikachu's 100,000 volts and the destruction death beam fired from Steelix's mouth collided in the air.

After the two were deadlocked in the air for five seconds, the golden lightning defeated the golden beam and hit Steelix directly.

"Roar" Steelix was not immune to the damage of 100,000 volts at this moment because of the rain, and let out a painful wail.

When the lightning faded, Steelix left the mega form and fell to the ground, losing its ability to fight.

"Thank you for your hard work, Steelix." Xiaogang took back the Steelix that had lost its ability to fight, and then looked at Xiaozhi and Pikachu in the distance with a complicated expression.

"Compared to the first time we met, you have really grown up, a lot."

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