The two sides of the battle were very excited.

After a very exciting duel between Ash's Pikachu and Brock's Steelix, Ash and Brock exchanged pleasantries for a while, then took Koharu and Taichi out of Nibe City and returned to the Sakuragi Research Institute.

The next morning, Dr. Sakuragi called Ash to the Sakuragi Research Institute and gave him a task.

According to Dr. Sakuragi's description, many Dynamax phenomena occurred in the wild in the Galar region.

Asked Ash to go and investigate.

Ash actually agreed to this, after all, he had never been to the Galar region, and he had never heard of Dynamax.

In the end, it was Taichi who explained Dynamax to Ash.

Gigantamax is the first system discovered, which is applicable to any Pokémon, unlike mega evolution which can only be used by specific Pokémon.

However, this system has a disadvantage that it is single-region and can only be used in the Galar region.

Although the Z move does not have the above two disadvantages, it is not well-known. Except for people in the Alola region, few people know about this system, so the popularity is really not very high.

Under the arrangement of Dr. Sakuragi, Xiaozhi and Xiaochun soon boarded the train to the Galar region.

However, when they stepped into the Galar region and left the train, Taichi clearly felt that most of the energy in Pikachu's body had disappeared. Seeing this, Taichi immediately detected it and looked over.


(Classification: Mouse Pokémon)

(Attribute: Electricity)

(Strength: Gym Level)

(Features: Static Electricity, Reincarnation, God Slayer)

(Moves: 100,000 Volts, Thunder, Iron Tail, Lightning Flash, Electric Ball, Electric Grid...)

(Carrying Items: Perfect Electric Ball)

"???" When Taiyi saw the strength part, he was immediately full of question marks. Why did the strength regress?

So Taiyi quickly investigated and found that it was Pikachu's Reincarnation feature that was activated.

Reincarnation feature, a feature that may appear only once in millions of years. Every time you go to a new area, those who have this feature will sacrifice 90% of their strength to awaken higher talents and the upper limit of the race.

Oh my god, Taiyi kept shouting, oh my god, with this Reincarnation feature, it is equivalent to the theory that there is no upper limit at all. There are more places to travel to, and becoming a super beast is not a dream at all.

As for the God of Creation, forget it. You need to have 18 stone tablets of Arceus to become the God of Creation.

The super beasts under the God of Creation can be regarded as the top in the world.

However, Taichi did not tell Xiaozhi about reincarnation. After all, in Xiaozhi's opinion, it doesn't matter whether Pikachu reincarnates or not, so there is no need to tell.

Xiaozhi and Xiaochun wandered around for a long time after arriving in the Galar region, and finally they found the Pokémon that suddenly became Gigantamax in the wild.

And it's not an ordinary Gigantamax Pokémon, it's a Gigantamax Snorlax.

At the same time, a problem also appeared. The size of the Gigantamax Snorlax was so big that it even blocked the way of the train.

"What can we do? We have to find a way to move Snorlax away!" Xiaozhi looked at the train blocked by Snorlax and said with a frown.

"When Snorlax is sleeping, he is particularly sensitive to the taste of food. Maybe we can use this to move Snorlax." Xiaochun thought.

"That's easy. The Gigantamaxed Snorlax seems to have its own fruit. Pick it off and transport it to another place, and Snorlax can move!" Taichi said, pointing to the large fruit that was clearly visible on the tree that appeared on Snorlax's belly.

It must be said that Snorlax is really a foodie. After the Gigantamax, a tree actually grew on its belly, and it produced a large fruit.

"But the problem is that it's easy to pick it, but how can we transport such a large fruit?" Xiaozhi looked at the large fruit, but didn't know how to transport it.

"Speaking of which, Xiaozhi, I have always wanted to ask you a question. When you go out, do you never bring one or two other Pokémon with you?" Taichi glanced at Xiaozhi and asked.

"Isn't it? I brought Pikachu with me," Xiaozhi said, pointing at Pikachu.

"Do you understand what I said? I'm talking about something else. I said that the last lesson didn't cause any irreversible situation. Are you worried? Can't you bring a flying Pokémon like Charizard with you when you go out?" Taichi

Seeing this scene, he instantly got angry. He knew Xiaozhi was a little stupid, but he never expected that he couldn't understand what he said.

"And this, for so many years I have been with Pikachu or the newly captured Pokémon, rarely with the old Pokémon, everyone lives well in the backyard of the Oak Research Institute, so I didn't think of disturbing them." Xiaozhi scratched his head and replied.

"Humph, a scumbag who abandons you after having sex." Taiyi snorted coldly, saying with contempt on his face.

"Alas, how did I become a scumbag?"

"Aren't you a scumbag? You captured them, but didn't care about them. You thought you were satisfied after traveling with them for a region, and then you left them in the Oak Research Institute to live out your retirement. You never thought about whether they were willing to travel with you and go on adventures together.

I thought I was very good to them, and I accepted the newly captured Pokémon with peace of mind. Then they traveled for a while like the previous Pokémon, and I put them in the Oak Research Institute. I would occasionally go back to see them and that was it.

Tell me, what is your behavior if not a scumbag?"

"Ah, that, that, I, I" Xiaozhi was a little incoherent because of what Taiyi said. Xiaozhi felt that Taiyi was right, and even reflected on himself, whether he should take some of his old friends out to experience some new adventures and travels.

"That doesn't seem to be the time to talk about this, right? Why shouldn't we deal with Snorlax now?" Xiaochun looked at Taiyi who suddenly scolded him, pointed at Snorlax and asked with some confusion.

Xiaochun felt that something was wrong with the development of this matter. Was it a bit off the track?

"The matter of Snorlax is very simple. I will open the space gate and call Charizard and Heracross over. Let Pikachu cut the fruit, and then let Heracross knock the fruit off. Finally, let Charizard catch it and fly to a safe place to lead Snorlax away."

"Then let's get started quickly."

Soon Taichi teleported Charizard and Heracross over.

According to the plan, Snorlax was quickly led away, and the matter was successfully resolved.

But there are still many questions that have not been answered yet.

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