The two of them were very happy.

Banguiras nodded in agreement to Xiaozhi's invitation to join the team without thinking.

After all, Xiaozhi was the one who led him out of the shadow of world-weariness when he was a child. If he had not been very young and could not leave his mother, he might have stayed with Xiaozhi all the time.

Moreover, the reserve is so big that he has seen enough in the past five years and really wants to go out for a walk and see the scenery outside.

Xiaozhi saw Banguiras nodded in agreement, so he took out a Poké Ball and gently placed it on Banguiras's lowered head. Then a red light flashed, and after Banguiras entered the Poké Ball, it shook without shaking, and it was locked with a click.

This means that Xiaozhi has subdued his fourth quasi-god, Banguiras!

Of course, if Yukira hadn't been too young, Bangiras might have been Xiaozhi's first quasi-god.

Then Xiaozhi and Xiaochun returned to the Sakuragi Institute together, and explained to Professor Sakuragi, Professor Oak, and Hanako where they had been that day.

They told about their encounter with the Rainbow Rocket Team in another world, and a series of things that happened.

Although Professor Sakuragi and Professor Oak were surprised that there was another world, they soon focused their attention on the two local specialties brought by Taiyi.

If the two local specialties' life sources had not been damaged and could not leave the special space built by Taiyi, Professor Oak and Professor Sakuragi would have wanted to study the two local specialties.

As for Hanako, she complained to Xiaozhi, saying that he had promised to pay attention to safety, but it had not been more than a month since the last incident, and you ran to another world and did such a dangerous thing.

After Xiaozhi and Xiaochun told Professor Oak, Professor Sakuragi and Hanako about their previous experiences, Xiaozhi suddenly had a whim for some reason and wanted to go to Silver Town to review what it was like when he participated in the Silver Conference.

So while there was still time, Taiyi teleported Xiaozhi, Xiaochun and Hanako to Silver Town.

Originally, there were only Xiaozhi, Xiaochun and Taiyi's light ball, but Hanako disagreed and strongly requested that she should go too.

Xiaozhi couldn't persuade his mother, so he had to take Hanako with him.

The three of them strolled around Silver Town with a light ball, enjoying the scenery and food in Silver Town.

They played for a long time until the sun was about to set, and the fire-like color dyed a large area of ​​the sky red. At the same time, the flow of people on the street suddenly increased. At this moment, the gorgeous conference was over, and everyone began to disperse, preparing to go back to their homes and find their mothers.

When Xiaozhi saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel guilty. He looked at Xiaochun and said embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry, Xiaochun, because of the previous incident, you didn't participate in the gorgeous competition."

Xiaochun shook his head when he heard it.

"It's nothing, Xiaozhi! Isn't it just a gorgeous competition? We prevented people from other worlds from invading our world. This is equivalent to preventing a war in disguise. It's a good thing!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help scratching his head when he heard it. Although he had a concept of saving the world, in Xiaozhi's opinion, he had only rescued the elves in the protected area at most, and it had not risen to the level of saving the world.


At this moment, Pikachu seemed to smell something, raised his head and sniffed in one direction, and then shouted to Xiaozhi with excitement.

"What's wrong? Pikachu."

Xiaozhi saw Pikachu's face full of excitement, looking in one direction, full of doubts, but he still looked in the direction Pikachu was looking, and the next second he saw a very familiar beautiful figure!

And the beautiful figure also saw Xiaozhi at this time, and for a moment, a very sweet smile appeared on her beautiful and lovely face.

"Xiaozhi! It's you! Long time no see!"

"Yes, long time no see, Serena!"

When Xiaochun heard Serena's name, he looked over at once, and saw Serena wearing a gray woman's hat, a sleeveless knitted sweater, a red chessboard miniskirt, black stockings, brown knight boots, two red flower earrings, and a red bracelet on her left hand.

Her face is quite beautiful, and from the temperament exuding from her body, it can be seen that her personality must be a very gentle and kind person.

At this time, Serena Xiaochun

She ran to Xiaozhi, took Pikachu from Xiaozhi's shoulder naturally, and stroked Pikachu's head very gently.

"Pikachu, long time no see, how are you doing recently?"


Pikachu seemed to enjoy Serena's touch, and stayed limp in Serena's arms.

"Ala, Xiaozhi, don't you introduce your friend to your mother?"

Hanako looked at Serena, who was teasing Pikachu but her eyes had never left her son's figure most of the time, raised her hand to cover her mouth, but her eyes were full of smiles.

"Ah? Oh, by the way, Serena, let me introduce you, this is my mother!"

"Mom, this is Serena, I told you before, she is my partner who traveled with me in the Kalos region!"

Xiaozhi heard this and remembered it, and hurriedly introduced each other to each other.

"Hello, Auntie. Nice to meet you. I'm Salina from Chaoya Town."

"Hello, Salina. I've heard Xiaozhi mention you many times before. Thank you very much for taking care of Xiaozhi."

"No, Auntie. It was Xiaozhi who took care of me when I traveled before. I should be the one to thank you."


Then Salina and Hanako started chatting with each other, which made Xiaozhi look confused. How could he introduce other people to Salina when they were chatting?

Xiaozhi thought about it, then felt the two burning eyes behind him, and then interrupted the conversation between his mother and Salina.

"That Serena, let me introduce you again. This is Koharu, and this is Taichi. They are both my traveling companions now."

"Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. I am Serena from Chaoya Town..."

"Hello, Ms. Serena. I am Koharu from Vermilion City..."

"Nice to meet you. I am Taichi from the Taichu World. Ms. Serena, may I ask you a question?"

"What is the question?"

"It's like this. I heard a little bit about whether Serena and Xiaozhi had a mouth-to-mouth affair before."

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