The two of them were very close.

"...Did you and Xiaozhi have a mouth-to-mouth relationship?"

Taichi's words shocked everyone on the field and made everyone's brains crash instantly.

"How should I put it?..."

Sarina didn't know what to say for a while, her face blushed. After all, she really did what Taiyi said, and she took the initiative.


Hanako saw the blush on Serena's face and immediately understood that this was true. She immediately covered her mouth and chuckled. The look in her eyes when she looked at Serena changed instantly, as if she was sizing up her daughter-in-law. The more she looked, the more satisfied she was. She nodded unconsciously.

Xiaochun was standing there in disbelief, and even a soul could be seen flying out of the corner of her mouth. Did she lose before the game even started? Xiaozhi's first kiss had been taken away?

Only Xiaozhi was calm. He stood there, thinking about what mouth-to-mouth kiss was.

Pikachu was in Serena's arms at this time, trying to lower his presence as much as possible.

Only Taiyi, who caused all this, was watching the scene on the field with a look of watching the show.

At this moment, a Poké Ball that Xiaozhi placed on his waist was suddenly opened, and then Latias came out of it.

Although he was in the Poké Ball, Latias could hear what was said outside. After hearing that Xiaozhi had a mouth-to-mouth kiss with someone else, he immediately jumped out of the Poké Ball.

"Wooo ... "Okay, okay, Latias, don't do that!"

Because Latias kept rubbing against Xiaozhi's arms, Xiaozhi had no time to think about what the so-called mouth-to-mouth thing was, and stretched out his hand to keep stroking Latias's head.

However, it's better not to touch it, because it's easy to get into trouble.

After all, Latias is now on top of Kanon's body, so this also leads to Xiaozhi and Latias looking like a couple flirting there.

Many single dogs around are envious.

After all, Xiaozhi now has two very cute and blushing girls around him, and he is holding another in his arms.

Let those who don't know the situation think that the two girls around Xiaozhi have a crush on Xiaozhi, but Xiaozhi doesn't like them, he likes the one in his arms, and he is jealous, envious and shy there, so he blushes!

Hanako could hardly suppress the smile on her face when she saw this. As Xiaozhi's mother, she didn't need to choose from the girls. It would be fine if Xiaozhi could marry all of them!

Anyway, there was no law in their world that required monogamy, and they could marry three wives and four concubines.

But I don't know if Xiaozhi can bear the married life in the future.

"By the way, that Serena, why are you here in Silver Town?"

Xiaozhi finally calmed down Latias and got out of Latias' arms, then looked at Serena in confusion.

"I came to participate in the gorgeous competition held in Silver Town! And I won the championship. This is the ribbon medal I won this time! Including this ribbon medal, I have won four ribbon medals. If I win one more, I can participate in the gorgeous large-scale celebration!"

Serena took out an exquisite ribbon medal from the bag behind her, and that was the ribbon medal for the Silver Conference held today.

"I have collected all four ribbon medals! Miss Serena, you are amazing!"

When Xiaochun saw this, she was surprised that she was still a girl who had not participated in the gorgeous competition.

A novice who doesn't even have a ribbon medal, while Serena has already collected four. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the difference between them.

Perhaps because they both like Xiaozhi as a rival, Xiaochun wants to compete with Serena in her heart, but now there is no need to be defeated by herself.

"No, no, I still have a lot of shortcomings..."

Serena didn't know what Xiaochun was thinking, and thought that Xiaochun was praising her, so she waved her hand quickly, indicating that she was not that good.

Because in Serena's mind, in addition to wanting to be a performer, the real goal of participating in the gorgeous competition is to become more charming with Xiaozhi as the target. To put it bluntly, it is to attract Xiaozhi's attention.

Make yourself worthy of Xiaozhi in terms of status.

Although Xiaozhi looks silly, he is now the first champion of the Alola League. Looking at the trainers in the world, Xiaozhi can be said to be among the top ones.

Then everyone chatted with each other for a while, until the sun completely set and the surrounding street lights came on, and then they ended their conversation.

Then everyone returned to Xiaozhi's home with the portal opened by Taichi, and then with the joint efforts of Hanako, Serena and Koharu, a very delicious meal was served on the table.

The group started a new chat at the table, and the topic changed from Serena's participation in the gorgeous competition to Xiaozhi's participation in the world championship, and then talked about Koharu's dream, followed by the story of their travel together.

And Hanako listened to all this silently, occasionally interjecting a few words.

Everyone chatted for a long time before falling asleep.

While Xiaozhi and his friends were sleeping, in the world of the Rainbow Rocket Team, the base destroyed by Taichi and his friends had now become ruins due to the explosion.

A large number of Team Rocket members died in the explosion. The only ones left were some random people and a group of new Team Rainbow Rocket members, who were standing on the ruins after the explosion, collecting the remaining data.

"Everyone remember, don't leave any data behind, collect it all!"

A woman with long blond hair and empty eyes, who seemed to be controlled, said to the surrounding Team Rainbow Rocket.

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