The two sides were in a state of panic.

The Flame Charge of Infernape and the Dragon Claw of Garchomp collided head-on, and both sides were deadlocked for a while.

Only the sound of the collision between the flames and the claws echoed in the field.

This stalemate lasted for a long time, until the blue hot flames and the green dragon claws continued to accumulate energy in the stalemate, until the energy expanded rapidly and then exploded directly.

A loud noise was produced above the open space, and even tourists in the more distant scenic spots could hear the loud noise coming from here.

And the open space caused a terrifying storm, which almost blew Xiaozhi's hat away.

At the same time, Xiaochun also pressed her skirt tightly to prevent her skirt from flying around because of the storm, causing her to be exposed.

Of course, including Sirona's coat, it was also blown by the wind.

When the storm passed, Garchomp and Infernape pulled away from each other again.

Seeing this, Sirona decided to attack first and ordered Garchomp.

"Garcho, Dragon Star Group"

Garcho opened his mouth wide, charged the terrifying dragon energy from his mouth, and then spit out an energy bomb with terrifying destructive energy into the sky.

The energy bomb exploded in the air, and then turned into many meteors like meteor showers, smashing towards the ground with the momentum of destroying the world.

"Infernape, get out of the way" Xiaozhi saw this and hurriedly ordered Infernape to dodge.

After all, if Infernape took this move head-on, it would not lose its combat ability but would be seriously injured.

Bang, bang, bang, the fierce sound of meteorites falling sounded in the open space, and Infernape turned into a fiery red figure, constantly shuttling back and forth in the meteor group to avoid the attack of Dragon Star Group.

And with its fast speed, Flame dodged the meteor shower while approaching Garchomp quickly.

"Flame, close combat"

"Waka" Flame roared, and white light emanated from his entire body, including his fists, legs and tail.

Then he attacked Garchomp like a storm.

"Garcho, use split attack continuously."

"Ga" Garchomp's hands were wrapped in white light, and he waved them quickly, directly facing Flame's close combat.

The two Pokémons then engaged in a physical head-on confrontation, with very fast movements of their limbs, and they attacked the other side very quickly.

Under this crazy swing, Xiaochun, who was watching from the sidelines, felt a little dazzled.

Bang, bang, bang, the fierce collision sound continued to echo in the open space, but the next second, under the strong attack of Flame, Garchomp was directly hit by a punch and blasted out.

"Griffin, regroup and use Dragon Claw"

Griffin quickly stood firm, and the white energy in his hand was transformed into a blue dragon claw. Then, like a supersonic plane, he rushed towards Infernape.

However, because Garchomp was too fast to regroup or fly over, Infernape and Xiaozhi had no time to react and were directly knocked out by Garchomp's blue dragon claw.

Then he fell heavily to the ground, but Infernape quickly got up.

Although Garchomp's dragon claw is very powerful, Infernape's close combat just now was also very powerful.

Now both sides have suffered a certain amount of damage.

"Infernape, don't give up, use the enhanced punch"

"Wakaka" Infernape's hands were wrapped with yellow energy, and with Infernape's agility, it quickly hit Garchomp.

"Gah!" Garchomp couldn't dodge and was hit directly by Infernape's enhanced punch. A look of pain appeared on his face for a moment.

"Gargoyle, grab Infernape, and then use Dragon's Fury," Sirona ordered Garchomp.

With his strong willpower, Garchomp took Infernape's enhanced punch.

He stretched out his hands and grabbed Infernape, making it impossible for him to use his speed.

He opened his mouth and a Dragon's Fury with anger sprayed out and hit Infernape directly.

The red fireball exploded in Infernape's chest. Under the impact of the flames, Infernape was directly knocked out and landed on the open space in the distance, raising a lot of dust.

"Infernape," Xiaozhi hurriedly called Infernape when he saw this. Garchomp's attack just now was too fast, and Xiaozhi didn't react until the fireball hit Infernape's chest.

At this moment, the crowd and many Pokémon watching outside the field could not help but sweat for Infernape.

When the dust cleared, Infernape was standing there

, panting and looking at the distant Garchomp.

From the panting expression of Infernape, it can be seen that the Dragon's Fury just now did cause a lot of damage to Infernape.

The reason why he is standing there now is entirely because he stood up quickly before the smoke dissipated, but the pain in his body left him no time to make other moves.

Sirona looked at Infernape who stood up again, showing a gratified expression. Once upon a time, the weak little Infernape had grown into an existence that could fight Garchomp.

"Ha~ Xiaozhi, Infernape, you have really become a lot stronger, but if this is your full strength now, then you will lose this battle, Garchomp, Mega Evolution."

As a respect, Sirona made a decisive decision to use all her strength to deal with Xiaozhi and Infernape, and directly chose to Mega Evolve Garchomp.

She took out the pink lipstick from her pocket, gently applied it on her lips, and then turned the lipstick over to reveal the Mega Evolution Stone on the base.

At the same time, as Sirona's voice fell, the blue evolution key stone emitted a dazzling golden glow, and at the same time, the evolution stone on Garchomp resonated with the golden glow.

Then a burst of brilliant light flashed, and Mega Garchomp appeared in the open space.

Compared with ordinary Garchomp, Mega Garchomp looked more burly, with both hands turned into sickles, white bone spurs appeared on both sides of the abdomen, and red spikes always grew on the knees.

With the appearance of Mega Garchomp, Xiaozhi and Infernape both felt a sense of pressure.

After all, there was a certain gap between Infernape and Garchomp, and now facing the stronger Mega Garchomp, the gap between them will only be widened.

However, Xiaozhi and Infernape looked at each other and saw the burning fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

Yes, no matter how powerful the opponent is, for Xiaozhi and Infernape, such a battle is the most interesting.

How can you say you can't win if you haven't fought yet?

For Ash and Infernape, no matter how strong the enemy is, they can only know the outcome after fighting. They will fight to the end.

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