The battle was a battle of strength.

Because of the strength of Shirona and Mega Garchomp, Xiaozhi and Infernape felt the pressure.

Unlike the battle against Dantei, the battle against Dantei was a battle between trainers of the same level and Pokémon of the same level.

But in the battle against Shirona and Mega Garchomp, Xiaozhi and Shirona can be said to be trainers of the same level, but Infernape and Mega Garchomp are not Pokémon of the same strength level.

And trainers and Pokémon complement each other.

In the battle between trainers of the same level, the strength of Pokémon plays a crucial role.

Just like the duel between Ash and Dantei, Ash and Dantei's command ability is at the same level, but Ash Charizard is a little stronger than Gigantamax Charizard.

This is also the most critical factor that indirectly led to Ash's victory last time.

The situation this time is the same as last time, except that Ash's Pokémon is the one who is not dominant this time.

But as the saying goes, there is motivation when there is pressure.

And it is precisely because of the strength of Cynthia and Mega Garchomp that Ash and Infernape are under enough pressure, resulting in the full unity of Ash and Infernape's body and mind at this moment.

The bond evolution jade worn by Ash on his left arm emits a dazzling red light at this moment.

Taiyi saw this scene and instantly understood what happened, so he turned his head and said to Charizard who was watching the show on the side.

"Charizard, give your bond evolution jade to Infernape."

"Why?" Charizard was a little puzzled when he heard this, and asked Taiyi.

Not only does Xiaozhi have the power of wave guidance, he can feel the words of Pokémon, Taiyi also has the ability to hear the meaning of other Pokémon's words.

"Why? You will know in a while, hurry up." Taiyi shouted anxiously.

Charizard said nothing more after hearing this, and took off the bracelet equipped with the bond evolution jade on his right arm and threw it directly to Infernape.

Because of Taiyi's shout just now, the eyes of the two people and two Pokémon on the field were also attracted at the same time.

So when Charizard threw the bracelet, Infernape caught it directly.

And when the bracelet fell into Infernape's hand, the bond evolution jade inlaid on the bracelet instantly emitted a red light at this time.

A huge red fireball instantly wrapped Infernape in it.

"I understand, thank you Taiyi, Charizard." Xiaozhi saw this scene and immediately understood Taiyi's meaning, turned around and thanked Taiyi and Charizard.

Then he smiled, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and shouted to Sirona in the distance.

"Miss Sirona, let's continue this battle. Infernape and I will show you the bond between us."

Hearing this, Sirona looked at the Infernape wrapped in flames in front of her, and said coldly, "Then come on, Xiaozhi"

"Let's go, Infernape, Sonic Fist" Xiaozhi Wenyan directly ordered Infernape.

At this time, Infernape also wore a bracelet inlaid with the bond evolution jade.

His hands emitted white light, and then he came to Mega Garchomp at super fast speed, punched Mega Garchomp in the stomach, and directly knocked Mega Garchomp several meters away.

Seeing this, Shirona's face darkened. "The speed and strength are much faster than before. I'm afraid other aspects have also been significantly improved. We can't be careless next time. Garchomp, earthquake."

Mega Garchomp stabilized his body, then suddenly stepped on the ground, and then a khaki shock wave centered on Mega Garchomp spread out.

"Infernape, jump up and use explosive fire shock in the air."

Infernape jumped up and avoided the khaki shock wave on the ground. At the same time, he turned into a blue meteor and quickly smashed towards Mega Garchomp.

"Dragon Wave"

Mega Garchomp spewed out a purple energy wave from his mouth.

The two collided violently in the air, and then exploded, raising a lot of smoke and dust.

"Now, let the Dragon God swoop down."

"Gah!" Mega Land Shark let out a long cry, then leapt into the air, and then fell rapidly. During the fall, his body was wrapped in a purple energy and then formed into a dragon shape, like a meteor, rushing towards the Flame Monkey on the ground.

And because of the pressure of the Dragon God's swooping down, the Flame Monkey

Flame fell into a daze for a while, as if unable to move.

And the Mega Garchomp that looked like a purple meteor was visually at full power.

"Flame, don't give up, use your maximum strength, Explosive Flame Shock" Xiaozhi shouted when he saw Flame in a daze.

Flame came back to his senses immediately after hearing Xiaozhi's voice, and in an instant, his whole body was wrapped in blue flames, and then he went to meet the purple meteor swooping down from the sky.

The two terrifying energies collided violently, and then a terrifying shock wave swept across the entire open space.

If this open space had not been strengthened by Taichi before, it would have been estimated that countless pits would have been blown up in this open space at this time.

And this terrifying shock wave, even the shock wave formed by the collision of conventional giant moves, could not be compared with it.

When the shock wave passed, the entire open space was in a mess, and countless cracks appeared on the ground.

Mega Garchomp and Infernape, who was covered in flames, had distanced themselves from each other.

Mega Garchomp looked like he had obvious injuries all over his body.

As for Infernape, although it was covered in flames, others could not see it.

But Xiaozhi could clearly feel the severe pain all over his body, and this was the injury Infernape was suffering at this moment.

The previous battle caused both sides to suffer considerable injuries.

But Infernape's injuries were obviously more serious than Mega Garchomp's.

After all, Infernape not only had to bear the damage of the shock wave, but also the counter-injury of the explosive electric shock.

In addition, Infernape's own physical strength was not as good as Mega Garchomp, who was a dragon.

"Are you going to give up? Infernape!" Xiaozhi asked Infernape while feeling the severe pain from his body.

"Waka, waka" Infernape turned his head. Although he was surrounded by flames, Xiaozhi could see the fighting spirit and unwillingness to admit defeat in the eyes of Infernape.

"Yes, it's not the last moment, it's not the time to give up." Xiaozhi understood what Infernape meant and nodded to him. He had no intention of surrendering.

Before asking Infernape, I just wanted to know what Infernape meant.

Now that I know what Infernape thinks, I will continue to fight until my strength is exhausted.

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