The two of them were in a mess.

Pikachu and the Wall Dolls had gone all the way from Vermilion City, and after many hardships, they were finally about to reach Pallet Town.

Pikachu saw the fruit on the tree by the roadside, so he used an electric shock to knock down the green fruit, and was about to give the fruit to the Wall Doll to eat.

A Spearow flew down from the sky, picked up the fruit that Pikachu had knocked down, and was about to fly away.

Seeing this, the Wall Doll used his telekinesis to snatch the fruit back.

However, this directly led to the provocation of the Spearow family, and a large number of Spearows swarmed in and surrounded the Wall Doll.

The magic wall puppets tightly protected Pikachu behind them, preventing the Spearows from attacking Pikachu.

Pikachu looked at this scene, and suddenly his eyes were in a trance.

Xiaozhi had protected him in this way, and was willing to protect him with his life.

As his thoughts turned, Pikachu's eyes soon became firm, and then he saw that he was fully powered.

He directly electrocuted the group of Spearows that were dominating near Pallet Town.

About half of the Spearows turned into charred black and fell to the ground, while the rest forced themselves to run away.

Because they found that they seemed to have hit a wall this time.

If Pikachu was still the ordinary Pikachu when he set out, the current Pikachu in its peak era would be the champion ace level. Even if it was dragged down by its own characteristics, it had already stepped into the semi-champion level.

With this strength, it was not something that those ordinary or elite Spearows could provoke.

After defeating the Spearows, the two Pokémons walked side by side and finally arrived at the door of Xiaozhi's house in Pallet Town.

"Pikachu, Pikachu (I want to go back to Xiaozhi.)" Pikachu looked at Xiaozhi's house not far away and said to the Magic Wall Doll next to him.

Everything he experienced today made Pikachu understand how important Xiaozhi was in his heart. He would not run away from home just because Xiaozhi ignored him for a while, which would make Xiaozhi worry.

Magic Wall Doll: ...

The Magic Wall Doll instantly doubted the life of Pokémons after hearing this, and stared at Pikachu with big eyes. The look was like asking Pikachu, are you kidding me? Or are you playing with me?

And just when the Magic Wall Doll doubted the life of Pokémons, a familiar voice came from not far away.


Pikachu heard the familiar voice and turned his head to see the familiar figure!

Xiaozhi was standing at the door with a worried look on his face, looking at Pikachu not far away.

"I knew you would come back here, Pikachu!"

"I'm sorry, Pikachu, I didn't notice your emotions before. Xiaochun and Taichi have already taught me a lesson. I didn't take good care of your feelings!"

"I won't do that again. Forgive me, okay? Pikachu."

Pikachu was already in tears after hearing these words, and then jumped towards Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi was about to catch Pikachu when he saw this.

But what Xiaozhi didn't expect was that Pikachu didn't even think about slowing down, and hit Xiaozhi's stomach directly.

Xiaozhi's eyes almost popped out of his head after hitting him.

But it wasn't over yet, and then a golden lightning flashed through the night sky, illuminating the dark night.

The lightning flashed and added 100,000 volts. Not far away, Taichi and Xiaochun who were watching were trembling.

The price of angering Teacher Dapi is really a bit serious.

Although Xiaozhi was electrocuted, after the baptism of 100,000 volts, Xiaozhi and Pikachu's relationship has returned to normal.

And in recent training or battles, he has also started to take Pikachu on the field.

Xiaozhi now thinks back and feels that he did have the intention of forcing things to grow.

However, that situation is indeed not good for Riolu and Farfetch'e.

In a high-intensity battle like that, if there is no solid foundation for a long time, Riolu and Farfetch'e might be useless.

Fortunately, Xiaozhi discovered it in time, and Taichi discovered it early, so he prepared a lot of nutritional supplements.

However, because of this, Xiaozhi decided to slow down the process of challenging the World Championships recently.

After all, he has been playing really hard recently, and his original ranking of around 900 has been directly reduced to around 600.

So Xiaozhi decided not to play in the World Championships recently, and mainly focused on carrying out missions with Xiaochun.

When carrying out missions, occasionally

With Misty, life was comfortable.

But Taichi suffered. He had been busy making money recently and multiplied the pitiful assets of Xiaozhi.

During this period, Xiaozhi also used the money earned by Taichi to buy a piece of beautiful scale and gave it to Xiaochun, allowing Xiaochun's Uchiha to evolve into Milotic.

He helped Xiaochun win the Water Festival held in Kaina City in the Hoenn region, which only water-type Pokémon can participate in.

And just the day after winning the Water Festival, Xiaochun expressed his desire to watch the Hoenn Grand Contest.

Although there is also a Grand Contest in the Kanto region, the Hoenn region is the origin of the Grand Contest.

Therefore, Xiaochun wanted to go and see and learn, and Xiaozhi also readily agreed.

After buying the tickets from Taichi, they were ready to set off. Taichi sent them to Kaina City, and they took Charizard to Akiba Town to watch the Akiba Conference.

Just as Xiaozhi and his friends were about to set off, Xiaozhi's illustrated book suddenly lit up and detected an opponent.

"Now ranked 749th, I seem to be ranked 652nd, within the World Championship rules. Name Caidou, did you use the locator to find me and challenge me directly?"

Xiaozhi looked at the information of the opponent on the picture and felt a little headache. After all, the Akihabara Conference will start today. If he is late because of the challenge, he will miss it.

"Then Xiaozhi, do you want to accept the challenge? After all, it is really hard to meet the opponents of the World Championship in the Super Ball. The Grand Tournament is always held in a fixed place. If you want to watch it, you will have a chance next time."

Xiaochun saw Xiaozhi's entanglement and suggested.

After all, the Grand Tournament is held in a fixed place every time, and most people know the time.

However, in the Super Ball, most of the trainers at this level are gym-level trainers, and sometimes it is difficult to meet a few in a city.

What's more, all the trainers nearby have been challenged by Xiaozhi. It is rare for a new Super Ball-level trainer to come here. If you miss it, you don't know how long it will take to meet it next time.

Xiaozhi thought about it for a while and then decided.

"Let's go, Xiaochun, let's go to the gorgeous competition."

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