The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Hmm" X2|ʘᗝʘ|Xiaochun and Taiyi were stunned when they heard this.

Xiaochun didn't expect Xiaozhi to give up the battle and choose to accompany her to the gorgeous competition.

Taiyi didn't expect that as a famous battle maniac, he would actually give up the battle.

"How should I put it? Although I think the battle is very important, after all, I have promised Xiaochun today that I would accompany her to the gorgeous competition. I can't break the promise just because I want to fight!"

Xiaozhi looked at the embarrassed expressions of the two people in front of him and said as a matter of course.

Xiaochun was very moved when she heard it, and a blush appeared on her face.

Taiyi instantly felt that Xiaozhi had grown up when he heard this, and he was no longer the straight man who didn't care about girls' thoughts, and he couldn't help but nodded.

Xiaozhi looked at the two people who suddenly became strange, and he couldn't understand what was wrong with them?

But Xiaozhi didn't think too much, and directly clicked on the picture book to refuse the battle.

On the other side, a girl with a darker complexion and wearing tight sportswear looked at the word "reject" on the phone with an angry face, and her chest kept rising and falling.

It can be seen that the girl was really angry about the words on the phone.

The girl gritted her teeth and looked at the words on the phone for a long time, and finally opened the address book, clicked on a phone number marked as a best friend, and dialed it.

"Hey, Korni, the guy you like is a piece of shit. He dared to refuse my fight, bastard!"

"Ah? The person I like refused your fight, could it be, not that person?"

"Who else could it be? It was Xiaozhi who fought with Dandi last time."

"That Caidou, don't talk nonsense, who likes Xiaozhi?"

"Oh, really? Then may I ask, who was the one who jumped up happily after watching the victory video last time? Only I didn't record it at that time, otherwise I must send it to you to show you what you looked like at that time, as shy as a girl. How dare you say that you don't like Xiaozhi in your heart?"

"That me, me, me"

"Okay, don't ask me anymore, make time for me, come to Kanto, take me to find that Xiaozhi, I want to challenge him!"

Caidou hung up the phone directly after speaking.

Korni, who was far away in Kalos, was shyly watching the replay of the video of Xiaozhi's Lizard King fighting Dante's Booming Kong, and thought for a long time.

Korni stood up and called her grandfather.

On the other side, Taiyi sent Xiaozhi and Xiaochun to the Hoenn region, and then flew away to do his own things.

Xiaozhi just found an open space and summoned Charizard. He and Xiaochun rode Charizard and flew to Akiba Town.

On the way, Xiaozhi kept sharing Xiaoyao's deeds with Xiaochun.

"Akiba Conference is Xiaoyao's second gorgeous competition, and it is also the place where she won the gorgeous competition medal for the first time."

"Thinking back then, she was afraid of elves like you, Xiaochun, and knew nothing about elves, and she didn't like elves very much. You two are quite similar in this respect."

Xiaochun couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he heard it.

"I said, it's very rude to call a girl timid and ignorant, and you said two things at once!"

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry, I said it by mistake..."

Xiaochun curled her lips helplessly and asked pretending to be indifferent.

"Well, Xiaozhi, how come you remember Xiaoyao's story so clearly? That was several years ago, right?"

Xiaozhi looked mature but still had a little childish look on his face.

"It's not that easy to forget. They were my friends who traveled with me for a long time!"

"No matter how long it has been, I will never forget them. They are my friends and my travel companions!"

Xiaochun looked at Xiaozhi's nostalgic expression and talked about his travel companions like a treasure, and narrated them reluctantly. At this moment, I didn't know how to describe my heart.

Will she become Xiaozhi's memory in the future, or will she always be with Xiaozhi and become...

When Xiaochun thought of this, he shook his head suddenly, shook off the thoughts in his mind, and then said to Xiaozhi with a smile.

"Can you tell me more about Xiaoyao's story? I want to hear it, after all, she is also a senior who participated in the gorgeous competition!"

"Okay, let me tell you, when Xiaoyao started..."

As they were talking, Xiaozhi and Xiaochun arrived at Akiba Town on their Charizard.

However, they had some minor problems after they arrived.

Xiaozhi forgot to take the tickets, and the two tickets were lying on the table of Sakuragi Institute.

"Sorry, Xiaochun,... I accidentally forgot!" Xiaozhi was so embarrassed at this time.

You are excited to bring others to watch the gorgeous competition. When you get to the door, you tell him that you forgot to take the tickets.

Xiaochun shook his head helplessly and comforted Xiaozhi in turn.

"It's okay, the gorgeous competition hasn't started yet, you can notify Taiyi and see if he can get the tickets!"

"Yes!" Xiaozhi remembered that there was Taiyi when he heard this, so he quickly contacted Taiyi in his heart.

And just when Xiaozhi contacted Taiyi to ask him to bring the tickets.

A voice full of youthful vitality sounded behind them.

"Xiaozhi? Isn't this Xiaozhi? Long time no see!"

Xiaozhi heard the familiar voice and turned his head quickly, and saw a familiar figure appearing in his sight.

Red headscarf, red T-shirt, snow-white short skirt, dark blue shorts, flaxen long hair, big blue eyes full of surprise.

Her pretty face also showed surprise, as if she didn't expect to meet Xiaozhi in this place.

"Xiaoyao, why are you here?" Xiaozhi was also surprised to see Xiaoyao, and he didn't expect to meet Xiaoyao here again.

Originally, I said that after watching the gorgeous competition today, I would go to Chenghua City to try my luck, but I didn't expect to be so lucky and meet Xiaoyao here.

Xiaochun looked at the girl named Xiaoyao, with a hint of hostility and full of curiosity in her eyes.

Is this Xiaozhi's female companion in the Hoenn area? Apart from anything else, her outfit is quite unique.

Generally, girls will wear leggings when wearing short skirts.

But these leggings are half as long as the short skirt, so they are not leggings but shorts.

So Xiaoyao's outfit is a short skirt and shorts, and it is the first time that Xiaochun has seen this kind of outfit.

Is this the taste of people who participate in the glamour contest? It's quite unique!

Although Xiaoyao's outfit is very unique, there is no sense of disobedience, and only people like her who are sensitive to clothing can see it.

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