The old man was so angry that he ran away.

"What's wrong? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Bai Kongtan: "By the way, where is Mr. Shu Weng? Isn't he with you?"

Not only is he not with you, the old man knew Ye Xuan was coming and ran away directly, and ran to an unknown cave, and took away the permanent badge that Ye Xuan came to Fuzhou City for!


After listening to Ye Xuan's explanation, Bai Kongtan seemed to understand: "That's right, I understand, Grandpa Shu Weng should be testing you, he is going to personally fight with you, Xiao Ye."

"Then what?"

"Then it's easy," Bai Kongtan: "Isn't there an event? You just follow the rules and go all the way. After you pass the Dragon House maze, you will naturally see the gym you want to challenge. This is like the Magic City Fishing Competition."

Well, not everyone can challenge the gym leader. Before launching a challenge, you must at least prove that you are qualified.

Otherwise, who would be so idle as a champion-level strongman to duel with you.

"Even Grandpa and Senior Bai are looking forward to the trainer," Ahri looked at Ye Xuan with a twinkling eye: "Then let's go to the event quickly. I can't wait to see your duel with Grandpa."

By the way, how long has Ahri not seen her grandfather take action?

It seems that I have only seen it once since I was a child. Champion-level combat power is not something that can be seen whenever you want, even as a family member.


Ye Xuan looked around helplessly. It seems that this activity was not organized in a hurry, and it seems that it has some history: "Well, what, is there any reward for this activity?"

"Reward, there is no such thing."

"There are still people participating without rewards?!"

How is this possible? There is no reason. Are all the trainers in this world so idle?

"It's like this," Ahri explained, "Under the Dragon House, there is actually a place similar to an underground cave. There are many treasures there, and it is a mysterious place that will evolve on its own."

"Various evolution stones, various gems, as long as the trainer is lucky, he can mine enough rewards."

"It can be said that being able to hold this event and let the trainer enter the Dragon House maze is already a considerable reward..."

[Task Release]

[Win the Dragon House Event Champion]

Task Reward: A special legendary Pokémon.

Okay, the system has detected what Ye Xuan is doing again and distributed benefits again.

"Okay, I'll participate in the event!"

With the encouragement of the system, Ye Xuan's confidence was much stronger: 'That's right! I can work hard with rewards! ’

“Come on, Alice, it’s a waste not to participate. Anyway, everyone who enters will get benefits. You should go and join us.”


Alice smiled and said, “Okay, okay.”

“Then, I’ll join you.” Ali followed up and said, “It’s a good opportunity to explain the rules of the Dragon House maze activity to you.”

“You are the owner of the gym, can you also participate in the activity?”

“Who said I can’t participate? This activity is not organized by my family!” After saying this, even Ali blushed a little: “Although this Dragon House is my family’s property, but, but my grandfather hasn’t passed it on to me. At best, it is his, not mine!”

Sure enough, the people in the gym have the habit of doing things shamelessly, which is inherited.

“Then Ali, are you familiar with the environment below?”


Ari smiled and said, “If I knew how to get there, I wouldn’t have to wander around here. I could just go to my grandfather directly.”

This makes some sense.

The maze of the Dragon House is probably just as Ahri said. You need a certain ability to get through it and see the legendary Fuzhou Gym hidden under the maze.

"I'll sign up."

At the entrance of the Dragon House, Ye Xuan handed over the elf bracelet. Since he wanted to participate in the event, he naturally had to register and then rank.

"Master Ahri is also going to participate?"

"I'm accompanying my friend."

The staff looked at Ye Xuan and Alice, and then handed the participation certificate to Ahri: "Well, I wish you a good harvest."

The whole Dragon House is very large, with more than one entrance, and it is very complicated.

Of course, when the game is over,

Some of the walls that were originally confined will be opened, allowing the contestants to easily return to the surface. As for those who want to take advantage of this and run down, unfortunately, the last door will be closed at the moment the game ends.

"The rules of the competition are somewhat similar to the previous fishing competition."

The fishing competition is to fish for water elves of different rarities to calculate points, while the Weilongwu maze is mining, and the points are calculated based on the ores of different qualities and rarities dug. Every time the points are increased by one stage, you can go down one level until you reach the deep underground, where the Fuzhou Gym is located.

"Then how many points are needed?"

It does not mean that the first place can reach the deepest point, but that every time the points are increased by one stage, you go down one level.

But the problem is that the first place may not necessarily meet the points requirements.

"During the activity, you can use elves."


Ye Xuan saw this rule: "It is limited to one elf. Once the elf is defeated, it will immediately lose the qualification for the activity, and all points will belong to the winner."

The points belong to the winner, but the ores mined are still theirs.

There are two conditions for winning.

First, the first in points. Needless to say, the first in points will win, but winning does not mean that you can find the gym.

The second is that before the end of the game, only one Pokémon remains in the entire Weilong House!

"Please choose your Pokémon."

Ye Xuan thought about it and finally decided to use Mewtwo as the Pokémon for this event: "I'll use her."

"A Pokémon I've never seen before!"

"What is this?"

"Her name is Mewtwo," Ye Xuan said, "I haven't seen it before, maybe because it's new."

After hearing Ye Xuan's explanation, the staff at the entrance didn't think much about it. New Pokémon do appear occasionally. On the other side, Ahri looked at Mewtwo curiously. As a trainer, and an excellent trainer at the gym leader level, she saw the extraordinaryness of Mewtwo at a glance.

'Very strong! '

Ahri: 'If it were my Pokémon, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to defeat her even if we all went together. ’

“Brother Ye, don’t you want Dragonite?”

“I feel like Mewtwo is more suitable for this event.” Ye Xuan said, and walked into the entrance. At this moment, the corridor of the Dragon House changed.

“Brother Ye!”


Ye Xuan turned around, and behind him, where were Alice and Ahri? “Separated?”

The Dragon House is not just a maze, but also a maze that moves and changes. It has no absolute map and route, because behind the Dragon House…

“Is anyone manipulating it?”

“Finally here…”

At this moment, under the Dragon House, in a huge earthen building, a man with crutches The white-haired old man was looking at the virtual screen: "Is this the best trainer in the past two hundred years that Gu Kong said?"

"Looks like he is no different from ordinary people?"

"Trainers are not Pokémons," suddenly, a voice sounded in the old man's mind: "Of course he is no different from ordinary people."


The old man raised his cloudy eyes, he was not surprised: "Bodao?"

The other party's experience and vision were obviously much more powerful than Ye Xuan imagined. In such a sudden situation, the old man was not panicked at all, but accurately stated the essence of Ye Xuan's ability.


"I've never seen such a powerful waveguide," the old man estimated the distance between Ye Xuan and himself. The other party was able to connect with him just by relying on the camera. Such waveguide power was incredible: "No, no, it's not just waveguide, it also feels like superpowers."

Ye Xuan's mouth curled up slightly: "Senior, it's really surprising."

"You are the one who is surprising, young man," the old man said: "I have lived for more than 80 years, and this is the first time I have heard of someone who can have superpowers and waveguide power at the same time."

"No, not to mention both, even if it is one of them, there will be no more than ten people in the world."

And it is the sum of superpowers and waveguide messengers, no more than ten people.

"What do you want to do, senior?"

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