The old man said, "The challenge of the gym is divided into two parts. This is the first battle," the old man said, "From now on, all the trainers in the whole Weilong House will be your opponents. Within half an hour, you must defeat them all. This is the first level of the Fuzhou Gym." Although Ye Xuan knew that the challenge rules of the Fuzhou Gym would be difficult, he never thought that it would be so perverted! In half an hour, in this huge maze, you have to find other trainers and then defeat them all. It may not be difficult to solve them, but you can find... Ye Xuan has the power of wave guidance and can easily locate them, but it is simply impossible for others to do so. After half an hour, you will be exhausted after walking around the maze of the dragon house, not to mention finding someone.

"Oh, right."

The old man added: "Don't destroy the dragon house."

"What do you mean?"

"It means literally," the old man said: "Your elf's skills cannot touch the ground, ceiling and walls of the dragon house. Even if they only touch it a little, you lose."

What the hell? ! !

How is this possible? !

Ye Xuan has never heard of such disgusting competition rules: "I really learned a lot today."

"You can also choose not to challenge," the old man poked his cane, and the next moment, a door leading to the outside of the dragon house appeared behind Ye Xuan, where there should have been a wall: "The door is here, you just turn around and you can go out."

Robber rules!

If you are dissatisfied with the game rules I set, you can choose not to play. No one forces Ye Xuan to play.

"What is the essence of the gym challenge?" asked the old man.

"Shameless," Ye Xuan: "Go to the end!"

At this moment, the old man smiled: "Then do you think the rules of my Fuzhou Dojo are acceptable to you, young man?"

"What do you think, old man?"

"If you are unhappy," the old man: "Then come down and hit me in the face! Young man..."

"Who is accepting whose challenge?"

Ye Xuan closed his eyes and immersed himself in his mind. In an instant, the powerful wave power extended in all directions with Ye Xuan as the center.

The wave power is invisible, but its ability to collect information and its powerful power to see the world with heart, in the partial kung fu, has controlled the entire Weilongwu maze in his mind: "Analysis completed!"


This seems to have nothing to do with Ye Xuan.

There is only one thing he has to do, that is, to clear out all the contestants in the entire Weilongwu maze in the shortest time.

To do this may be impossible for others, but for Ye Xuan and Mewtwo...

"There is a trainer!"

At this moment, a trainer with a flame chicken appeared in front of Ye Xuan. He looked at Ye Xuan and Mewtwo standing beside him and said, "Preemptive strike, the flame chicken uses jet flame!"

'Jet flame? '

Ye Xuan looked at the wall behind him. Using jet flame in such a place, isn't he afraid of breaking the rules?

'No! '

Ye Xuan suddenly realized that the other party was different from himself. He could destroy the dragon house, and Ye Xuan...

"Mewtwo! Telekinesis!"

The lavender light enveloped the jet flame, and Mewtwo waved her hand, and a fiery red light ball was pinched in her hand.


The trainer was shocked by this scene: "What kind of skill is this? How can the jet of flames..."

"Old man? What level is called destroying the dragon house?"


"Mewtwo," Ye Xuan said, "Give it back."


The fireball was thrown out by Mewtwo, and then hit the flame chicken in front. There was a loud bang, and the whole dragon house trembled.


The flame chicken fell down, and the dragon house did not show any damage.

"This level is okay, right?"

Think about it, if there really is no damage, it would be a bit too much, but if it just doesn't destroy the wall, it is reasonable.

Of course, the opponent is so shameless that no matter how reasonable it is, it is unreasonable.

"Damn it!"

The trainer took back the flame chicken: "It happened so quickly... How could I meet such a strong guy!"

Ye Xuan ignored him, but continued to look for the trainer, and by the way, tested the tolerance of the dragon house.

Along the way, Ye Xuan fought with several trainers one after another. The battle speed was very fast.

It was killed in one move. After all, it was a super beast close to level 70. If even these ordinary trainers could not kill it instantly, it would be unreasonable.

In the narrow corridor, there were unknown gems on the ground that were shining with dim light, but Ye Xuan ignored them because he was thinking about what Shu Weng said about the fundamental purpose of the two challenges in the Dragon House.

"What exactly does the Fuzhou Gym test people for?"

In theory, each gym has its own meaning and is to teach challengers something.

The first level of the Magic City tests the instant reaction of the challenger and the Pokémon, and the first level of the Dragon House, if Ye Xuan guessed correctly, is about the overall view and the ability to make plans.

Such a complex maze will indeed waste a lot of time if you don't plan the most perfect route.

"Old man," Ye Xuan asked, "Does your rule treat everyone equally?"

"How is that possible!"


"Of course it's for you," Shu Weng said as a matter of course, "Who told Bai Xiaozi and Gu Gu Bu Shi to praise you so much, almost praising you to the sky."

"But I miscalculated. You know the power of wave guidance, so this maze is useless to you. Boy, you should have seen the layout of the entire maze clearly, right?"

"Yes," Ye Xuan said, "So I am preparing a perfect route now, and I plan to take all the players away in half an hour."

"Your elf is very strong. Even if it fights with a champion-level elf, I'm afraid it won't lose. Among the contestants of this event, I'm afraid there is not a single one who can take on your elf head-on."

It's okay that the power of wave guidance can see through the maze, but the elf is still so strong.

To be honest, Shu Weng was also helpless: "The best trainer in the past hundred years, this is really true."

"Boom boom"

The Dragon House began to change, and it was a change targeting Ye Xuan alone.

"This is..."

Through the perception of wave power, the maze map in Ye Xuan's mind was actually changing at an astonishing speed, and not only that, it did not stop at all, but changed all the time, even every minute and every second.

"What's going on?"

"Walls! And corridors!"

"The precious mine I just found, how can it change so quickly?"


Not only were the contestants confused, but even Ahri, who was very familiar with this place, was confused: "Why did the mechanism of the Dragon House change so quickly?"

"Grandpa, what exactly do you want to do?" Ahri: "This is no longer an activity, but creating chaos, right?"

"Great, I dug up another beautiful gem."

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