"We need to enter the Sinnoh Temple!"

Gangshi said, Chunmu nodded, and took a few people to the prayer square. Several people came to an ancient square, where some stone pillars had been in disrepair for a long time and had some cracks.

"If you want to see the Great Master, you need to pass the trial left by the Great Master!"

Chunmu turned his head and looked at Dai Yue and Sirona.

"What kind of trial is that?"

Dai Yue asked in confusion.

"You need to defeat the trial Pokémon, so that you can reach the final Sinnoh Temple."

This time it was Zhubei who answered, and when Zhubei's voice fell, a Pokémon had already appeared in the prayer square.

Pokémon: Sniper Owl (Washing Cui)

Attribute: Grass/Fighting

Feature: Courage

Qualification: Champion

Level: Early Semi-Champion

In order to survive in the harsh natural environment, the Owl in the Washing Cui region evolved into a rough and tough Sniper Owl. It looks like it is wearing a bamboo hat, but it is actually red feathers, and its "cloak" is shorter than that of ordinary sniper owls. To resist the severe cold climate in the Xicui area, the core of the feathers contains air, so it can keep out the cold.

The sniper owls in the Xicui area do not have a fixed territory and will change their residences in search of food. Its leg strength is very developed, and the power of its kicks is so strong that it can break trees and crack rocks. Unlike what has been discovered so far, it will actively launch close combat and subdue its opponents with force. It is good at using flying to rush to the opponent to kick, and using arrows hidden in its wings to release continuous attacks. On the other hand, it seems to have a tolerant side to opponents who are not hostile. [

Looking at the strong muscles of the Xicui sniper owl and the broken stone pillars, Otsu understood clearly.

"Sniper Tree Owl, come and fight, Booming Kong Gorilla GO!"


Since the end of the Caiyou Conference, Booming Kong Gorilla has never appeared again, and has been training in the small world. At this time, he has reached the early stage of semi-championship.

Along with Booming Kong Gorilla's appearance, there is also green grass growing on the ground.

"Booming Kong Gorilla takes the initiative and uses the green grass slide!"

Booming Kong Gorilla rushed towards the Washing Green Sniper Tree Owl at a very fast speed with the help of the grass. Just when Booming Kong Gorilla was about to knock down the Washing Green Sniper Tree Owl, the Washing Green Sniper Tree Owl directly raised his legs to block the attack. At the same time, three feather arrows were shot from the feathers of the Washing Green Sniper Tree Owl's legs.

Fortunately, Booming Kong Gorilla reacted quickly and jumped directly into the air, barely dodging the three feather arrows.

"Three consecutive arrows? Booming Kong Gorilla uses a war cry!"

Booming Kong Gorilla roared directly, which scared the Washing Green Sniper Tree Owl and its momentum alsodropped.

However, the Sniper Tree Owl flew directly into the air, and then golden energy began to appear on its body. When it was close to the ground, it turned blue, and the Brave Bird launched an attack.

"Wait for him to get close, and use acrobatics!"

Just when the Brave Bird was about to hit the Sniper Tree Owl, the Sniper Tree Owl jumped in the air like an acrobat, and hit the Sniper Tree Owl on the back with a free fall. Hit by the flying skill with four times restraint, the Sniper Tree Owl fell directly.

However, shortly after falling, a surge of fighting energy covered the Sniper Tree Owl's body, and punched the Sniper Tree Owl.

"Hold on!"

The punch was successfully blocked by the Sniper Tree Owl, and the Sniper Tree Owl fell to the ground and lost its combat ability because of the assault vest on the Sniper Tree Owl.

"Go Pokémon Ball!"

Da Yue threw the ball directly to subdue the Sniper Tree Owl.

"How did you capture him?"

Gongshi was very surprised.

"Is there a rule that you can't capture someone?"

Da Yue asked again, and Gangshi shook his head. Dai Yue shrugged, put away the raging gorilla, and headed for the next place, the Kasun Tsui Road.

And there was already a Pokémon waiting at the Kasun Tsui Road.

Pokémon: Infernape (Cui Xi)

Attribute: Fire/Ghost

Feature: Perception

Qualification: Champion

Level: Early Semi-Champion

The back of Infernape is dark purple, and the flames around its neck have also turned into purple-red flames. The phosphorusfire generated by the neck flames is as high as 108 balls, and it will transform into a terrifying beast form to attack the opponent.

Unlike the Infernape discovered so far, Infernape has a very calm personality and is an elegant and beautiful Pokémon. According to research, it was influenced by the spirit of the sacred mountain that stands in the center of Ciu Xi, which formed its current appearance. Occasionally, its eyes can be seen wandering in the air where there is nothing. It is said that this behavior is watching the flow of life energy or souls. Although they sometimes eat souls that have nowhere to go, people believe that the eaten souls will be purified by fire., and then return to where it should be. The Fire Beasts in the Xicui region are usually gentle and not aggressive, but once they get angry, they will explode and burn their opponents to ashes.

"Xicui Fire Beast? In that case, Bankiras GO!"

Bankiras appeared, and at the same time, the wind and sand began to roll up on the snowy mountain road.

Xicui Fire Beast directly shot countless flames at Bankiras's huge body. Facing Xicui Fire Beast's exclusive skill, Demonic Dance, Bankiras did not dodge or avoid this wave of attacks.

"Bankiras will kill him directly! The sleeping desert tyrant, burst your anger, and destroy the world with a giant rock drop!"

Da Yue directly embedded the rock Z into the Z bracelet, and then began to cooperate with Bankiras to perform Z moves.

A huge rock condensed in the air, and then directly locked onto the Cielia Infernape. The miserable Cielia Infernape was directly crushed by the boulder, and Dai Yue directly threw the ball to subdue it, which was much easier than the previous battle with Cielia Sniper Tree Owl.

Finally, they walked through the mountain path and came to a stone gate, in front of which stood a Pokémon.

Pokémon: Great Sword Ghost (Cui Ciel)

Attribute: Water/Evil

Characteristics: Sharp

Qualification: Champion

Level: Early Quasi-Champion

Different from the Great Sword Ghosts found so far, the shells covered by the Great Sword Ghosts in Cielia turned dark blue, and the curved shape was like layers of waves. There were wine-red patterns on the shells, which revealed a hint of majesty together with the wine-red toes. It also had a fin-shaped tail, but its innermost layer was dark blue.

Compared with the upright temperament found so far, the Great Sword Ghost in Cielia was cruel and ruthless in temperament and swordsmanship, and would do anything to win. Normally, it makes no sound and is very quiet, but once the enemy approaches, it will attack with its two-legged blades at lightning speed. In battle, it is good at tricky tactics such as surprise attacks and secret calculations. The continuous attacks released by the two-legged blades are particularly outstanding. The attacks are like layers of waves surging. It is said that once you suffer such an attack, the wound will be difficult to heal for a long time afterwards.

"Xi Cui Great Sword Ghost!"

Xi Cui Great Sword Ghost looked at Dai Yue and others with a fighting look...

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