"You'll have to deal with the last one, Swampert!"

Da Yue threw out his Swampert, who was also a model of fighting.

As soon as Swampert appeared, the mid-term combat power of the quasi-champion burst out, and the originally calm Great Sword Ghost also looked at Swampert very solemnly.

Great Sword Ghost rushed directly to Swampert, and when Swampert didn't react, he hit him hard, and Swampert was pushed back several meters.

"Very good raid, respond to my bond! Bloom your light! Swampert mega evolves!"

Da Yue moved the keystone ring, and the keystone emitted colorful light connected to Swampert. Swampert's muscles began to bulge and his body began to grow. The colorful light dissipated and Super Swampert appeared.

"Super Swampert uses Rainbow!"

Super Swampert raised his fists, and soon large pieces of dark clouds gathered here, and soon the drizzle began to fall.

Green Swordsman swung out his shell sword towards Mega Swampert, and at the same time, the scattered shells turned into diamonds and covered the field. This is Green Swordsman's exclusive skill, Secret Sword Thousand Waves.

"Giant Swampert dodge, then use the arm hammer!"

In the rainy day, Mega Swampert's speed was very fast. It moved in a Z-shaped trajectory in the rain to avoid the Secret Sword Thousand Waves, and then appeared in front of Green Swordsman and punched hard. Green Swordsman saw that the situation was not good and took out the shell blade directly, and used the shell blade to meet the huge fist of Mega Swampert. The fist and sword collided, and the powerful recoil directly knocked the two Pokémon back.

Mega Swampert did a backflip to stabilize the body of the recoil, but Green Swordsman was unable to stabilize it, and the whole body fell heavily.

"Giant Swampert uses the freezing punch!"

Finally, Mega Swampert used the freezing punch that he was best at. The violent ice energy was even more rampant under the cold rain. Mega Swampert rushed towards the Great Swordsman at an incredible speed. During the sprint, countless rain turned into hail and scattered on the ground. Mega Swampert knocked down the Great Swordsman with a fierce punch.

"Go, Poké Ball!"

Da Yue threw his Poké Ball and subdued the Great Swordsman.

Small World: Sniper Owl (Owl), Infernape (Owl), Great Swordsman (Owl)

Everyone crossed the stone gate and came to the Sinnoh Temple. The Sinnoh Temple is located on the top of the mountain at the foot of Tianguan Mountain. It is a temple dedicated to the Great Lord of Sinnoh. There are stone statues of ten Pokémon that have gained power from the Great Lord of Sinnoh.

Gangshi and Zhubei came to their respective stone statues of "The Great Lord of Sinnoh" and bowed.

"What are they going to do?"

Shirona asked curiously to Haruki who was bowing to Dialga.

"The captain and his men are going to hold a ceremony to recall the two Sinnoh Great Lords!"

Haruki looked at the two stone statues with admiration.

Then, Gangshi took out the Diamond Orb, and Zhubei took out the White Jade Orb. The two raised the orbs at the same time, and the orbs began to emit light, and five beams of light rose directly from the ground. Then the beams of light flew to five places. One fell into the Dark Forest in the Black Plains, one fell into the Sheepbeard Grassland in the Red Lotus Wetlands, one fell into the Blowing Fire Island in the Blue Coast, one fell into the Snow Peak Temple in the pure white frozen soil, and the last one fell into the Ancient Cave at the foot of the Tianguan Mountain. Five Pokémon appeared in the light column and came to the Sinnoh Temple.

Pokémon: Splitting Mantis [King]

Attribute: Bug/Rock

Feature: Sharp

Qualification: Master

Level: Early Master

The appearance of Scyther after it evolved under the action of special minerals in the Xicui region, and part of its body became like rock. Part of the body of Splitting Mantis is yellow rock, the axe in its hand, claws, shoulders and "hair" on its face are brown rock, and the rest is white, like a Japanese samurai. The rock part is often damaged in fierce battles. The more battles the Splitting Mantis has experienced, the more serious the damage to the rock. However, the damaged part will become sharper and sharper. It is said that people in the Xicui region will use the broken fragments as stone tools.

Splitting Mantis is like the arm of a large axe. It can hit the target with a casual swing, protect itself with hard rocks, and chop down trees with a rough axe. It has a violent temper and has a strong destructive power, which can cause great damage to sturdy opponents. In addition, it will use this arm to leave marks on tree trunks and declare territory by chopping trees. If there are sharp cuts on the trees, or rows of trees are overlapping and falling, it may be the work of the Axe Mantis. If you encounter it in the wilderness, running away will be the only option.

Pokémon: Miss Skirt (Washing Green) [Queen]

Attribute: Grass/Fighting

Feature: ChlorophyllQualification: Master

Level: Early Master

Miss Xi Cuiqun looks like a ballerina. She wears a large pink flower ornament on her head, with two relatively large leaves covering her forehead and back, and together with the small leaves below the flower ornament and on her temples, she looks like she has short hair. The leaves in front of her body together form a green short skirt, and there are four yellow flowers around her neck like a scarf. The long leaves that serve as arms are longer than usual, and the "legs" in her lower body are longer, with a gradient of white and purple, and the calyx at her feet looks like she is wearing yellow dancing shoes.

The habitat deep in the snow-capped mountains has given Miss Xi Cuiqun a strong foot. It emits a fragrance from the crown-like flowers that encourages the companions around it.

Pokémon: Windy Dog (Xi Cui) [King]

Attribute: Fire/Rock

Feature: Intimidation

Qualification: Master

Level: Early Master

Xi Cui Windy Dog looks like a stone lion. Its hair is gray-black, with the hair on the top of its head forming a horn, and a circle of hair around its neck spreading out like petals, with red hair in the middle. Its tail is pointed upward, and its feet are also surrounded by hair.

The Zephyrus will wrap the fiercely burning flames around its teeth and pounce on its prey. Although it is large in size, it can tease its opponents with clever feints, and its posture is like dancing.

They are all wrapped in a layer of golden light, looking very majestic and solemn.

"The great great master coexists with everyone at this time!"

"The great great master coexists with everyone here at this place!"

The two team leaders swore their organization's declaration to Dialga and Palkia.

The king of the forest, the axe mantis, the queen of the mountain road, Miss Zephyrus, the king of the island, the naughty thunder egg of the cave, the ice rock monster of the snowfield, and the kings of the five major areas of Zephyrus are standing in a five-pointed star position, wrapping pearl shells and corundum inside.

The Five Kings (calling them by their names is too much trouble, so we will just use the Five Kings to represent the kings of the five regions) released their power. The Diamond Orb and the White Jade Orb separated from the two team leaders and flew into the sky. With the gathering of the power of the Five Kings, a huge crack appeared on the top of the Tianguan Mountain...

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