After the gym battle at the EMI gym, Dai Yue and Shirona both received the Forest Badge.

Dai Yue, who was originally planning to go to Jiayuan City, received a call from his teacher, Dr. Eisen.

"Hello, teacher, long time no see!"

Dai Yue waved to Dr. Eisen on the screen.

"Yes, long time no see Dai Yue!"

Dr. Eisen also looked at Dai Yue kindly.

"Teacher, what's the matter with the sudden call?"

Dai Yue began to ask Dr. Eisen.

"It's like this, I was originally going to the Pokémon Kindergarten in EMI City to teach the children there about Pokémon knowledge. But because I have a temporary project to complete here, I hope you can go instead of me."

Dr. Eisen said embarrassedly.

"Is that so? It's okay. I will go to the Pokémon Kindergarten for the teacher. You can rest assured to handle the project."

Dai Yue said it was okay and just leave it to him.

After hanging up Dr. Eisen's call, Dai Yue told Shirona that he was going to the Pokémon Kindergarten.

"I want to go to the Pokémon Kindergarten, too!"

Sirona said, and Dai Yue nodded.

The next morning, Dai Yue came to the Pokémon Kindergarten with Sirona.

"Hello, I am Dai Yue, who is here to give lectures on behalf of my teacher, Dr. Eisen."

Dai Yue explained the situation to the security guard of the Pokémon Kindergarten, and soon a young female teacher with a ponytail and glasses came out.

"Hello, Dr. Dai Yue, I am a teacher in the kindergarten, my name is Coco."

The female teacher came forward and greeted Dai Yue very politely.

"Hello, Teacher Coco. Sorry to have kept you waiting!"

Dai Yue also smiled and greeted.

Teacher Coco took Dai Yue and Sirona to a classroom, where more than 20 children were already sitting.

"Children, let me introduce you to everyone, this is Dr. Dai Yue who will teach us today."

Teacher Coco introduced Dai Yue to the children.

"Hello, children. I am your teacher today, you can call me Teacher Dai Yue!"

Dai Yue said to the children with a smile.

"Hello, Teacher Dai Yue!"

The children shouted very obediently.

"Now we are going to start the class!"

When the children heard Dai Yue say that they were going to have class, they sat down immediately. The staff pushed two Pokémon in.

Pokémon: Mosquito

Attribute: Water

Characteristics: Moisture

Qualification: Elite

Level: Mid-Novice

The body of the mosquito is mostly blue skin. Its slippery black skin is thin and wet, and there is a vortex pattern on its abdomen. It has no hands, only two feet that look very weak; its tail is round and feathery. There is a pair of big eyes on the top of its head, with black eyeballs and white pupils; there is a small mouth with pink lips under the eyes.

The vortex on the belly of the mosquito is a part of the internal organs that can be seen through the skin, and the food that has been eaten can be clearly seen. When the color is white, it means that it is sick. The direction of rotation of its abdominal vortex varies from region to region, and it seems to be mostlyrelated to the equator. Mosquito lovers seem to be able to tell it at a glance. Although its skin is so thin that its whirlpool-like internal organs can be seen, it has the elasticity to bounce back its fangs. Its newly grown legs hinder its running, so it would rather swim than stand. Since it can only walk unsteadily, it will flee into the water in a hurry when it is discovered by the enemy. In a fast-flowing river, it will stick its thick lips to the rocks like a suction cup to avoid being washed away. Although it is dangerous, it yearns to go to land. After becoming its trainer, you must train it to walk every day.

Pokémon: Duckbill

Attribute: Fire

Feature: Flame Body

Qualification: Elite

Level: Mid-novice

Duckbill's body is red, and its abdomen and mouth are yellow. Duckbill has a truncated cone-shaped mouth, many spherical protrusions on its head, and a small thorn on its back. There is also a circle of black and brown patterns on its neck.

Duckbill lives in volcanic areas and is found in craters. It will soak in the magma to heal a day's fatigue. Sparks come out of its mouth and nose as it inhales and exhales air. The yellow flames it spews out of its mouth are a sign of health, but when it is tired, they are mixed with black smoke. When flames leak out of its nose, it means it has a cold, so let it go to the lava to rest. It has lava-like blood flowing in its body, and its body temperature is as high as 600 degrees, so even if it is small, it should not be underestimated. If the duckbill baby falls into a pond, the water in the pond will be evaporated. Not only is it small in size, but it is also very timid. Every time it is excited or surprised, sparks will come out of its mouth and nose. The duckbill baby's body becomes larger before it spews fire.If you give it food rashly, it will be very happy and spit out 600-degree fire excitedly. There is a famous potter who lives with the duckbill baby. It is said that he can create great works with soft fire.

"Does any child know these two Pokémon?"

Da Yue asked the children.

"Teacher Dai Yue, I know!"

A fat little boy raised his hand.

"What's your name, kid?"

Da Yue asked the little boy.

"Teacher Dai Yue, my name is Fat Tiger!"

Fat Tiger patted his belly and said.

"Well, Fat Tiger, please tell everyone what the names of these two Pokémon are."

Da Yue continued to guide.

"The blue one with a vortex pattern on its belly is called Mosquito Tadpole, and the red one with a mouth that looks a bit like a duck is called Duckbill Baby."

Fat Tiger said very confidently.

"Fat Tiger's answer is very good. Does Fat Tiger know what their attributes are?"

Da Yue first praised Fat Tiger, and then continued to ask questions.

Fat Tiger thought for a while and then spoke.

"Mosquito Repellent is a water Pokémon, and Duckbill is a fire Pokémon!"

"Everyone applaud Fat Tiger! The answer is very good!"

After that, Da Yue took the lead in applauding, and the children around him also applauded.This made Fat Tiger proudly stick out his belly.

"Does Fat Tiger know their characteristics?"

Da Yue asked again. Fat Tiger shook his head, and at this time a child raised his hand.

"This child, do you know?"

Da Yue asked kindly.

"Teacher Da Yue, what is a characteristic!"

Da Yue was stunned by the student's question, and then reacted that the kindergarten teacher had not told the children that Pokémon had characteristics.

"Each Pokémon has special abilities, which can be checked in the Pokémon's ability view. Characteristics have specific effects in or outside of battles. Most characteristics are beneficial to Pokémon in battles, but there are also characteristics that are not conducive to battles, such as laziness, slow start, and weakness. Flexible use of characteristics can achieve unexpected results in Pokémon battles, Pokémon cultivation, and Pokémon capture. This is what is called a characteristic."

Da Yue carefully imparted knowledge to the children.

In the afternoon, Da Yue finished teaching at the Pokémon Kindergarten...

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