After leaving the Pokémon Kindergarten in Baidai City, Dai Yue and the others continued to head towards Jiayuan City.

Just as the two passed a forest, an explosion sounded and then a spaceship took off into the air, and a stone statue was hanging under the spaceship.


A cry for help sounded in the forest, and Dai Yue and the others looked for the sound, only to see a girl with pigtails stuck in the mud.

"Are you okay?"

Shirona asked with concern.

"My name is Hua Mei, I was attacked by Pokémon hunters, my Gardevoir was turned into a stone statue and taken away, and I was buried in the soil by them."

Hua Mei told the two about her experience.

Pokémon hunters are an illegal profession that appears in animation and comics. They are villains who capture rare and precious Pokémon and sell them to the black market for illegal transactions to make high profits.

"Please, Milotic!"

Da Yue released his Milotic, and Milotic released a water gun to wash away the soil around Hanami and rescued her.

"Thank you for saving me. I hope you can help me save my Gardevoir."

Hana said earnestly.

"Let's try our best. After all, Pokémon hunters are very cunning and not so easy to find."

Da Yue said, and then released the Jade Warrior Eagle to find the traces of the Pokémon hunters, while Sirona took Hanami to the stream nearby to wash.

After a long time, the Jade Warrior Eagle flew back, and there was a Pokémon behind him.

Pokémon: Murkrow

Attribute: Evil/Flying

Feature: Insomnia

Qualification: Gym

Level: Elite Early Stage

Murkrow is similar to a crow, with a black body and yellow beak and claws. The feathers on the head form a wizard's hat, and the tail is shaped like a broom. Murkrow has gender differences, and the female hat is smaller.

Murkrow wakes up at sunset and flies at night. As the saying goes, Murkrow leaves the nest and hurry back home. People believe that if you see it at night, something bad will happen. Therefore, it was once feared and despised by the world and was a taboo Pokémon. It gathers around travelers to lure them into the depths of the forest. If you follow Murkrow without any precautions, you will be confused and thrown on the mountain road. It is said that when there is a pursuer, it will lead it into the dark mountain road and make it completely lost. People say that reciting this spell when you meet it will keep you safe: "Murkrow, dark, you are dark and I am rich." Murkrow has no resistance to shiny things and will try to steal women's rings. After it picks up shiny things, it will always hide them in a secret place and often fight with Meowth. It will look for shiny things for the boss, and will also give shiny and glittering things to trainers with good relations. In pursuit of treasures, it sometimes sneaks into the nest of the sharptoothed land shark, which loves to store gems. It is said that the leader of the crows will never allow his follower Murk Crow to fail or betray.

The Jade Warrior Eagle quickly landed and came to the side of Dai Yue. Murk Crow landed on a tree not far away, and then a man with a stubble face, muscular, black clothes and sunglasses drove a small aircraft towards this side.

"Little boy, hand over the Pokémon behind you to me obediently."

The man came to a distance of ten meters from Dai Yue and shouted at Dai Yue.

"Who are you? Why should I hand over the Pokémon to you?"

Dai Yue pretended to be puzzled and said.

"I am Pokémon Hunter A. Of course I want your Pokémon to sell for money!"

Hunter A said as a matter of course.

"In this case, I will never give it to you."

Dai Yue said with a righteous face.

"You stinky boy dared to play tricks on me, Dragon King Scorpion, come out!"

Hunter A was very angry and immediately took out his Poké Ball.

Pokémon: Dracon

Attribute: Poison/Evil

Feature: Sharp Eyes

Qualification: King

Level: Early King

Dracon is dark and light purple, with blue spots on its forelimbs and tail. It is covered with a hard shell. Its head can rotate 180 degrees, so there is no blind spot in front of it.

Dracon is fierce and brutal, relying on its strong shell that can deflect swords and its powerful strength to make trouble everywhere and cause trouble. Although it can release poison from the front of its claws, it will only use it in very rare cases. It has a very strong physique, and the claws on its arms have the destructive power to tear a car into scrap metal. Even without using poison, it can still use its proud strength to disperse its opponents. Because it often attacks humans and Pokémon crossing the desert, it is regarded as a demon and feared by people. Although it is so ferocious that people call it the Sand Devil, it behaves low-key and docile in front of Hippomon."Dragon King Scorpion? In that case, Bankiras GO!"

Dayue released his desert tyrant Bankiras.


"You actually have a quasi-god, so let's keep him!"

Seeing Bankiras appear, Hunter A said excitedly.

"That depends on whether you have the ability, Bankiras uses sharp stone attack!"

Countless ground spikes emerged from the ground and pushed up the Dragon King Scorpion.

"Damn, the Dragon King Scorpion used missile needles on that kid!"

Countless needles flew towards Daiyue. Bankiras hurriedly stood in front of Daiyue and blocked all attacks for him.

"You are looking for death, Bankiras directly destroys the guy with a death ray!"

Bankiras sprayed a terrifying ray and hit Hunter A, Hunter A and the small aircraft were blown to pieces, and the scene was bloody.

Then Bankiras knocked down Murkrow and Dragon King Scorpion, and Daiyue took the two Pokémon into the small world. Then Dai Yue asked Banguilas to bury Hunter A, and Banguilas rolled up the dust and buried Hunter A.

Dai Yue asked the Jade Warrior Eagle to take him to Hunter A's spaceship. When he arrived on the spaceship, he saw that Gardevoir had been covered by a transparent container and had been released from the petrified state.

Pokémon: GardevoirAttribute: Psychic/Fairy

Feature: Copy

Qualification: Gym

Level: Early Elite

Gardevoir uses super powers to support its body, so it seems that it cannot feel gravity. It has the ability to predict the future and will desperately protect the trainer it trusts and who is in tune with it. It is said that when it uses the ability to predict the future to detect that the trainer is in danger, it will exert its strongest spiritual energy. It also has the power to distort space with spiritual power and create a small black hole. Its pure white outfit, which reminds people of a fair lady, can be said to reflect its determination to risk its life to protect its beloved master.

"I came to save you on the request of your trainer."

Dayue signaled Gardevoir not to be afraid, and then asked Bankiras to break the glass cover, and Gardevoir was finally saved.

Dayue left the spaceship, and Bankiras directly released the destructive death ray to completely destroy the spaceship.

Dayue had just returned to the creek, and Hanami and Sirona had been waiting for a long time.

Dayue returned Gardevoir to Hanami, and Hanami bowed deeply to Dayue, and Dayue and the other continued their journey...

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