Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 295 The Ninth Summoning! (The first update is 4000 words)

South of Qiefeng City, north of Shenhe Town, in the center of the forest at the foot of the northern section of Tianguan Mountain.

The blue-eyed ultimate dragon overlooks the wilderness from high above, the Tanabata blue bird patrols nearby, the dexterous flower fairy figure constantly shuttles in the nearby forest, and the mechanical tyrannosaurus after compressing the data sits in the center.

And the super sea dragon beast has twisted into a maggot at this moment.

"Restrain a little, it's hard for me to concentrate on your funny look."

Qingliu looked at the Chaohaidramon in front of him, and said slightly distressed.

Since I told it just now that it would try its best to let it have a piece of Chrono Digizoid that it has been longing for, it has been a little too excited.

Especially the operation where the 120-meter-long body began to roll wildly on the ground like a puppy or kitten, anyone could see how excited it was.

Hearing Qingliu's words, Chaohaidramon took a deep breath, quickly turned over and lay down on the ground, those sharp and fierce blue eyes when they first met were full of obedient expectations at this moment, Qingliu couldn't help seeing the strong contrast Shaking his head wryly.

In fact, strictly speaking, there is no need for me to get a piece of Digizoid of Time for Super Seadramon now. According to what I promised it at the beginning, after it evolves into an ultimate body, it will be equipped with Digizoid of Time all over its body. Instead of giving it a piece of Chrono Digizoid.

As we all know, Steel Seadramon, the ultimate body of Super Seadramon, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, is already equipped with Chrome Digizoid, so there is no need to get it anything else.

But in this way, I don't seem to have brought any practical improvement to it.

After all, according to the strength of the super sea dragon beast that is already in the full body stage after being summoned, coupled with the huge size and underwater movement speed, it can be said that as long as you don't look for the death-like frontal toughness of the first-level god in the Pokémon world, there is still Some magic Pokémon at bug prices can go anywhere in the world.

And because of its own low requirements for evolution level, it can be said that it is basically a certainty to achieve another evolution into a steel sea dragon beast.


Qingliu looked up and looked at Chaohaidramon again.

That pair of big blue eyes were still staring at him bling bling, Qingliu couldn't help but sighed.

According to the day from the day I took it in to this moment today, the Super Sea Dragon Beast can be said to have an amazing intimacy with him, as well as its command and requirements for itself are basically 100% complete.

On weekdays, as a means of transportation, it is even harder to go on the road, no matter whether it is land or snow, it does not protest. If this kind of performance is not given some practical rewards it likes, Qingliu himself feels that it is really unreasonable.

Moreover, there is another important place besides this...

Qingliu slightly deflected his gaze, looking at the "miniature" Mechanical Tyrannosaurus not far away.

The transformation of the Chrono Digizoid formed from scratch by the future evolution of Super Seadramon into Iron Seadramon is essentially very similar to the stage from Greymon to MechaGreymon. The only difference is that the former is the whole body. Both above and below, the latter is only a third of the area.

According to the normal situation, under the premise that the amount of data is enough experience, no matter whether it is the future Ultra Seadramon or the original Tyrannosaurus, it does not need the assistance of Chrono Digizoid. As long as the level can meet the requirements, the evolution can be completed directly. Realize the process of creating Chrome Digizoid from scratch.

But even so, when I evolved at the Yamanashi Research Institute, the piece of Chrome Digizoid that I threw out still disappeared along with the light of evolution during the evolution of the Greymon that had reached the evolution level, or... ...More precisely, the high probability is that it has been digested.

What kind of digestion process is exactly, and where does it go after digestion without increasing the area of ​​Chrome Digizoid covered by the body, Aoyagi is not clear, and similar situations have never been seen in Digimon.

But it is such an unknown and unique "digestion" that makes Qingliu feel a vague feeling inexplicably.

It should make sense that such an "addition" disappeared into evolution!

Qingliu didn't know the specific meaning, but he knew that maybe one day in the future, he would finally give the answer.

And the most basic and simplest verification method to test whether this fuzzy feeling is real and reliable is to get another piece of Chrome Digizoid, and wait for the second time when Super Seadramon evolves into Steel Seadramon soon.

If the same "digestion" event happens again, then the possibility of my guess being correct will increase infinitely, and at the same time, the high probability proves that such a reaction has an unknown and important meaning.

And the value of this meaning may have exceeded the number of times the Digizoid of Time was summoned.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Aoyagi decided to summon a piece of Chrono Digizoid as soon as possible when the super sea dragon beast evolved into an ultimate body as soon as possible.

As for how to allocate the number of summons to achieve the most reasonable and maximum possible summons, Qingliu has already thought about it.

According to the original method of summoning all random, summoning four times in total, it will definitely not work, it is completely leaving everything to luck.

Qingliu doesn't think that her luck can always be that good, and the safest way is to prepare for the worst.

Of course, it is a bit too extravagant to use the new function of the panel that has been tried once to combine all four summoning times, and perform a four-in-one summoning to achieve a larger number of selectable summoning target lists.

Although the possibility of summoning the Digizoid of Time will be the greatest in this way, when only one can be selected, it will be meaningful to exchange all the four times of summoning times that have been obtained with great difficulty for a future, and Qingliu felt that it was not worthwhile for the things that he randomly picked up with the old version of the panel before.

The three-in-one summoning is the same, there will be an uncertain randomness in the selection range of a large number, Qingliu does not really want to use this time to gamble on the Digizoid of Time or lose another potentially valuable one after choosing it. Call for opportunity.

Therefore, there is one and only one summoning method that can be selected in the end.

Qingliu turned around, facing an open space in the center of the forest under the protection of four heavenly king-level digimon and Tanabata blue bird.

The blue panel popped up immediately, and lines of small blue characters appeared in front of his eyes.

[Exploration completed, can be summoned]

【Summon Object—Random】

[Already have four summoning opportunities - storage/summoning]

[4-in-1 call/3-in-1 call/2-in-1 call/separate call]

Qingliu tapped lightly on the two-in-one call.

[Remaining number of summons after summoning - two-in-one summoning/separate summoning]


Green Willow chooses yes.

[Summoning method - two in one]

[The number of summoning targets can be selected - 3]


The small blue characters keep beating, and the information is constantly updated.

The panel is like sand blown away by a strong wind, turning into dots of blue fragments little by little, flying into the air and reuniting, and then starting to rotate continuously until it is completely integrated with the space in front of you, the familiar one seems to be connected to the other side The passage leading to the void appeared in front of him again.

Even though she has seen it so many times, Qingliu who saw this scene again felt very novel, and at the same time... also had a little interest in this passage.

"Since the summoned thing can come from inside, can I also pass here?"

It's a question of one-way channels versus two-way channels.

One-way is okay, but if it is two-way, where is the opposite side?

Qingliu took out a Poké Ball from his pocket while pondering, aiming at the location of the passage and gently throwing it over.

As soon as the poke ball approached, the patterns of the three card states flew out of the passageway in a blink of an eye, and hit the poke ball precisely.


The poke ball immediately bounced back as if it was intercepted by some kind of huge resistance.

"Isn't it possible? Or was it ejected because it happened to be touched?"

But what is very strange is that the Poké Ball, which is not very strong in nature, shows no sign of breaking after withstanding such a loud impact.

Qingliu thought to no avail, and gave up trying to continue. After putting the bouncing Poké Ball back into his pocket, he looked at the three patterns representing the summoning objects that appeared in front of him.

"Is the first Digimon..."

After seeing the appearance of the Digimon on the first pattern, Qingliu easily recognized the specific identity of the other party directly.

It has two huge green round eyes, various facial organs are complex and difficult to distinguish, two slender antennae with twists and turns are erected on the top of the head, it has six limbs, and the middle limb has a hard part with distinct functions. With paws, the figure is that of an old man who is as crooked as a hunchback to the extreme.

The appearance is somewhat similar to that of a ladybug among normal creatures, except that each part of the body has a little mechanical texture, and every spot on the shell has become a digimon full of black rock texture protrusions.

The partner Digimon of Koshiro Izumi, the first-generation chosen child, is an insect among flowers, birds, fish, and insects——Beetlemon.

Thinking of this, Qingliu couldn't help chuckling.

As Koshiro's partner, Beetlemon is relatively normal in the growth stage, with a little fighting spirit of insect nature, but more of a love for nature. In terms of race settings, it prefers to smell and emit in the air The scent of flowers for a nap in the shade.

But once it evolves to the mature Unicorn Beast, that is, the well-known Bedo Beast, it will completely enter the stage where it only has the instinct to survive as an insect and has no intelligence at all, referred to as... the evolution of losing its mind.

Combining this with Koshiro who holds a badge of knowledge really has a strange feeling.

In other words, the best partner of a truly intelligent person is often a brawny thug who has no brains, is tall and powerful, and is only responsible for following orders?

Qingliu glanced at the Mechanical Greymon curiously. In this way, it seems to be the same combination as the previous Agumon Greymon and himself.

The mechanical tyrannosaurus not far away felt Qingliu's gaze, and turned to look over in doubt. Qingliu quickly retracted his gaze when he saw this, and looked at the second pattern.

This is a very square cross-shaped pattern in the middle. Among the four 90-degree right angles of the cross, there is a triangle with exactly the same shape, and at the same time, the sharpest corner of the three corners points to the middle, so that it is finally formed. A pattern in the true sense of the Chinese character "米".

The cyan-colored star-colored light is constantly flowing on it, and Qingliu can feel its mysterious and unknown aura just by focusing on it.

This thing, if he remembers correctly...

Qingliu's eyes moved down slightly, looking at the small words of notes under the pattern.

[Honesty Badge——After merging with a Digimon that keeps its promises, never lies, and believes that breaking promises and breaking promises is very shameful, it will produce unexpected reactions (it will not trigger reactions with Digimons that do not meet the requirements)]

"The badge of honesty, like the badge of knowledge last time, is one of the eight badges of the first generation..."

While whispering to himself, Qingliu suddenly realized a problem.

In Digimon, badges test the character of the holder. Among the selected children with distinctive characters, this kind of test is not difficult. After all, in theory, badges are originally tailored for them. built.

But now that the badge has come to the Pokémon world through panel summoning, and the badge is no longer aimed at people but only tests Digimon, the difficulty of activating it will also increase linearly.

After all, even if the race and appearance are the same between Digimon and Digimon, their personalities may also be different. This is the combination of innate factors and acquired environment.

With the knowledge from last time and the honesty this time, among all my current Digimon, it seems that there are basically no candidates who meet the requirements.

"The current two-in-one summoning has summoned badges twice. In the future, three-in-one, four-in-one, and even more multi-in-one summons will definitely meet in the future. It seems that it is necessary to learn from what they already have. In the personality, try to cultivate the characteristics of several badges that meet the characteristics."

Aoyagi doesn't know exactly what the "unexpected reaction" after activation in the badge remarks is, but Aoyagi clearly understands that the battle tyrannosaurus without the badge of courage and the battle tyrannosaurus with the badge of courage are completely different. Not in the same dimension.

Qingliu immediately looked over the second pattern and looked at the third pattern.

The object above is a huge square metal block, with a faint metallic light flickering on it from time to time, and a cold and heavy breath rushing through the pattern.

After seeing the familiar pattern clearly, Qingliu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"It's finally here."

The third pattern at the end is for Super Seadramon this time, and also to verify your own conjecture, so it is the standard template for digital world powerhouses that are given priority. Without this thing, you are embarrassed to say that you can play super organic Living metal... Chron Digizoid.

Sorry, it's a bit late, because I originally wanted to write 334, but I felt that it was not good to have less, so I wrote more, and there will be more later.

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